Hmm, Doesn't seem to be working even when making sure Suite.exe is closed in the task manager.
Have you tried the stuff listed on the troubleshooting page? It might take some re-installing to get things working again. If you start fresh maybe start with 1.7 or whichever version you remember having the least critical errors.
2) Will any of the previous smart materials/materials, etc be updated with this beta? (for example, will they be more pbr accurate and/or higher res. etc )
Out of curiosity what do you mean by higher res? The presets will apply the scanned materials (so already pbr accurate) (their scale being based on your project texel density; but you can adjust the scale of each material manually with a slider) plus various other materials based on masks from your input maps. I'm not sure current smart materials would change with megascans, but it's possible that new smart materials based on new scans will be added.
Have you tried the stuff listed on the troubleshooting page? It might take some re-installing to get things working again. If you start fresh maybe start with 1.7 or whichever version you remember having the least critical errors.
Thanks for the help, I re-installed and it seems to be working now, a few crashes from 3DO, but so glad it's working
I tried re-installing a month ago when I had errors but didn't seem to do anything.
would it be possible to get a general status update on the suite? I`m not sure what happened (don't really follow this forum as closely as I did a while back) but Teddy said it would take a couple of days by the end of March so I was just wondering where we are at today. Thanks in advance!
I don´t know if you saw the thread "Megascans beta delayed", regardless we´ve taken a few punches lately, two to be more precise. These very tragic events have affected key Quixel staff and derailed the schedule for the Megascans launch, and unfortunately the suite updates as well.
Both Megascans and The Suite are being worked on at the moment, and most things are returning back to normal, the focus right now will be first and foremost to get Megascans beta out the door. The suite is being worked on during this time but not by people who can release new versions, so that will have to wait until after the launch. Quixel has also decided to stop with announcing dates, since it has happened too many times that we have failed to meet them.
It appears it just wasn't ment to work out somehow but I`ll definitely keep an eye on all things quixel in the future and wish you guys all the best in your endeavors and hope all involved can recover from the events you mentioned. And thanks for your support and patience Eric.
I'm also having problems with the DDo, it doesn't load, Ndo and 3Do work fine, I purchased it in December and it worked fine up until the other week I've tried reinstalling it, rolled back to 1.7, worked for a day, rolled back to 1.6 worked for a week and now I'm running out of options, I've gone through all the troubleshooting page, tried the stability fixes and nothing. :poly127:
I had problems with quixel suite v1.8 for both windows 7 and 8 on photoshop cs6. Problems were tolerable at first but in some cases it makes it impossible to get anything done with the amount of crashes I was getting when tweaking the masks and 3DO not updating the changes in my map despite reloading. Some objects were not picking up the assigned material as well(object loads as black in 3DO in color ID mode), and the material ID links do not work at all. I actually have to reassign them after the initial setup of the maps. The patch did make the crashes less, but when using the "save project as" overwriting the original save causes the project to become corrupted and unloadable.
I was just using the trial mode, but after a long ordeal with crashing in DDO from several previous version up to the most present one, I'm afraid I will go and purchase substance designer instead.
I'm having the exact same problems as you, KonginChains. Material ID links do not work, objects do not pick up the assigned material and sometimes i'm not even able to add a smart material (if i have more than 8 or 9 smart materials already added). When is the new update?
Here is one of the problems I am having. There is an obvious material link problem between 3DO and DDO. Sometimes it just picks some arbitrary object as black and no matter what you can't assign any texture or material on it. Please see the attached image, I have assigned the material ID links properly, the masked parts read properly as using a smart material, but still 3DO fails to pick it up. This is also using the most updated version with the bug fix patch installed. It is just disappointing, no matter what, every new DDO project file will yield this kind of problem.
Quixel has a nice program, and I am still using the trial version but how can one decide to purchase the program if you will end up with a bug problem on every single project, that is how frequent and unstable it is for me.
Have you checked that you don't have multiple materials on your model, KonginChains? I've had a similar issue before, but I resolved it by making the entire model one material.
multiple? you mean when 2 material IDs share the same smart shader? I made sure beforehand I didn't have any. All material IDs have their own smart shader.
KonginChains it looks like you have mulitple meshgroups in your model, you can have that as long as you input maps for each meshgroup, but from what I can see in your DDO you only have one set of inputs.
Hey guys I just want to say that I've been using the 1.8 stability patch and I can finally use DDO again. I think a lot of people ignore the advantages of working inside of photoshop with all of the blending modes / custom brushes for painting.
There are a few things that I would like to see fixed/added in the future but for now I can get back to texturing my stuff in DDO !!
Question for Quixel and apologies for posting in this thread. Are there plans for hot fix releases (1.8.1 for example) of Quxiel suite? Instead of releasing major updates and fixing all the bugs?
HeadClot, We looked at the state of things and the situation now is that some people are running it without issues, but some people are having crashes or problems of some kind. And to get the program to the level where we absolutely know everything will work for everyone we need to rebuild quite a bit. So we where left with the choice of either make a patch that will work for some people, or rebuild it more thoroughly so that we know it will work for everybody. We chose to do the rebuild, we know it's very frustrating for those who are having these problems, but hopefully the effort will be worth the wait. We have a beta build of the next version in testing right now, and it is very promising. Not only does it have all the cool new features but it is much more stable and much much faster.
We will sum up all this information and post it on facebook soon, I can also post it here for all to see! The next upgrade/Version will of course be free for existing user although it almost resembles a new program.
HeadClot, We looked at the state of things and the situation now is that some people are running it without issues, but some people are having crashes or problems of some kind. And to get the program to the level where we absolutely know everything will work for everyone we need to rebuild quite a bit. So we where left with the choice of either make a patch that will work for some people, or rebuild it more thoroughly so that we know it will work for everybody. We chose to do the rebuild, we know it's very frustrating for those who are having these problems, but hopefully the effort will be worth the wait. We have a beta build of the next version in testing right now, and it is very promising. Not only does it have all the cool new features but it is much more stable and much much faster.
We will sum up all this information and post it on facebook soon, I can also post it here for all to see! The next upgrade/Version will of course be free for existing user although it almost resembles a new program.
So Basically do it right opposed to patch the holes as they appear. That said Really exicted to see what you guys have up your sleeves
Yes pretty much! We could have gotten it to work with patches of course, but we just felt like doing it like this would yield better results, and it already has since The SUITE is remarkably faster now and very stable!
akaChris - Thanks for your report! Teddy is currently flying back from the states today so the answer may take a day or so, I´ll tell him soon as I can about this so he can have a look.
I cannot even open Quixel anymore. Really unfortunate since the studio I work at paid for it and doesn't even work. I receive this error every time I try and open it.
I cannot even open Quixel anymore. Really unfortunate since the studio I work at paid for it and doesn't even work. I receive this error every time I try and open it.
I'm getting the same problem this morning, happens every time I try to open DDO. This is insanely frustrating :poly127:
I keep getting a TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY error when trying to work with the suite. I have Win10, PS CS5.0 and the latest Quixel suite and quixel patches.
Is Photoshop CC more often involved with crashing and bug reports?
I also disabled virtual memory since none of my programs get even close to using my available ram, however i have heard this can cause problems in some programs. Is this one of those programs?
Ok, i hear that many people are having *no* issues with Quixel so something pretty critical must be wrong with my setup due the the number of massive problems im having. Hopefully its something very simple. I'd really like to know is Photoshop CC is more vulnerable to problems than other versions because i'd be willing to switch for Quixel.
My setup:
Im using the $10/month Photoshop CC.
Dell XPS L702x
Nvidia 555M 3GB version
16GB ram
No paging file (problem? I'd be happy to test if devs arent 100% sure)
Intel 2630 CPU
Windows 7
no anti-malware software
Fresh Quixel re-install
1. Regularly have 3DO not matching DDO, at startup and sometimes after making various changes.
2. Layer mask thumbnail images will not update changes. Restarting does not help.
3. Dynamask frequently does not update color link choices.
4. Changing scale factor sometimes crashes CC
5. Adding a new smart material created it as a sublayer of the currently highlighted material layer despite not being within the folder.
6. When i added a new material to one area using the c command and shift, it created it within another material for some reason and now 3DO won't load my mesh after switching to another project.
7. Tried to adjust the "scale" slider on a sub-material and it processed for an abnormally long time, appeared to be done, then processed again, then all of a sudden i look at DDOs material layer list and i noticed the following: I was put in the normal tab from the albedo tab, the material i had just adjusted for the last 10 - 15 minutes was completely gone. A camo material that i had previously disabled re-enabled in the list and was again applied to the model. Almost like i had hit the undo button a bunch of times.
8. Sometimes i do not get the popup window asking me if i want to create material within group or outside.
9. Pressing c+shift on 1 out of many ID colors in 3DO just applied "black gun metal 01" to the entire model.
10. DDO will ask to save project when closing even after just saving it, and sometimes appears to save it again.
11. As you can see here, the mask thumbnail is not only wrong, but the mask itself can be totally wrong somewhere more internally. As you can see, somewhere along the line 3DO gets bad information as it is not displaying what DDO thinks is masked and 3DO displays the default material. (its not showing my full 1080p image so it may help to zoom in on the layer mask thumbnails if you can't see them) Further, cannot remove the white from those areas using dynamask links or the layer mask right click quick-choose function.
This is actually the wrong screenshot. I meant to take one of the id color selection window showing purple not being selected. It makes no difference either way.
Got absolutely the same problems with the same photoshop version and having all quixel, the work files and the PS scratch disk on SSD drive (it helps a lot to speed the work really). Updating the Color ID map is kind of nightmare.
Got absolutely the same problems with the same photoshop version and having all quixel, the work files and the PS scratch disk on SSD drive (it helps a lot to speed the work really). Updating the Color ID map is kind of nightmare.
Have you tried using Photoshop CS6 or any other versions by chance?
SSD: I suspected that an SSD drive would speed up photoshop but i don't understand why PS wouldn't use more of my available ram. Its only using half at the moment. I don't think dynamask remains in memory either since it takes forever to load up each time its requested. I'd really be nice if all this stuff was kept in my 16gb of ram.
It probably wasn't clear, but as i know you're working on 2.0 and won't be fixing any bugs until 2.0, the entire focus for posting the above problems was to get one simple question answered:
"Does CS6 or another version have better compatibility than CC?"
Yes, no or maybe so?
Right now my troubleshooting options are wide open to include making a voodoo doll and sacrificing various objects to the gods, so i was hoping to narrow down some of the troubleshooting possibilities.
Have you tried using Photoshop CS6 or any other versions by chance?
SSD: I suspected that an SSD drive would speed up photoshop but i don't understand why PS wouldn't use more of my available ram. Its only using half at the moment. I don't think dynamask remains in memory either since it takes forever to load up each time its requested. I'd really be nice if all this stuff was kept in my 16gb of ram.
IMO CS6 64bit is alot more compatible then any CC version.
Wow, im sorry but i feel the need to mention that i find it hard to believe that you guys at Quixel are not only currently advertising your product with tantalizing images, but you fast forward and cut out the processing times making it all look so great and wonderful to use and you just invited people to participate in a contest using your software... which i did, or tried to do, spending many MANY days on it and had to throw out all sorts of work, checking the forums constantly to check for an answer from the employees i see browsing the forums to try and alleviate the problems i was having, stressed at the possibility of having work from CC not working with CS6 and trying to finish on time which i couldn't do.
The bugs don't bug me, what bugs me is that i cannot get a simple question answered from the people that should have the best idea of what the answer is and while i made it clear I was totally willing to accept "believe it or not, we don't really know."
Sounds cliche but, Is this how you treat your customers who run into issues?
Thane- I cant say that any version is more stable than any other, mostly depends on other factors, but some people seem to have more issues with versions lower than CS6, and also with the absolutely latest version of CC. But it is working great with 2.0, you guys should all use that instead like I am doing!
Thane- I cant say that any version is more stable than any other, mostly depends on other factors, but some people seem to have more issues with versions lower than CS6, and also with the absolutely latest version of CC.
Thank you very much.
But it is working great with 2.0, you guys should all use that instead like I am doing!
Oooooooooooooook, just need the download link and i will go purchase 1.8 then download it. :poly121:
In fact i am going to go purchase 1.8 right now, i believe in you guys.
Thanks for the help, I re-installed and it seems to be working now, a few crashes from 3DO, but so glad it's working
I tried re-installing a month ago when I had errors but didn't seem to do anything.
would it be possible to get a general status update on the suite? I`m not sure what happened (don't really follow this forum as closely as I did a while back) but Teddy said it would take a couple of days by the end of March so I was just wondering where we are at today. Thanks in advance!
I don´t know if you saw the thread "Megascans beta delayed", regardless we´ve taken a few punches lately, two to be more precise. These very tragic events have affected key Quixel staff and derailed the schedule for the Megascans launch, and unfortunately the suite updates as well.
Both Megascans and The Suite are being worked on at the moment, and most things are returning back to normal, the focus right now will be first and foremost to get Megascans beta out the door. The suite is being worked on during this time but not by people who can release new versions, so that will have to wait until after the launch. Quixel has also decided to stop with announcing dates, since it has happened too many times that we have failed to meet them.
So sadly I´m the bearer of bad news.
It appears it just wasn't ment to work out somehow but I`ll definitely keep an eye on all things quixel in the future and wish you guys all the best in your endeavors and hope all involved can recover from the events you mentioned. And thanks for your support and patience Eric.
take care!
Would you in the future consider letting us remote-debug your issue with The SUITE if we can´t figure it out on out end?
I'm also having problems with the DDo, it doesn't load, Ndo and 3Do work fine, I purchased it in December and it worked fine up until the other week I've tried reinstalling it, rolled back to 1.7, worked for a day, rolled back to 1.6 worked for a week and now I'm running out of options, I've gone through all the troubleshooting page, tried the stability fixes and nothing. :poly127:
any help would be greatly appreciated
Running Windows 7 x64
Photoshop CS6
I was just using the trial mode, but after a long ordeal with crashing in DDO from several previous version up to the most present one, I'm afraid I will go and purchase substance designer instead.
Here is one of the problems I am having. There is an obvious material link problem between 3DO and DDO. Sometimes it just picks some arbitrary object as black and no matter what you can't assign any texture or material on it. Please see the attached image, I have assigned the material ID links properly, the masked parts read properly as using a smart material, but still 3DO fails to pick it up. This is also using the most updated version with the bug fix patch installed. It is just disappointing, no matter what, every new DDO project file will yield this kind of problem.
Quixel has a nice program, and I am still using the trial version but how can one decide to purchase the program if you will end up with a bug problem on every single project, that is how frequent and unstable it is for me. (again)
There are a few things that I would like to see fixed/added in the future but for now I can get back to texturing my stuff in DDO !!
of course. I`d do anything to help getting help
Just curious,
We will sum up all this information and post it on facebook soon, I can also post it here for all to see! The next upgrade/Version will of course be free for existing user although it almost resembles a new program.
So Basically do it right opposed to patch the holes as they appear. That said Really exicted to see what you guys have up your sleeves
Any chance that existing users can test drive the beta?
Thank you.
Still no MEGASCANS? Check back later.
I'm getting the same problem this morning, happens every time I try to open DDO. This is insanely frustrating :poly127:
Anyone else getting this error? Thx
I also disabled virtual memory since none of my programs get even close to using my available ram, however i have heard this can cause problems in some programs. Is this one of those programs?
Ok, i hear that many people are having *no* issues with Quixel so something pretty critical must be wrong with my setup due the the number of massive problems im having. Hopefully its something very simple. I'd really like to know is Photoshop CC is more vulnerable to problems than other versions because i'd be willing to switch for Quixel.
My setup:
Im using the $10/month Photoshop CC.
Dell XPS L702x
Nvidia 555M 3GB version
16GB ram
No paging file (problem? I'd be happy to test if devs arent 100% sure)
Intel 2630 CPU
Windows 7
no anti-malware software
Fresh Quixel re-install
1. Regularly have 3DO not matching DDO, at startup and sometimes after making various changes.
2. Layer mask thumbnail images will not update changes. Restarting does not help.
3. Dynamask frequently does not update color link choices.
4. Changing scale factor sometimes crashes CC
5. Adding a new smart material created it as a sublayer of the currently highlighted material layer despite not being within the folder.
6. When i added a new material to one area using the c command and shift, it created it within another material for some reason and now 3DO won't load my mesh after switching to another project.
7. Tried to adjust the "scale" slider on a sub-material and it processed for an abnormally long time, appeared to be done, then processed again, then all of a sudden i look at DDOs material layer list and i noticed the following: I was put in the normal tab from the albedo tab, the material i had just adjusted for the last 10 - 15 minutes was completely gone. A camo material that i had previously disabled re-enabled in the list and was again applied to the model. Almost like i had hit the undo button a bunch of times.
8. Sometimes i do not get the popup window asking me if i want to create material within group or outside.
9. Pressing c+shift on 1 out of many ID colors in 3DO just applied "black gun metal 01" to the entire model.
10. DDO will ask to save project when closing even after just saving it, and sometimes appears to save it again.
Edit #2
11. As you can see here, the mask thumbnail is not only wrong, but the mask itself can be totally wrong somewhere more internally. As you can see, somewhere along the line 3DO gets bad information as it is not displaying what DDO thinks is masked and 3DO displays the default material. (its not showing my full 1080p image so it may help to zoom in on the layer mask thumbnails if you can't see them) Further, cannot remove the white from those areas using dynamask links or the layer mask right click quick-choose function.
This is actually the wrong screenshot. I meant to take one of the id color selection window showing purple not being selected. It makes no difference either way.
SSD: I suspected that an SSD drive would speed up photoshop but i don't understand why PS wouldn't use more of my available ram. Its only using half at the moment. I don't think dynamask remains in memory either since it takes forever to load up each time its requested. I'd really be nice if all this stuff was kept in my 16gb of ram.
"Does CS6 or another version have better compatibility than CC?"
Yes, no or maybe so?
Right now my troubleshooting options are wide open to include making a voodoo doll and sacrificing various objects to the gods, so i was hoping to narrow down some of the troubleshooting possibilities.
IMO CS6 64bit is alot more compatible then any CC version.
System.runtime.interopservices.comexception (0x80029C4A): Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY))
I've tried with jpg, png, and tga with no luck.
NDO also refuses to launch which makes me suspect that I have the wrong .NET version? I have the latest.
The bugs don't bug me, what bugs me is that i cannot get a simple question answered from the people that should have the best idea of what the answer is and while i made it clear I was totally willing to accept "believe it or not, we don't really know."
Sounds cliche but, Is this how you treat your customers who run into issues?
I just don't get it...
Oooooooooooooook, just need the download link and i will go purchase 1.8 then download it. :poly121:
In fact i am going to go purchase 1.8 right now, i believe in you guys.
Is this a joke or did I miss something?