After I did some windows cleanup and disabling system restore, for some reason many of my maya scenes refuse to open. Always saying that I got a fatal error whenever I try. I tried opening the scenes on different computers, but no luck... I didn't encounter this problem before and I'm baffled.
Is there some easy way to fix this problem in a text edit or wordpad? Perhaps it's like some 1 messed up line somewhere that I can delete, hopefully?
I really don't want to go back many iterations of my work :poly127:
Also, if anyone is kind enough to check it out for me, that would be so great :poly127:
I can pm you the file dropbox link if anyone is kind enough to look at it.
Once I had to do this with After Effect files and for some reason, values that should be numbers was saved as some weird characters IND##!@#.
Succeeded, not deleting that much on my side.
Only 35k out of 2.35Mo lines.
>> A way to recover a .ma file (did it once or twice years ago) is often to start by deleting all 'set attrib' lines at the end of the .ma
It generally helps recovering at least all of the meshes inside.
But tends also to leave you with a real mess to sort out.
No more shaders, corrupted geos which will need obj export/import, 1 by 1 etc ...
So, I tried with your file and it succeeded, lucky you !
All of your suited boobies girls respawned
Use notepad++ or ultraedit
Delete everything following line
2 207 092 setAttr ".res" -type "string" "ntsc_4d 646 485 1.333";
BUT keep these 2 lines at the very end of the file
dataStructure -fmt "raw" -as "name=externalContentTable:string=node:string=key:string=upath:uint32=upathcrc:string=rpath:string=roles";
// End of
(read carefully, I also deleted 1 line between these last 2 ones)
You got it back with all the mess you left inside.
- ALL of your objects are left with primitives names ...
- Namespaces have sometimes a level7-encapsulation, I don't even know how this can be done really ...
- No single display layer set ...
- etc ...
I could spend minutes parsing the not so funny awfulness of this file really, but my blood is boiling right now hahahaha.
So, as you're using a student licence, please remember these master rules FOREVER :
- Delete history regularly
- Set intelligent names
- Get rid of encapsulated namespaces
- Use display layers
- and forget about references until you master the former 4 simple rules !!!
Our work in production is always a TeamWork, and so, it's absolutely mandatory to respect the one working 'after you', as the one working 'before you' did. Same if you're both guys : I can assure you you'll feel the pain now that you got to clean and recover meshes 1 by 1.
Cheers, plz work CLEAN buddy, and sry for being a bit tough, this will for sure learn you something
i dont know those technical terms yet though, such as level 7 encapsulation, etc even after googling.
anyway, i exported what i could as obj and started fresh in a new scene so hopefully that solves most of the problems. curious that u see it as as student version, as right now it is not supposed to be.
anyway ill try to be cleaner from now on, ty!:thumbup:
Header license just mention it's a "educational" one, no big deal though
The encapsulated thingie, yeah, true you won't find anything about this on the internet, it just means there were names like :
>> polysurface7:polysurface7:polysurface7:polysurface7:polysurface7:polysurface7:polysurface128
... happens when you export an obj several times and reimport it afterwards without ever setting a good name in the process.
A good way to avoid this is to uncheck "Use namespace", and selecting "clashing nodes" in the drop down right under the checkbox (obj import options). This way, even if you don't set a name in the process, name will be :
>> polysurface128
... because Maya automatically increments the number at the end of the name if it already exists in the outliner or even, sometimes, in the cached hidden datas.
Be sure this shouldn't happen any more to you if you rename
Ow, last thing you probably don't know yet, right-click the outliner's list and check/uncheck 'Show DAG' & 'Display shapes' >> lot more surprises now
Cheers, and don't try being clean, just do it dude, would it be under educational/normal/extended license, same trip :P