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Demo Reel - PeteHawk

polycounter lvl 12
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PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
Hey fellow locomotion-ist.
Since everyone's having a go at it, why not post my reel for feedback. I've gotten quite a list over the past months, but I'm more then happy to receive more critiques.
I'm on the verge of uploading a new one, and any final input is much appreciated!

Enjoy :thumbup:


  • heboltz3
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    heboltz3 polycounter lvl 9
    Neat Pete!!!

    So right off the bat, it might be a personal thing, but I find the audio really distracting. I muted the reel right away and it was much easier to get through.

    Although I understand and appreciate the translation through space for some of your cycles, I have to say its tough breaking down what is going on with the motions. For this reason, I think your split screen run/jump slide hurdle, is your strongest piece amongst the cycles. I have a clear understanding of the movement,and I can see it from angles that make sense for the motion.

    Your run and Jump could have a better angle and some shadows. Right now the animation is fighting the camera work, and its hard to tell what's going on. Right after that, the mechanics on the lady rogue feel a bit off, and the knee shake is really apparent. I'd work on tightening up those legs.

    I think your camera work on the punching bag and flour sacks is really great.

    Your hot-rod homage is fun, but I'm not so sure it leaves the best taste in my mouth as a closer. Also, this would be a scenario where you'd want to tone down the camera movement and let the viewer see the animation without distraction.

    Overall, I think the animations aren't bad but there are a lot of things you are currently doing that distract the viewer from seeing your work.
  • slipsius
    Good stuff! Few notes

    First, Get some ground planes in your shots. Especially your run and jump cycle, it's kind of hard to see what's going on, or how their body is moving in relation to the ground. Ground planes are a must. But that shot especially, i think also has to do with your cameras.

    Your camera work is kind of meh. You're leading the action with the camera, rather than following the action which is more common and widely more acceptable / preferred. I`d honestly ditch any camera movement you can. It makes it more difficult to critique and view your animations. Essentially it hides your hard work. If the character isnt moving off screen, let the animation speak for itself. stationary camera.

    The girl crouch/walk anim, her legs are pretty twitchy/wobbly. Definitely try and fix that if you still have the file. If not, you may want to consider ditching it from your reel. She's moving in a very precise way, very focused and controlled. Wobbly legs take away from that. But it also looks like shoddy animation rather than a design choice. It will hurt you.

    Also, you have some killer pixel animations. If you can, try and throw some of those on your reel. Even if its just 1 camera shot with 12 different pixel animations on screen for 4 or 5 seconds, i think it would really add something different to your reel that most people don't have.

    Besides that, great work man! Lookin forward to seeing more from you
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    Hi Pete,

    I think the Robot with the punching bag and the female sneak cycle might be your strongest work, though I think I would reduce or eliminate the knee wobble on the sneak cycle, personally I find it a little distracting. I like how you've positioned the camera to clearly show the action on those.

    the dwarf character seems to walk very squat legged, which feels odd to me, is he supposed to be crouch walking? There needs to be some extension on the push off of any walk

    My biggest critique however would be to remove the first walk cycle on your reel, You want the first thing on your reel to be your absolute strongest work, however I feel like this is one of your weakest pieces on the reel.

    Keep at it man, I'm looking forward to seeing your next reel!
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    I saw you wrote in the waywo thread that fps animation isn't really reel worthy and you might be right but I just wanted to say that I think you pulled it off quite nicely. Good feel to the bobbing when he runs.

    A bit to much cycles imo. Just replace the weakest and put something else in as you go along.

    Maybe have the robot as an starter?

    I like music in animation reels as long it's not swingmusic. I don't get why so many animation mentor reels have swing music in them. What gives?

    Anyway, It's a bit awkard with just footsteps and makes me think of that prodigy video where they removed the music and just have footsteps and sneezes.
  • PeteHawk
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    PeteHawk polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks ever so much for the input, I worked a little on what you guys have mentioned, what to take out, what to leave and what to change. I'm appreciating it all, and also from what others have said on the matter too.

    Things are still up for debate, but for now this is my 2015 version!

  • egymer
    Hey there PeteHawk! First thing that stands out to me is the weight of most of the character. The guy you have going through a run/walk at the start is very light - you don't feel that "push" off of the ground. With the shooting game guys, sometimes it's hard to tell whether the character is moving or the camera is. It might be worth putting a ground plane in. And with the robot guy - i think you could really push those poses, to see the change in force when he hits the... wobbly thing? And if i were you i might take the dancing at the end out, i'm not sure it looks that good :S. Keep going with it! I remember seeing your stuff ages ago, so it's nice to see an updated reel :D. Hope the critique helps.
  • retromann
    keep up the great work we are looking for a pixel artist animation for a side scrolling arcade project
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