Home Quixel Megascans

Quixel SUITE | Status & Stability Patch Download

Hey everyone!

As many of you have noted 1.9 has taken way longer to release that originally anticipated, which has in turn delayed all the stability fixes that are part of 1.9. I understand though that everyone is much more interested in a stable build than big new features, so we have put together a 1.8 stability branch that includes all current crash and bug fixes. To everyone who have experienced any of these issues, I am extremely sorry for the long wait on this.

The stability build is now available for download and to make it as light as possible it's in two parts:

Release.rar -- extract all contents directly to <SUITE PATH>\x64\bin\Release\
script.rar -- extract the "script" and "calibration" folders to <SUITE PATH>\script\

(You can quickly navigate to your installation path of the SUITE by right clicking on the desktop icon and choosing "Open file location")

This patch comes with many fixes but namely addresses the following:
  • Solved special case for DDO crash on start
  • Solved special case for NDO crash on start
  • Solved "No input path was found" DDO error on start
  • Solved rare project corruption issue (i.e. all Masks turning white and becoming uneditable)
  • Fixed crashes when in color picker mode
  • Solved issue with NDO editing UI not appearing on some setups
  • Fixed exporter not working for very large maps
  • Fixed issues related to transparent PNG color maps
  • Fixed errors related to clearing mask
  • Fixed bug where adding IDs through Dynamask would create black mask
  • Fixed bug where ID would not show up in material ID editor
  • Fixed bug where Shift+C-click would stop working if user cancelled operation
  • Fixed issue where DDO.exe and NDO.exe would lead to errors when launched on their own
  • Number of fixes to address preset loading and ID separation issues
  • Fixed issue with undefined material IDs losing material link in custom presets

Please let us know if there is anything that is still acting up for you, and we will do our best to fix it immediately. This thread will be updated with more fixes the moment they are made.

Thanks everyone!
- Teddy


  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks. A good idea indeed.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    Any news on GPU Baker and Megascans?
  • teddybergsman

    Megascans open beta is slated for release April 30. We are preparing content and a few 2D and 3D scan samples along with an official announcement. We really don't want to do any more big announcements without releasing some actual content to mess around with. I would be happy to share some updates in this thread however :)

    We recently wrapped up GDC 2015 where a number of interactive demos were running; we're releasing some of the scans from these demos together with the announcement.


    I can finally give you some more updates on what's been going on with Megascans the past few months...

    The Megascans closed beta has been running since January, and a lot of love has been put into Megascans during this time as we prepare the service for public launch. Here are some of the beta scans we have been preparing for you (about 1/10 of the current library):


    We are also trying to provide as many customizable BRDF calibration options as possible before launch:


    All scans are currently undergoing a massive update as we have improved on the 2x2 m tiling pipeline with help from the beta testers.

    Here are some of the works that have been created by the beta testers 100% with the Megascans beta:


    As for samples, we are preparing a few 8K surface tileables, 4K leaf atlases, and game-ready 3D assets (with 12M high-poly source meshes). As for more free stuff, the beta will include a number of free high-res 2D and 3D scans for download, as well as a free environment pack (some of the scenes above have been created with the assets in this pack).

    As for the GPU baker & 3D Painting features, these updates have taken almost over 4 months longer than we had planned for, and we currently can't say how much more time they will take given the remaining challenges ahead. Our original release plan was December, but so many unforeseen issues came up at once. These features have been developed with various beta versions of Unity 5, which has been a pretty rocky experience from update to update causing a lot of issues (our bad for jumping the gun, not Unity's). Really sorry about the delay on these features.

    - Teddy
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    Hi Teddy,

    thanks for the update!
    Number of fixes to address preset loading and ID separation issues: needs confirmation

    I still get the same bug as described here running this test scenario:

  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    It's great to finally see some form of update and news from you guys Teddy.
    This patch looks different from previous releases, will launching the suite also auto update the patch?

    Of course megascans look awesome, that's a gimme. Eye candy always looks amazing.
    It's going to rock once we can use it, but to use it we need stable releases, and communication can go a long ways as well.
    Hope to keep hearing more from you.

  • Chipers
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    Chipers polycounter lvl 5

    Megascans open beta is slated for release April 30. We are preparing content and a few 2D and 3D scan samples along with an official announcement. We really don't want to do any more big announcements without releasing some actual content to mess around with. I would be happy to share some updates in this thread however :)

    We recently wrapped up GDC 2015 where a number of interactive demos were running; we're releasing some of the scans from these demos together with the announcement.

    I can finally give you some more updates on what's been going on with Megascans the past few months...

    The Megascans closed beta has been running since January, and a lot of love has been put into Megascans during this time as we prepare the service for public launch. Here are some of the beta scans we have been preparing for you (about 1/10 of the current library):

    As for the GPU baker & 3D Painting features, these updates have taken almost over 4 months longer than we had planned for, and we currently can't say how much more time they will take given the remaining challenges ahead. Our original release plan was December, but so many unforeseen issues came up at once. These features have been developed with various beta versions of Unity 5, which has been a pretty rocky experience from update to update causing a lot of issues (our bad for jumping the gun, not Unity's). Really sorry about the delay on these features.

    - Teddy

    Fabric and leather materials will also be?
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Don't get me wrong, Mega scan looks great. However, I'm assuming it will be something that involves a charge.

    I am MUCH more interested in the ability to draw/paint on the mesh in 3DO. What's an update on that :)
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks akaChris for the quick verification! This issue has now finally been fixed.


    Here are the latest files (same download link as before):

    script.rar -- extract the "script" and "calibration" folders to <SUITE PATH>\script\

    The core issue was that DDO expected material IDs to be specified when creating a project in order to establish links to actual materials during project generation, however with all IDs being undefined the program got confused as to which material to assign to which ID. This is now more flexible, and DDO will know how to link undefined materials by using the hex color only. Really sorry about this not being the default behavior before; it definitely should have.

    Hey Tung! This patch has not been officially released yet, so it will need to be installed manually as per the instructions in the first post! We will roll out an official patch within the tool as soon as all issues are confirmed fixed.

    Thanks for the kind words, and again my apologies for having been so absent online lately. Things have calmed down significantly now after GDC, and I'm incredibly glad to finally be back in the groove.

    - Teddy
  • teddybergsman
    Hey Gordon Robb! Like I mentioned in the previous post, the 3D Painting is still up in the air unfortunately :( Hopefully we can have an update on what is going to happen very soon. For now we are focusing efforts on getting out all stability fixes first. Really sorry about the wait.

    Chipers: As in scanned fabrics and leathers in the Megascans library? Yes, LOADS :)

    - Teddy
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Downloaded the build at put it in the listed places and this is what happened before the build applied.

    Suite shortcut would do nothing
    3DO would only open if it was opened in files and if the input browser was opened first
    3DO input browser would not always be on top
    DDO and NDO would open using file browser but would then crash

    The two things the build has changed for me is:

    Suite shortcuts now open as a file but it crashes before it can do anything

    NDO and DDO shortcuts now say this:

    3DO input browser seems to be always on top (which is a good thing)

    Running both Photoshop and any of the files in admin mode does nothing and I am on the x64 version.
  • Ingemar Lundgren
    Thanks Teddy for the update. This looks absolutely stunning. Will the scans be available as Zbrush insert meshes to? That would be really cool.
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks for the report Robomega, that's weird! Looking into it. Anyone else getting these issues?

    Ingemar: yes, all 3D scans have high poly Ztools available for download :)

    - Teddy
  • OutOfMyMind
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    OutOfMyMind polycounter lvl 5
    That's a solid update. Can't wait.
  • Ingemar Lundgren
    Thats super cool that you have zbrush in mind- 4R7 really has some great features for enviroment creation with the nano mesh and aray mesh functions.

    Another question. I use Octane render. Is there a plan to make a calibration profile for Octane?
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    Is there going to be new metal PBR textures in MS?
  • teddybergsman
    Ingemar: Yes, we are currently working with Otoy to get full Octane support up and running. A few of the shots above are rendered with Octane.

    final_fight: Yes, quite a few. Just last week we scanned another 140 metals :)

    - Teddy
  • drmaddogs
    Ingemar: Yes, we are currently working with Otoy to get full Octane support up and running. A few of the shots above are rendered with Octane.

    final_fight: Yes, quite a few. Just last week we scanned another 140 metals :)

    - Teddy
    This is great news- OTOY/Octane. When complete, will purchase. Questions still remain as to the cost of "mega scans" materials. Also a better understanding of how the Materials can be accessed. Can they be loaded and referenced only in one session, or will we be able to store them in some manner, to enable working offline?
  • Gordon Robb
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    Gordon Robb polycounter lvl 2
    Octane exporter. Yes!
  • Eric Ramberg
    @drmaddogs - See this thread for more info on megascans:

    A snippet: "Everything you download, you will own forever."

    Hope that answers your questions :)
  • drmaddogs
    @drmaddogs - See this thread for more info on megascans:

    A snippet: "Everything you download, you will own forever."

    Hope that answers your questions :)

    Excellent news '.. own forever' (old school I am I guess). Looking forward to the release as I'm sure you cannot divulge 'costs' .. even a little?lol
    There must be thousands of man-hours involved with 'Mega..' drooling but awaiting and congrats with all the advances in a relative short time for Quixel.
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    still can't get presets working...

    I`ve uploaded the test case here:

    with one id map it generates the materials, the other doesn't. hex code for color is identical. difference is that there is one more color in the map that doesn't work... any ideas? am I doing something wrong?

    on a side note: quixel suite is spamming my work folder by creating a subfolder for each created iteration/setup/project. I guess this is necessary to store the files created and it's a good thing when the suite crashes to be able to restore a project like that but would it be possible to save these temporary projects to a quixel\backup folder instead and only create a project folder when saved manually? (ask for folder, or set save folder in initial setup)
  • Eric Ramberg
    drmaddogs - many thousand hours indeed!

    akaChris - Thanks for your report! Teddy is currently flying back from the states today so the answer may take a day or so, I´ll tell him soon as I can about this so he can have a look.
  • akaChris
    Offline / Send Message
    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    thanks for the heads up Eric. much appreciated!
  • David1983
    Just a little report, the "update" didn't changed anything for me. Quixel Suite is still unusable for me.
  • Eric Ramberg
    David forgive me if I´m wrong but you still haven´t posted anything about your problems, the only thing I find is a thread about tiling where I helped you. It´s very hard for us to solve your issues if you don´t tell us what it is.
  • Rikk The Gaijin
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    Rikk The Gaijin polycounter lvl 6
    Quixel Wasteland Megascan Pack for UE4 is $150 for seven textures. Are you serious?! :poly118:
  • amusic
    Are ZTools only option for mesh? .obj maybe?
    Thanks for the report Robomega, that's weird! Looking into it. Anyone else getting these issues?

    Ingemar: yes, all 3D scans have high poly Ztools available for download :)

    - Teddy
  • programmer23
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    programmer23 polycounter lvl 6
    Quixel Wasteland Megascan Pack for UE4 is $150 for seven textures. Are you serious?! :poly118:

    That seems really high, and I cant find it on their site, where are you getting that info?
  • David1983
  • Eric Ramberg
    I will post the same answer here as I did the other thread:

    Okay guys I have talked to Teddy, I just dropped him off at his house. So basically what all this boils down to is miscommunication, the pack was released without the knowledge of Quixel and has been removed from the marked place per Quixels request as I´m sure some of you have seen. It was supposed to be released during circumstances, at another time, at another price.

    The price on the Epic market place does therefore not reflect the price of the subscription of Megascans.

    Teddy had no idea that the pack was even released until I told him as I picked him up, as it was released some 20 hours ago when he was still making his way back to Sweden from the united states.
    He was obviously very concerned as this gives the completely wrong idea regarding price.

    So I hope everybody can feel calm again and if there is anything else you want to know don´t hesitate to ask!
  • amusic
    Are ZTools only option for mesh? .obj maybe?
  • bac9-flcl
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    bac9-flcl polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for clarifying that, Eric. I did not catch it while it was up, but I guess it was something like a beta user uploading a set of textures accessible to him to the UE marketplace? Yeah, it's an understandable situation then.
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    any news about the issue I`m having with presets?
  • teddybergsman
    Hi akaChris,

    Hopefully in the next few days, I came back from the US late last night and have just slept away the jet lag. A fun weekend of bug smashing ahead, I'll keep you posted :)

    - Teddy
  • DarkEdge
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    DarkEdge polycounter lvl 10
    I've extracted to the directories as mentioned but I am still looking at version 1.8 ???
    Shouldn't we be able to use Quixel's updater?
  • PlateCaptain
    It's still technically part of 1.8, so that shouldn't change yet.
  • kurylo3d
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    kurylo3d polycounter lvl 3
    I'm not going to lie... that guy david who said quixel is unuseable for him. Its the same for me. I have few different posts about it with no responses. Looking for a little support for a paying customer here... I love your product. Or at least the idea of it, but for now my meshes wont even come into 3do completely textured. 1 mesh that is several combined peices with no history on it exported from maya... and this is what i get ..

    I even tried this update you got here with no fix.

    Nothing more frustrating then paying money for something. Shouting from the rooftops in multiple posts about your issues... even providing screenshots and details.. and no response at all.

    I'm not even going into the 100 different ways to crash this thing. Using this program is like walking on thin ice. Hell clicking reimport mesh crashes it. I'm willing to work around things that make it crash.. like not using it twice in a row or not clicking certain buttons. But cmon... at least let me see the damn preview.

    Honestly im positing all this stuff here because i have not gotten any help from any other forum post.
  • teddybergsman
    Hi again kurylo3d,

    Sorry for the delayed response. So it seems your mesh has two mesh groups, one for the pole and one for the rest (polySurface22 and TurtleDefaultBakeLayer). You should be able to see the two groups when plugging in the mesh into the Base Creator:


    This means one material will be created per mesh group. This is why one part of the mesh is textured, and the pole remains untextured; in the DDO window you should see two tabs, one for each group (of which one has only been textured).

    If your mesh is just supposed to be one whole object with just one UV, make sure to collapse down the two groups into just 1 group before you create the project, and it will share just 1 texture for the entire object.

    Let me know if this helped :)

    - Teddy
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator

    nothing urgent, but I tried the 1.8 stability patch and all the bugs here (from 1.8 original) are still present. Using metalness.
  • stumpinater
    Hey Teddy,

    Any word on getting a fix for the 'Set' command missing issue, it happens when using the multi-normal option.
  • Skyskan
    Hello guys i just bought the quixel suite and was having errors (even with the new patch) when creating the new maps. I import the mesh and when i try to either import an id map that i have created or just any photo for that matter i get this error "system.Runtime.intercropServices.COMexeption(0x80029c4A):error loading type library/DLL. (eception from HRESULT:0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)

    and then suite crashes

    Error message System.ArgymentOutOfRangeEXception: StartIndex cannot larger than length of string.....
    .... etc

    please help
  • Eric Ramberg
    Skyskan - What format are your color ID maps? They should be flattened PNG´s without transparency. Im not sure what you mean by "any photo", but you should download one of the sample projects from:
    And have a look of how all the inputs should look like if you´re unsure.

    There is also a lot of important information on the wiki: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=inputmaps
    about the format of the input maps.

    Let me know if you still have any troubles!
  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Hi guys,
    I'm having trouble getting DDO to open in the Quixel suite. I click it and nothing happens.
    NDO and 3DO both work fine.

    I re-installed it and have tried opening DDO on it's own and still doesn't work. Not receiving any error messages either.

    Thanks in advance

    update : Fixed
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Wait, so you can import multiple meshes in DDo? How? Can't seem to be able to do that myself.
  • Aranda
    Hi there,

    We're using DDO to make textures for Unity 5 standard shader. We'd like the 3DO preview to match the results in Unity as closely as possible. Currently we use the Specular/Gloss workflow and calibration and this puts the gloss map in the specular A channel as expected for Unity. However, the visual result in Unity is much duller - to get a similar result we need to brighten the gloss map post export from DDO.

    We've tried applying the 1.8 patches here with no effect. Just wanted to know if this is something wrong on our end, and if not, is it something you guys are aware of and fixing? :)

  • RafaelDeJongh
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    RafaelDeJongh polycounter lvl 4
    I'm having a problem regarding the custom smart materials but, I made a thread but didn't get a proper reply yet: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?p=2280368

    Could anyone enlighten me regarding this problem? Thanks in advance.
  • Bee-Bee
    I have a few questions about the upcoming MegaScans beta:

    1) Will the 3do previewer be updated for the new megaScans library or will we need to use the previewer that's currently included with 1.8?

    2) Will any of the previous smart materials/materials, etc be updated with this beta? (for example, will they be more pbr accurate and/or higher res. etc )

  • Chantel-sky
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    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Hey again,

    I was using 1.7 but kept getting crashes with DDO when I have UE4 selected, a window would come up saying something about resolution but I couldn't get it to go away.

    I updated to 1.8 hoping it'd solve the issue but now I can't even open DDO, I check task manager and it says thinking but nothing happens. I've tried rolling back to 1.7 again as I really need to get the texturing done on my assets for my university game assignment but the progress bar just freezes.

    Is anyone able to help or offer any suggestions on how to fix this? I'm using photoshop CC on windows 7

  • Vipera
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    Vipera polycounter lvl 2

    Is anyone able to help or offer any suggestions on how to fix this? I'm using photoshop CC on windows 7

    When I start Quixel Suite, work some time in it and then close it then sometimes I can see in Windows Task Manager that it is still running (SUITE.exe). I have to manually close it via Task Manager before I launch it again, otherwise it will not launch in next session. Make sure you do not have other copy of Suite running. I use Photoshop CC, UE4 profile, Windows 7.
  • Chantel-sky
    Offline / Send Message
    Chantel-sky polycounter lvl 3
    Vipera wrote: »
    When I start Quixel Suite, work some time in it and then close it then sometimes I can see in Windows Task Manager that it is still running (SUITE.exe). I have to manually close it via Task Manager before I launch it again, otherwise it will not launch in next session. Make sure you do not have other copy of Suite running. I use Photoshop CC, UE4 profile, Windows 7.

    Hmm, Doesn't seem to be working even when making sure Suite.exe is closed in the task manager.

    When I click NDO it opens instantly, but clicking DDO nothing happens except for a window showing up in the task manager called "Thinking..." which nothing ends up happening.
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