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ANSWERED; Where are presets from old DDO?

polycounter lvl 11
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Victorcg polycounter lvl 11
Hello. I think, that old DDO had more presets, for dust e.t.c. Where are they gone?


  • Richard Culver
    I seem to remember during the Beta that there was a way to get to the Legacy presets from dDo but I don't see this anymore.

    I am curious as well if you can access those.

    But what you can do with the Suite version is build your masking one layer at a time. So LMB click on the mask gives you all of those mesh based filters which are driven by your input maps that include things like dirt.

    Then if you right click on Reflectance you can get what I presume are color presets for those effects such as a selection of dirt and mud etc. As well as other effects or material colors.

    So I think now you can use Smart materials and simply pile on your own custom layers to add in scratches and dirt and other effects.
  • Eric Ramberg
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    The short answer is that the old presets can not be used in the new DDO.
    The long answer is: Legacy Ddo and new Suite DDO are two very different programs. The new DDO focuses on the entire material with different degrees of dirt and decay, where as the Legacy Ddo focuses more on individuall details. It´s however much easier to produce your own presets with new DDO with the new Dynamask system, where there´s already a wide variety of maskpresets to chose from!

    Hope this answers your question :)
  • Victorcg
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    Victorcg polycounter lvl 11
    Thank You for answer!
  • Eric Ramberg
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