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MODO baking random map?

polycounter lvl 11
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Spoon polycounter lvl 11
A cross post from the official forums, as I am completely confused about this.

I have NO idea what is going on here, and really need some help.

When I am baking an object, it looks fine in the render view, but when it is almost done, it stops and shows/ swaps in another completely random bake, often from another object. Even when I duplicate the Item to a new scene, and close the other one, so there should be no doubt.

I have also checked the output folder, and no bake is created.

What is happening? What am I misunderstanding?



Trying to dup the item into a new fresh scene..



  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Update: I seem to be able to bake fine if I do the old school way of rightclicking on the layer and baking to file, but then I cant figure out how to get object space nrm maps.

    Does anyone have a clue what this it about? :O
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    Everyone have this issues when baking in Modo. Every step must be done with order 1, 2, 3, 4 ... or Modo will void the operation.

    Overtime i figured that i need to have my highpoly layer selected well above the lowerpolys and pick "normal map" without picking anything else (like picking colormap instead) or i get to bake the blue-screen-of-nothing.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    When you say in order, do you mean I go down the bakingKit option one by one, and i cant change the resolution ander I have set the output path for example?
  • admir
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    admir polycounter lvl 18
    When "baking" in Modo, it actually renders projections to selected UV map instead on screen. I think your problem is that both high and low poly meshes have same name uv map and Modo first bakes to low poly's and then to high poly's uv map. To remove confusion, i name my UVs to Texture_HP and Texture_LP.


  • WarrenM
    Don't use the baking UI. It's garbage, IMO. Just use the Render -> Bake To Render Outputs path and handle it manually.

    And yes, delete the UVs from the high poly ... or rename that map ... that will screw you up big time.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks a lot for tuning in, Warren :)
    Oh, I was just told to USE the baking UI the other day.
    Thanks, but I am not even using a highpoly.

    All I want, is to use the rounded edge shader thing on the lowpoly, and bake that to a normal map.
    • If I bake a tangent space, I get seams at the hard edges, obviously.
    • I cant figure out how to render an object space without the bakingkit.
    • With the bakingkit, nothing works.

    Thats pretty much my loop of problems :)

    EDIT: Oh admir, missed teh reply initially. Thanks a lot. I can try when I come home to rename the UV map, as all low polies atm use "texture", but still, if my one item is solo'ed, should it still make a differenec?
  • WarrenM
    An object space map is just a matter of adding a "Shading Normal" render output and checking ON the "Remap Pixels" box in it's properties. Then bake from one object to the other and it should work.

    I always use "Render -> Bake From Object To Render Outputs" in MODO. And I set up a morph map bake cage to use instead of distance. That works pretty reliably for me.

    Although these days I do most of my baking in Substance Painter (but I understand that negates the rounded edge shader) ...
  • WarrenM
    To trouble shoot:

    - You need both objects to be visible
    - Select the object that you want to receive the bake and select the UV map you want to use
    - Do NOT have UVs on the source object or, at least, change it's UV map name to something other than what the target object is using
    - If the rounded edges bake out low res or faceted, I THINK you need to fiddle with the "Render Level" under your mesh properties. Set it to something higher than the default and see what happens.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Followed Warren's advice -> not a single problem.

    Thanks a lot, Warren. And sorry for my failing attempt at not including you in helping me once again :p
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