We all know current gen uses diffuse, normal, specular, ect
im using dDo to texture, and it creates all sort of maps, but i need to merge all those maps into a single texture, the diffuse itself is showing just the colors, i want a diffuse showing also the normal and all the reflections from the specular, in short, just applying the diffuse and it already looking like on the previewer.

i want that just applying a single difuse texture, it looks all rendered and with the illuminations as if it were inside a current gen viewer that supports normals and all that (i know ilumination and all that wont be changed cause its just a diffuse yes, just want it to preview them on viewer that doesnt work with normals and current gen shaders) looking over the internet i found the perfect example of what i need:

that map showing in there is the texture i need, a single texture looking like that, with all the shaders on it, but i dont know if thats just a preview or a exportable texture, how can i accompish this? and what software have this as a feature? (exporting the image i need), thanks!
it says its done on marmoset, but i dont know if thats a preview inside the software or the exported texture.
this is kind of what im looking for, but thats for 3ds max, hope theres more options
I think this is done by putting the texture sheets on a plane, and rendering that.
unreal engine has something like that build in
prebaking (or handpainting the lightinfirmation) has been pretty standard a while ago and still make a lot of sense on weaker systems.
@op: you can definitely do this in 3dsmax, in ddo you could fake a lot using objectspace normals as masks and fake directional light this way. not sure if it can bake in matcaps/cubemaps.
this would be a nice solution, ill go investigate more about it, thanks
i just though there was a simple way with all the new software since they use now pbr illumination on your objects, like dDo previewer, substance painter, on max its more of manually setting all lights, just looking for a updated workflow (that can save time) with all these new software out now