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Wip - Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 5

polycounter lvl 9
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Prose_One polycounter lvl 9
Hey Polycounters!
I'm working on my first car, I chose the Evolution 5 (because I own one) please let the critiques flow!


The Wip:


  • snrch445
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    Sorry this is going to be quick, still at work, but first thing that caught my eye was the overall model doesn't look smooth, it appears very edgy. The front bumper doesn't appear to curve like in your reference, looks like you have a "edge" the bend should be a smooth transition. Next, the very front of the hood appears to go in to a single point, but your model looks like it has a stripe, sorry for the terminology. Also there are many parts that appear to sharp where it should be smoother, like the window, try to cut down some of the edges to make it flow better. In the reference, the hood from the front to the window appears arches as it gets closer to the window, your model looks to be lacking that a bit. Any reason for the choice of using different wheels?

    The great thing about modeling a car that you have is that you have all the reference you'll need, take pictures from every angle. Get some good lighting on it so you can see how the light bends and flows on the surface and use that information to help decide your edge flow.

    I had a lancer and had started modeling it, I had even thought of using an easy to erase marker to draw on my car to help visualize the flow, might of been over the top, but it would help me out.
  • Prose_One
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    Prose_One polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the critique! It helps a lot and I appreciate you taking the time to help me!
    I wouldn't have noticed those things, but I think it might be because I've been staring at it for so long that it just looked right...

    I created a few more things before I read your post, so the new geo probably has some problems. But, I think I've fixed a few of the problem areas with the older stuff

    The reason for the rim switch was because the rims on my car are pretty simple and my prof. wanted me to try to make something a little more complex, so I went with the stock Evo 5 Gsr rims.

    Anyways, have a look:

    Some more reference shots for you all:

    And the Wip

    I'm working on fixing:
    -getting rid of some of the unnecessary edges in the rear geo
    - smoothing out the rear fender
    - smoothing the inside of the spoiler mount
  • Prose_One
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    Prose_One polycounter lvl 9
    It's been a busy couple of weeks, but I'm back with an update for everyone!

  • kunalht
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    kunalht polycounter lvl 2
    It looks good!
  • Prose_One
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    Prose_One polycounter lvl 9
    I finally got around to finishing it. My other projects got in the way and this one got shoved to the side for a bit, but here it is:

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