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any way to do contiguous smoothing group + material ID selection in max ?

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Does anyone know of a way to select all connected polys with the same material ID or smoothing group? Would be a pretty cool scripts I reckon. I'd attempt to script it myself but that's way beyond my limited scripting skills. Maybe one of the Maxscript wizards out there can have a go at it?


  • FelixL
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    FelixL polycounter lvl 9
    Not sure why you'd need this. But you can select an element first (for continuity), hide unselected, then use select by SG, select your smoothing group, and voila.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    Not quite what I mean. I would like something where it's like select by element mode but instead of selecting the entire element it would only select one contiguous Material ID or smoothing group depending on the setting. So if you have multiple groups of faces with the same smoothing group or material IDs it will only select the ones that are contiguous with your selected face(s)




    instead of this

  • FelixL
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    FelixL polycounter lvl 9
    I see. It could be quite useful.
    As a workaround, you can select by ID, hide unselected, select one face, then hit "grow" under edit poly. It will only grow the selected area on visible faces, not invisible ones.

    I still don't see how you would need this so often that you require a hotkey/macro for it. Have you looked into selection sets? Also available through the ribbon UI.

    You could also just detach it to an element or seperate it into a UV shell, select it through unwrap UVW and collapse it back to edit poly.
  • haiddasalami
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    haiddasalami polycounter lvl 14
    macroscript selectFacesBySmoothingGroup category:"Polycount Tech Talk" ButtonText:"Tooltip Description for button" toolTip:"Insert Description Here"
    	finalArray = #()
    	fn getOutEdgesUsingFace oPoly baFace =
    	    if ( ((classOf oPoly) == Editable_Poly) and ((classOf baFace) == BitArray) ) then
    	        if (baFace.isEmpty == true) then ( return #{} )
    	        local baEdgeSet01 = polyOp.getEdgesUsingFace oPoly baFace
    	        local baFaceSet01 = #{1..(polyOp.getNumFaces oPoly)} - baFace
    	        local baEdgeSet02 = polyOp.getEdgesUsingFace oPoly baFaceSet01
    	        return (baEdgeSet01 * baEdgeSet02)
    	fn getSmoothingGroupFaces sel faceArray smoothingGroups = (
    		faceWalkMatches = #()
    		edges = getOutEdgesUsingFace sel faceArray
    		for edge in edges do 
    			faceListFromEdge = (polyop.getFacesUsingEdge sel #{edge}) - (finalArray as BitArray)
    			for faceList in faceListFromEdge do 
    				faceSmoothGrp = polyOp.getFaceSmoothGroup sel faceList
    				for smoothGroup in smoothingGroups do (
    					if faceSmoothGrp == smoothGroup then 
    						appendIfUnique faceWalkMatches faceList 
    		if faceWalkMatches.count > 0 then 
    			for faceMatch in faceWalkMatches do 
    				appendIfUnique finalArray faceMatch
    		return #(finalArray,faceWalkMatches)
    	fn main sel faceSel smoothingGroups= 
    		for face in faceSel do 
    			faceSelSmoothingGrp = polyOp.getFaceSmoothGroup selection[1] face
    			appendIfUnique smoothingGroups faceSelSmoothingGrp
    			appendIfUnique finalArray face
    		result = getSmoothingGroupFaces selection[1] faceSel smoothingGroups
    		while result[2].count > 0 do
    			result = getSmoothingGroupFaces selection[1] (result[1] as BitArray) smoothingGroups
    		sel.EditablePoly.SetSelection #Face (result[1] as BitArray)
    	fn userCheck = 
    		sel = selection[1]
    		result = #(False)
    		if ((classOf sel) == Editable_Poly) then 
    			faceSel = polyop.getFaceSelection selection[1]
    			if faceSel.isEmpty then 
    				messageBox "No Faces selected"
    				result = #(True,faceSel)  
    		if  ((classOf sel) == Editable_Mesh) then
    			userInput = queryBox ("This mesh is an Editable Mesh. Would you like to convert it to Editable Poly?") title:"Editable Mesh found!"
    			if userInput then 
    				faceSel = getFaceSelection sel
    				convertToPoly sel
    				macros.run "Modifier Stack" "SubObject_4"
    				faceSel = polyop.getFaceSelection selection[1]
    				if faceSel.isEmpty then 
    					messageBox "No Faces selected"
    					result = #(True,faceSel)  
    			if not userInput then 
    				messageBox "Script needs the object to be as an Editable Poly."
    		return result
    	userCheckTest = userCheck()
    	if userCheckTest[1] == True then 
    		smoothingGroups = #()
    		sel = selection[1]
    		faceSel = userCheckTest[2]
    		main sel faceSel smoothingGroups

    Lemme know if that works. Wrote this a while back for an artist. Needs to be an edit poly but can modify for edit mesh would just need to make other functions aware of that. Also had a walkthrough grow selection by smoothing group.
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Lemme know if that works. Wrote this a while back for an artist. Needs to be an edit poly but can modify for edit mesh would just need to make other functions aware of that. Also had a walkthrough grow selection by smoothing group.

    And I'd be that artist. This works very well for my workflow. In combination w/ a hotkey for poly select by angle (5, 45, etc) it can get very fast to setup big areas for a Meshsmooth + by smoothing groups setup.
  • Joost
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    Joost polycount sponsor
    FelixL wrote: »
    I see. It could be quite useful.
    As a workaround, you can select by ID, hide unselected, select one face, then hit "grow" under edit poly. It will only grow the selected area on visible faces, not invisible ones.

    I still don't see how you would need this so often that you require a hotkey/macro for it. Have you looked into selection sets? Also available through the ribbon UI.

    You could also just detach it to an element or seperate it into a UV shell, select it through unwrap UVW and collapse it back to edit poly.

    I'm doing a lot of mid poly stuff atm with loads of cut in panels that have different material IDS and I'm using support loops+ 1 smoothing group for the smoothing. Which results in a lot of geo and makes it a real pain to select stuff. I guess if you're doing conventional low/high poly work it's not that useful. That workaround works pretty well. Just a bit annoying when you have to do it several times.
    Selection sets tend to disappear when you change the geo so I avoid using them.

    @haiddasalami: Thanks a lot man! That's exactly what I was looking for, for smoothing groups. Works great so far.
  • FelixL
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    FelixL polycounter lvl 9
    Works fine! Thanks, I might start using that.
  • monster
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    monster polycounter

    Here is my attempt to grow/expand by material ID. You can even select more than one face/matID to start.
  • Joost
    Offline / Send Message
    Joost polycount sponsor
    Thanks monster, that works great!
    Really appreciate it. Thanks guys!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    msshtools has this function since i dunno 10 years ^^
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