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Pirate character/ Belt weighting questions

polycounter lvl 2
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Skella polycounter lvl 2
Hey there. So, I've got a pirate character who's got a rather large belt, and I've hit a snag on the weighting.


So, I was told by a teacher to weight the belt heavily to one joint, so that the object moves like a leather belt. I've got that done, and it does move like I want. The issue is that I don't know how I would proceed with getting the other pieces of geometry to interact with the belt like I want. NCloth would work with painting influence to the ncloth, but I'd be stuck with a belt that practically stays static, which isn't right


So, my question, is does anyone know a way to only have influence on the belt AS the other meshes get closer to it? So that there's a realistic bunching up of clothes around the belt, but the belt can be pushed against?


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