To my mind circle align tool looks very-very clumsy. I can't believe they couldn't implement twist autocorrection - manual tweaking everytime is a very bad and unintuitive solution, imho. Other stuff looks very promising
To my mind circle align tool looks very-very clumsy. I can't believe they couldn't implement twist autocorrection - manual tweaking everytime is a very bad and unintuitive solution, imho. Other stuff looks very promising
It just looks clumsy because they happen to be showcasing the tool on a perfectly square topology. It does it the way it does it in order to avoid overlapping polygons. There will be instances where you'll have to manually rescale the circle as well. It would have to change the topology of a lot more than just the selected edges to do it the way you want it to. That's not always a good thing.
I'm interested in the enhanced edge loop selection ... they showed it not working and then working but there wasn't a clear "thing" they did to make it work. Hold SHIFT or something? I dunno...
I'm interested in the enhanced edge loop selection ... they showed it not working and then working but there wasn't a clear "thing" they did to make it work. Hold SHIFT or something? I dunno...
I think it was a triple click and the selection was based on edge angle at the pole.
I understand, but I meant why not to position vertices on circle without any twist. If user needs it so bad - ok then, tweak it)
That's cool and all, but the Modo way automatically gives you control of rotation and scale. I'd rather have more control even if I have to tweak it manually all the time.
That's cool and all, but the Modo way automatically gives you control of rotation and scale. I'd rather have more control even if I have to tweak it manually all the time.
I don't mind the control )) That's great really. I wonder why the DEFAULT result of this operation is unusable. I mean you may rotate CCW / CW, but the default twist is optimal instantly.
I don't mind the control )) That's great really. I wonder why the DEFAULT result of this operation is unusable. I mean you may rotate CCW / CW, but the default twist is optimal instantly.
This features started out as a 3rd party script that was popular with Modo users. It did the same exact thing with the twist. Perhaps they never bothered to update it or maybe they kept it for the reason I stated earlier.
There's a few moments in that video that an "Edge Weighting" tab is visible. I wonder what could be in it to deserve a full dedicated tab.
It could just be a custom user created tab. Either way I hope they make it easier out of the box to apply edge weights. I never understood why they never made a dedicated button for it since SubD is what Modo is entirely based around. It's pretty powerful once you script a custom shortcut for the tools.
I have it on good authority that they have some much bigger/more impressive features than which was shown so far. They want to build up to the best stuff apparently rather than reveal their best hand on the first sneak.
I have it on good authority that they have some much bigger/more impressive features than which was shown so far. They want to build up to the best stuff apparently rather than reveal their best hand on the first sneak.
After 901 hits, new licenses will cost a wopping $1800. I'd rather see them try to go down and keep competing with Lightwave and C4D, but it seems like the Foundry only see's Autodesk and its price points as the competition.
That said, if you grab 801 now, it only cost $1499 and that will give you 901 on launch in a few months. Because of this, if you get 801 with the CGRivers discount, you can get Modo 901 for $1200 using the discount code 20MODO.
So if you want to grab 901, with MeshFusion and all the goodies inbetween... this is the best time to get it and probably the lowest price point you wil be able to get it unless they do another christmas sale and thats not a gaurantee.
They will do an xmas sale, they always do. So your looking at 40% off at xmas.
That's knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing imho. You cannot accept the foundry to add new developers for free, good people cost money and pushing new features through in a 12 to 14 month period costs money.
The price increase is there but it's acceptable imo and that's the way it is. If the biggest update ever (I am not pissing around, it will be the biggest) to modo costs me 100 euros more then so be it because at the end of the day you get what you pay for.
The best is yet to come, we just seen the tip of the iceberg :poly121:
They will do an xmas sale, they always do. So your looking at 40% off at xmas.
That's knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing imho. You cannot accept the foundry to add new developers for free, good people cost money and pushing new features through in a 12 to 14 month period costs money.
The price increase is there but it's acceptable imo and that's the way it is. If the biggest update ever (I am not pissing around, it will be the biggest) to modo costs me 100 euros more then so be it because at the end of the day you get what you pay for.
The best is yet to come, we just seen the tip of the iceberg :poly121:
I think its safer to assume its an unknown. The foundry hasnt really been known to do sales like that, though Luxology has. With the Foundry up for sale, what if the new owners say "no sales"! Its just a lot to rely on blindly these days.
As for the price hike, that excuse can be used for anything at any time to be honest. Whats to stop it from going up to $3500? Where does it end? If a better product means more sales, then already even with the same price point more revenue is coming in. So I dont really see it as being anything more than convenient reasoning.
I personally think its easier for them to get more users by keeping the prices competetive, and they did that at $1500 when Lightwave was $1500. Its not really complaining at this point, just the usual concern at what kind of mindset or what kind of pattern will present itself over time. I already have a license so it wont affect me, but the broader direction can affect all users (such as adopting a sub only policy or forced maintinence).
I agree with you on the tip of the ice berg comment, might be wishful thinking though.
you have already answered the question(s) for the price hike !
I don't believe any questions were ever asked. Opinions given, thats all.
Accessibility (which includes price point) + features = appeal and sales. You could have a great product but if its not accessible then it wont matter how good it is, sales (quantity) will be loser. So often you can make far more revenue with quantity of sales vs fewer at a higher price. My opinion is that they can continue to get ahead if they keep their prices closer to the mid range apps and not trying to reach up to the autodesk suites (especially since Modo is still niche in its usage in the industry).
Theres a chance though part of the consideration includes an assumption that Indie will play a bigger role in the accessibility front, but if thats the case its going to need to get a lot more attention and probably not have a different update point.
Plus, if they DO buy the Foundry and add MODO to the Creative Cloud subscription I'd do backflips. Work already pays for that so I could stop buying MODO upgrades every year. Hooray!
Side Effects is a private company, just like guys from Zbrush, so they do care for their product and also have very good contact with their userbase. Each year brings ton of new stuff, they patch program on a daily basis, not once in couple months, and have really well balanced prices.
I just figured out that Repete is Petelly. Hi, this is Jason Miller.
I thought people would notice the resemblance with the avatars 8)
anyway the foundations are shaking at the Foundry right now. I was hoping Boston Dynamics would take over the Foundry but that might have been one of my strange dreams :poly121:
Side Effects is a private company, just like guys from Zbrush, so they do care for their product and also have very good contact with their userbase. Each year brings ton of new stuff, they patch program on a daily basis, not once in couple months, and have really well balanced prices.
No offense but Houdini has the worstest modelling tools i ever tried out, does it even have proper poly modelling tools these days ?
Adobe getting The Foundry nightmare stuff, they would insantly tie shit to their crappy cloud no thx... just when the 801 demo convinced me that might be the tool i could get into the future...
In the end everything comes together with Blender huh ? -_-
No offense but Houdini has the worstest modelling tools i ever tried out, does it even have proper poly modelling tools these days ?
Guys from Softimage came and they added new toys for animation (and still working on new ones). Their new motto is to bring Houdini to Softimage modeling level (at least).
BTW. What are the proper poly modeling tools? o_O
Maya was a shit (still is) and people could live with it, soo?
Anyway, I prefer to support companies like Pixologic and Side Effects because I know they care. They also need money but they understand that they should work with userbase, not against them.
Guys from Softimage came and they added new toys for animation (and still working on new ones). Their new motto is to bring Houdini to Softimage modeling level (at least).
When they are there, and have at least good symmetry tools like modo give me a ring im all ear then. And Maya always had old ass poly modelling tools, but the basics worked if you wherent to picky, when i tried Houdini it gave me even bigger headache then Blender or Lightwave.
When i had to learn C4D i picked it up in a single weekend without any tutorials, even modo with its very weird worklflow gave it self away in a few days.
I think Houdini is the future for sure, it already makes a ton of sense for level design stuff, but I'm not touching it for awhile for character assets. I'll stick with Modo until it's ruined.
Nice to hear that they've worked on this. Way to go The Foundry.
It just looks clumsy because they happen to be showcasing the tool on a perfectly square topology. It does it the way it does it in order to avoid overlapping polygons. There will be instances where you'll have to manually rescale the circle as well. It would have to change the topology of a lot more than just the selected edges to do it the way you want it to. That's not always a good thing.
I think it was a triple click and the selection was based on edge angle at the pole.
That's cool and all, but the Modo way automatically gives you control of rotation and scale. I'd rather have more control even if I have to tweak it manually all the time.
I don't mind the control )) That's great really. I wonder why the DEFAULT result of this operation is unusable. I mean you may rotate CCW / CW, but the default twist is optimal instantly.
I hope not. Triple click sucks at the best of times, and would be terrible on a tablet. Unless it can be bound to something else...
This features started out as a 3rd party script that was popular with Modo users. It did the same exact thing with the twist. Perhaps they never bothered to update it or maybe they kept it for the reason I stated earlier.
I'm sure it's just a command fired and is logged in the Command History. You can usually bind keys to commands in the history.
It could just be a custom user created tab. Either way I hope they make it easier out of the box to apply edge weights. I never understood why they never made a dedicated button for it since SubD is what Modo is entirely based around. It's pretty powerful once you script a custom shortcut for the tools.
Maybe they wait for the big thing announcements to rain exactly on Autodesk's 2016 versions presentation parade at NAB on monday ?
After 901 hits, new licenses will cost a wopping $1800. I'd rather see them try to go down and keep competing with Lightwave and C4D, but it seems like the Foundry only see's Autodesk and its price points as the competition.
That said, if you grab 801 now, it only cost $1499 and that will give you 901 on launch in a few months. Because of this, if you get 801 with the CGRivers discount, you can get Modo 901 for $1200 using the discount code 20MODO.
So if you want to grab 901, with MeshFusion and all the goodies inbetween... this is the best time to get it and probably the lowest price point you wil be able to get it unless they do another christmas sale and thats not a gaurantee.
That's knowing the price of everything and the value of nothing imho. You cannot accept the foundry to add new developers for free, good people cost money and pushing new features through in a 12 to 14 month period costs money.
The price increase is there but it's acceptable imo and that's the way it is. If the biggest update ever (I am not pissing around, it will be the biggest) to modo costs me 100 euros more then so be it because at the end of the day you get what you pay for.
The best is yet to come, we just seen the tip of the iceberg :poly121:
I think its safer to assume its an unknown. The foundry hasnt really been known to do sales like that, though Luxology has. With the Foundry up for sale, what if the new owners say "no sales"! Its just a lot to rely on blindly these days.
As for the price hike, that excuse can be used for anything at any time to be honest. Whats to stop it from going up to $3500? Where does it end? If a better product means more sales, then already even with the same price point more revenue is coming in. So I dont really see it as being anything more than convenient reasoning.
I personally think its easier for them to get more users by keeping the prices competetive, and they did that at $1500 when Lightwave was $1500. Its not really complaining at this point, just the usual concern at what kind of mindset or what kind of pattern will present itself over time. I already have a license so it wont affect me, but the broader direction can affect all users (such as adopting a sub only policy or forced maintinence).
I agree with you on the tip of the ice berg comment, might be wishful thinking though.
you have already answered the question(s) for the price hike !
I don't believe any questions were ever asked. Opinions given, thats all.
Accessibility (which includes price point) + features = appeal and sales. You could have a great product but if its not accessible then it wont matter how good it is, sales (quantity) will be loser. So often you can make far more revenue with quantity of sales vs fewer at a higher price. My opinion is that they can continue to get ahead if they keep their prices closer to the mid range apps and not trying to reach up to the autodesk suites (especially since Modo is still niche in its usage in the industry).
Theres a chance though part of the consideration includes an assumption that Indie will play a bigger role in the accessibility front, but if thats the case its going to need to get a lot more attention and probably not have a different update point.
2 cents.
Adobe eyes £200m bid for British visual effects firm The Foundry
Adobe give us photoshop and if they give us modo updates like 901 I wont be complaining. :poly121:
Well, unless they take over the MODO code themselves I don't see how that would affect anything. I assume they would keep the development team intact.
Peanut ! stop that :poly122:
Side Effects is a private company, just like guys from Zbrush, so they do care for their product and also have very good contact with their userbase. Each year brings ton of new stuff, they patch program on a daily basis, not once in couple months, and have really well balanced prices.
I thought people would notice the resemblance with the avatars 8)
anyway the foundations are shaking at the Foundry right now. I was hoping Boston Dynamics would take over the Foundry but that might have been one of my strange dreams :poly121:
I am looking at this:
But I don't know what it is:\
No offense but Houdini has the worstest modelling tools i ever tried out, does it even have proper poly modelling tools these days ?
Adobe getting The Foundry nightmare stuff, they would insantly tie shit to their crappy cloud no thx... just when the 801 demo convinced me that might be the tool i could get into the future...
In the end everything comes together with Blender huh ? -_-
Guys from Softimage came and they added new toys for animation (and still working on new ones). Their new motto is to bring Houdini to Softimage modeling level (at least).
BTW. What are the proper poly modeling tools? o_O
Maya was a shit (still is) and people could live with it, soo?
Anyway, I prefer to support companies like Pixologic and Side Effects because I know they care. They also need money but they understand that they should work with userbase, not against them.
I don't think that for Realtime guy it has any value.
When they are there, and have at least good symmetry tools like modo give me a ring im all ear then. And Maya always had old ass poly modelling tools, but the basics worked if you wherent to picky, when i tried Houdini it gave me even bigger headache then Blender or Lightwave.
When i had to learn C4D i picked it up in a single weekend without any tutorials, even modo with its very weird worklflow gave it self away in a few days.