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Assault Rifle Thoughts

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Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
Hi there!
This is my first time posting in this forum so if I don't follow any unspoken rules, forgive me. I am currently working on this assault rifle (made up) and I thought now would be a good time to have someone give some thoughts on what should be changed and if there is anything that I seem to have gone about the wrong way. Of course there are a lot yet to be done so not all the problems are problems but rather stuff that has not yet been addressed.
Thanks beforehand!



  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    Could we get some other angles on the gun? I can see a charging handle, but what do the other bits do? Also that magazine looks like it's really far from where the bolt would actually take the bullets and put them into the chamber. You might want to rework the design after looking at the internals of other bullpup rifles like the Tavor, AUG, FAMAS, etc.
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Kaine123 wrote: »
    Could we get some other angles on the gun? I can see a charging handle, but what do the other bits do? Also that magazine looks like it's really far from where the bolt would actually take the bullets and put them into the chamber. You might want to rework the design after looking at the internals of other bullpup rifles like the Tavor, AUG, FAMAS, etc.

    Sure, I didn't really think too much about how it works since it's kind of sci fi. The charging handle i thought about as some kind of air pressure release for the things in front of it, completely illogical, but I thought it could animate neatly. I did check some bullpup designs and realized that the mag should be way higher.


  • devonmousseau
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    devonmousseau polycounter lvl 4
    I love the design a lot. If you don't mind my aasking, what purpose do those screw type gizmos serve? On the foregrip.
  • Kaine123
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    Kaine123 polycounter lvl 10
    Wait so does this thing fire bullets or does it use compressed air to fire shells? Also did you go through and make a mockup/silhouette sketch before you jumped into your 3d program?
  • OFPismySOP
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    OFPismySOP polycounter lvl 6
    I like it overall but as I have some questions and critiques for it. I've attached a file to highlight it.


    That magazine is a bit wonky. The angle of the lower part of it is angled to show that the ammunition is tapered but it becomes straight as it enters the weapon. If the ammo is tapered you need to make the magazine more curved. If not, then it needs to be straightened out more. From the looks of it right now it looks like one of these monstrosities:



    The fore end serves no purpose, especially with the vertical grip you've attached directly behind it. Personally, I'd make it functional (make it look like a hand could hold it or have it be an attachment point for accessories) or drop it altogether.


    Is this where the cheek is supposed to go when firing? If so, ouch. I would add some sort of beveled piece for the face to rest on and possibly move the charging handle up a bit farther to keep it from hitting your face (unless it's non-reciprocating, then that could work out where it is).

    It's a great start to an aesthetically pleasing rifle but form needs to follow function, especially in the case of weapons.
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    OFPismySOP wrote: »
    I like it overall but as I have some questions and critiques for it. I've attached a file to highlight it.


    That magazine is a bit wonky. The angle of the lower part of it is angled to show that the ammunition is tapered but it becomes straight as it enters the weapon. If the ammo is tapered you need to make the magazine more curved. If not, then it needs to be straightened out more. From the looks of it right now it looks like one of these monstrosities:



    The fore end serves no purpose, especially with the vertical grip you've attached directly behind it. Personally, I'd make it functional (make it look like a hand could hold it or have it be an attachment point for accessories) or drop it altogether.


    Is this where the cheek is supposed to go when firing? If so, ouch. I would add some sort of beveled piece for the face to rest on and possibly move the charging handle up a bit farther to keep it from hitting your face (unless it's non-reciprocating, then that could work out where it is).

    It's a great start to an aesthetically pleasing rifle but form needs to follow function, especially in the case of weapons.

    Thank you for taking a look at it, none of these things occurred to me but now that you say it, these things are problematic. I'll try to rework them and post the new version. :)
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    OFPismySOP wrote: »
    I like it overall but as I have some questions and critiques for it. I've attached a file to highlight it.


    That magazine is a bit wonky. The angle of the lower part of it is angled to show that the ammunition is tapered but it becomes straight as it enters the weapon. If the ammo is tapered you need to make the magazine more curved. If not, then it needs to be straightened out more. From the looks of it right now it looks like one of these monstrosities:



    The fore end serves no purpose, especially with the vertical grip you've attached directly behind it. Personally, I'd make it functional (make it look like a hand could hold it or have it be an attachment point for accessories) or drop it altogether.


    Is this where the cheek is supposed to go when firing? If so, ouch. I would add some sort of beveled piece for the face to rest on and possibly move the charging handle up a bit farther to keep it from hitting your face (unless it's non-reciprocating, then that could work out where it is).

    It's a great start to an aesthetically pleasing rifle but form needs to follow function, especially in the case of weapons.

    I did some changes based on what you said, do you think it looks better now and are there something else you find wonky?

  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    The foregrip is rather far back; having it further forward near that side rail would be more stable. Also the width of the magazine seems quite low considering the width of the barrel — and also considering the upper parts of the gun look quite thick and heavy.

    I like the four extrusions on the side though, thy look cool. Maybe play with the muzzle if you want and give it some more sci-fi shapes/cuts rather than ust being slanted?
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    This has the potential to look really awesome, but as others have said I'd spend some time studying other guns and thinking about the practicality a bit more.

    I think the bolt handle should be thicker and I personally don't like the indented knurling on the front.
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    I did some changes to the front handle, I have not addressed some of the things you have said though. I would love to hear your thoughts on the changes I just made though :)


  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Started working on this again, here is the current version: u0PVYfj.png

    I'm going to keep working on it a bit, I don't think it's quite there yet but can't really say what is missing. Critique and suggestions are welcome! :)
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Hi guys, I made a few updates since yesterday, I'm getting pretty happy with it so I think I'm going to start wrapping up unless I find any major problem or I get any good suggestions!




  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    The modeling looks great Max! Hopefully someone more experience with gun designs than I am can comment one way or another. To me it looks like you have a balance sense of weight to the weapon. It'd be neat if you made the shoulder pad extendable. Just add in a few pipes that are "hidden" when you want to have it extended. Can't wait to for the next update!
  • Maxilator
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    Maxilator polycounter lvl 8
    Okay, I finished it, sadly I didn't see your comment before I did, sounds like it could be cool, anyway, here is the result: https://maxilator.artstation.com/portfolio/sci-fi-assault-rifle-ac4a184a-a8c5-449e-b8a5-be9fc411f512
  • Polygoblin
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    Polygoblin polycounter
    very cool design. unique but a good sense for functional details and visually interesting bits/angles. I see you're already done but I mind as well post a crit anyways. the rails look out of place and it'd ground the whole design in reality a little better if you used actual standardized rail configurations/spacing. for instance, rail spacings generally need to be flat because that's where attachments mount for a sturdy fit. perhaps something to think about w your next gun, if nothing else.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    You should post the final images here Max! The rifle seems VERY clean. I can see the details in your flats, but they aren't reading so much in your render. Some more edge wear that's larger in scrapes, some powder marks at the muzzle to seem like it's been fired before. One thing about your render you might wish to adjust is the angle of the gun in the first image. It's difficult to view it when it's placed vertically. Just my opinion on that. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th render shot are good. Just the others I could do without especially because you could place the marmo viewer there instead.
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