I humbly submit myself to the wrath, fury, and fiery critique of the Polycount community. Although I lurk way more often than I post, I have learned much from my time here.
For a short background, I've been "out in the wild" of the industry for about 4 years now. I switched from concept to 3D waaaaaay late towards the end of my degree program (though LCAD's program itself is awesome), and hit the industry as a somewhat unimpressive generalist for about 2 years. After a pretty serious battle with a titanic level of self-doubt, I committed myself to really re-doubling my efforts and have begun clawing my way up the cliff of a learning curve that is character art. Difficult for sure, but you have to follow your passion, right? The last two years as a freelancer have been an amazing learning experience, but now it's time to get some serious leveling-up done.
I would really appreciate any feedback you all might have on my portfolio, website, resume, individual work, taste in clothing, my weird fascination with rocket-powered heroics, anything. I know there's a pretty giant gaping hole where a whole mess of sculpted and high-poly work should be, but I am working to address that shortly.
Your work is nice man! Site is easy to navigate and the design is simple and it works. Nice job...just needs those hires sculpts you said you were missing.
I've got something small in the works right now, but I am completely open on what to work on next. Any suggestions would be more than welcome.
My SO has some fantastic artwork like this adorable astronaut that I'd love to bust out as a full sculpt, but would be better to tackle some realism or creatures first perhaps?
Beyond just having more quality pieces, it's definitely the one missing link to show versatility.
My SO has some fantastic artwork like this adorable astronaut that I'd love to bust out as a full sculpt, but would be better to tackle some realism or creatures first perhaps?