Home Quixel Megascans

Quixel Suite - GDC 2015 goodies (to see, not touch)



  • SpaceJunkee

    Thank you for the information and sneak peak at some of the Megascans materials. I can't wait to get to try the open beta.
  • bac9-flcl
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    bac9-flcl polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks for all the information! The details you've outlined sound pretty fair to me, can't wait to know more once it opens up.
  • EoinOBroin
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    EoinOBroin polycounter lvl 3
    Thanks for the info, super excited for April 30! Great to hear that beta testers will get a discount- will they also be able to purchase the subscription model during the beta phase?
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Can't wait for this. I would like to see a game made with only assets from Megascans (which i think we might see at some point within 2015).

    Pricing sounds fair as well, unless it's like 100$ a month for that buffet subscription. Man i love buffets :)

    Another thing, is pricing going to differ a lot from which quality you choose to download (2k-4k etc). I for once will most likely stick with 2-4k, can't see any benefit with using more even in todays next-gen environments.
  • David1983
    For those who didn't saw the UE4 marketrplace release of "Wasteland" megascans pack. Megascans just started to be complitly uninteresting, at least for me... 7 Textures with just 2K resolution for 150 USD ? Are you kidding me ? So this are the fair prices ?

  • tach
    Welp, I'm not sure if that's fair pricing or not for 7 2048x2048 materials but it definitely leaves Megascans out of the picture for me... Can't afford those prices unfortunately. Those textures look really good tho.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    That's one big rip-off
  • HowlYeYe
    No way Jose. If that's what we're looking at, I don't know what independent hobbyist will be buying those.
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    You should consider looking into something torrent-like to help reduce bandwidth costs. Bittorrent was made to help deal with transferring extremely large amounts of data, and it would really help you manage some of the bandwidth issues and costs. Perhaps some studios wouldn't want to have Bittorrent clients or similar installed, but I think some would appreciate the increased speed, and you could pass the savings on to your customers to help them offset the costs they'll incur by seeding megascans.
  • David1983
    The price is not so high because of the bandwich, please. Guys you shouldn't believe such a crap.
    The price is just so high becasue someone wants to make a quick dollar. I mean really ??? 7, 2K textures for 150 USD, this is really a big rip-off, no one on the marketplace will buys this, never.

    And yeah, they look really cool but guys have you noticed that some of the 7 textures are looking really "simillar" i mean i even just don't know what to write. Even when they would reduce the price to 100 USD or 75 USD, it would be simply to high.

    There is a guy on the UE4 forums, you cab find him on the marketplace section, he also works with nice textures, they look very simillar to megascans textures "same quality! also full PBR and he is charging like 30 USD for 20 or 25 4k Textures.
  • tach
    Nothing I've seen there compares to the quality of Megascans. Not there or anywhere else really. That said this pack came out of the blue so I'm sure Quixel is just testing the waters with this.
  • Eric Ramberg
    While I can´t comment on the subscription prizes, mostly because I don´t know if the ones I was told are final, I would ask that you wait before laying your final judgement on Megascans, one single pack sold on a separate platform won´t dictate the prize for Quixels own subscription service.

    I´m picking Teddy up from the airport tonight, (apparently he came in one day later that previously expected) and I will tell him that there are many questions regarding the prize here on the forums.

    Hopefully then you can get the answers you want.
  • David1983
    Sorry Eric but the Unreal Engine Marketplace price tells us "almost" everything we can expect and have to know about quixels price strategy. If this is not a bad joke, this is a brazen clap in the face to all your potential customers, especially after teddys long talk, we like to make it affordable for everyone.

    How every you flip or turn "explain" the marketplace release "price" someone gets simply fraud. If this is not the real price strategy, quixel simply tricked epic and the marketplace customers to see how far they can go with the price...

    On the other site, if you keep this highly brazen prices, you will simply disappoint all the fans and potential buyers of megascans. No one expect of the big stuidos will work or let's say afford this textures.

    After getting disappointed with the quixel suite, here we are again....

    @tach Actually they have a very similar quality, especially the mud textures.... Just have a look and the best part is, you don't have to pay 150 USD for 5 textures, cause 2 textures are very very similar to me!


  • WarrenM
    The price is not so high because of the bandwich, please. Guys you shouldn't believe such a crap.
    The price is just so high becasue someone wants to make a quick dollar. I mean really ???
    You might not agree with their pricing but there's no reason to be an abusive jerk about it. Try to remain civil and you'll get better responses.
  • David1983
    I'm not a jerk! I simply don't like to be played by they're software with no support for 4 Months and than rubbed with megascans. This is my opinion about this and as far i'm reading around on the internet i'm not the only one thininkg so! After spending a lot of money "yeah for me it is a lot" i think i have the right to be critical and to say my opinion. Cause i have simply never experienced something similar.
  • WarrenM
    i think i have the right to be critical and to say my opinion.
    You do. I'm simply advocating keeping a civil tone.
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    lets say you complain about the price, but they sell plenty of texture packs. You where wrong and the texture packs where valued right!

    Lets say you complain about the price and they don't sell any texture packs. You where right and they have to change their pricing in a couple of weeks.

    What I'm saying is, don't like it, don't buy it. You have a right to lay down your opinion, but at the moment you are being quite speculative in your complaints, talking about something that hasn't been released and something else you haven't bought!
  • David1983
    Thanks a lot warrenM but i think i have enjoed a very good parental home education. So i think i don't need your advocating about civil tone. I'm a very simple person and i don't like to offend people but i like to discuss especially when it comes to injustice like here.

    @fearian, Of course i'm speculative about megascans, but this has nothing to do with the fact that i have the right to tell what i think especially as unhappy customer. And for the speculative and i'm not sure if this is really speculative cause at least for me it looks pretty clear what is going on.

    And yes they have every right to charge as much as they want for megascans, even 1000000 USD for one texture, the question is just if someone would buy they're packs, assets and textures for this price. When it comes to pricing, all i'm writing or i have wrote about megascans is my feel and impresions what i have read so far about this.
  • WarrenM
    And for the speculative and i'm not sure if this is really speculative cause at least for me it looks pretty clear what is going on.

    If I may ... you SAY that. And then you post this sort of thing:

    "The price is not so high because of the bandwich, please. Guys you shouldn't believe such a crap.
    The price is just so high becasue someone wants to make a quick dollar."

    Basically saying that bandwidth cost isn't a real concern and they are just trying to gouge for maximum dollar revenue.

    That's ignorant of the facts.

    I understand that you're frustrated but ... well, I've said my piece.
  • David1983
    Of course there is a bandwich cost, but bandwich is not that expenisve, especially within the EU like some people are claiming. Take a look and inform your self, cause i did. And telling ouh yeah our service is getting expensive because of the bandwich is simply not true. I mean at the end teddy wrote that the bandwich will not effect the price, so where is the problem... ?

    And for the unreal marketpalce, they're is no bandwich cost at all.

    And for the speculative... and my last sentense, just give me a little room for irony and sarcsam, ok ? :-) Thnaks!

    And just to be clear, please don't be offended by my words, this is just what i think about all this. At the end this is all basic economy, high demand, high prices. If this is fair or not ? this is something everyone has to figure out for them self.
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    Think we're jumping the gun a bit here.

    All well and good to say 7x2048=$150 is steeper than most on the hobbiest license can afford/willing to pay. I'd be in that boat myself.

    Fraud, rip off, quick buck, injustice etc is a little to incendiary language for my comfort. Quick buck may turn out to be true, same for rip off, but fraudlant or unjust don't really apply. thats where we enter a 'choose to be a customer or not' territory.

    lets look at the facts:

    Teddy's not released the megascans service.
    This is not the megascans service.
    This is for sale on the epic store, which suggests that Epic would be taking a cut of any sales.

    What is this pack about? beats me! it's different to what Quixel have suggested Megascans would be, we're going to have to wait to give the developer a chance to talk about it before rushing to judgement.
    is it only soil in this wasteland pack? are there other assets, like foliage, rocks or dirt and debris?
    who is the pack targeted at, is it studios or hobbiests? Is there to be a distinction in pricing? ( I would presume so).
    Will other assets be added to the pack? What are the licenseing terms?

    Another relevent question would be, how many man hours would it take an artist to generate 7 soil textures from scratch. Would it be less than 1 day? cause at the end of that day, you would have spent at least $150 dollars.

    I hope this is not reflective of the final prices. even if it's 10% of this price, it would still be too expensive for me to adopt.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    If I remember correctly Epic takes 75 % of the price... Totally unfair.
  • David1983
    @oskarkeo, i can agree to fraudlant or unjust etc... This sounds maybe a bit to hard.

    For the unreal marketplace, epics fee is 30% not 75%... And hmm i'm not sure if the unreal marketplace is the real platform for big studios, i think the standard marketplace user is a beginner or small indie....

    For the price, i have posted two links whith really good textures, they are maybe not 100% megascans quality but they are made by photogrametry which gives also a very very good result. And take a look at the price.... Is it less work to create photogrametry textures than megascans ? I have no idea.
  • Eric Ramberg
    The feedback of the Unreal marketplace pack is great, we welcome and appreciate it! And if you think the price is way to high then that is how you feel about it.

    BUT it doesn´t mean that you automatically "KNOW" what Megascans will cost. If you remove separate items from a subscription service the price will be higher, yes? If you also change platform where you rely sole on one time payments to cover your costs then again the price will increase.

    I absolutely understand that the price of this pack may seen as an alarming indicator. But I ask, please wait for the official prices of Megascans subscription service before you start dismissing it altogether.
    I know Teddy worked really hard to come up with a price model that is fair to everyone and I think he should at lest be allowed to present that pricing model before being criticized for it.
  • WarrenM
  • tach
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Bearing in mind that's also probably priced for commercial-use as well. When did polycount become home to such abusive and entitled people?
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Still dont justify $150.00 for 7maps @ 2k
    I'll pass, just my 0.02 Cents tho.
    Rock on quixel
  • Eric Ramberg
    Just as a side note the wasteland pack does not only contain Megascans, there are also custom shaders for UE4 included that took quite some time to make.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Tungerz we appreciate the feedback!
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    @david1983 -
    good to know the fees for market place thanks, i had no idea.

    sure, looks like a nice price for diffuse and bump/height scans, but still leaves a few maps to make (spec gloss/metalness).
    From looking at the 'megascanner' video quixel showed, it would appear it's much more involved than standard photogrammetry, it also seems as if they've been touring the world trying to capture a variety of surfaces, which ain't gonna have been cheap.

  • Eric Ramberg
    oskarkeo - You are very correct in that there are scanners in various countries, Quixel are trying to make Megascans as complete as possible and that means a lot of travel :)
  • tach
    Curious to know, is there any reason why this pack has been released so early? As Eric said nothing has been released or announced in detal yet so this seems really random.
  • Eric Ramberg
    tach - Im not entirely sure but if I remember correctly there was some sort of deadline involved, it was made some time ago though so I honestly don´t remember the reason, bare in mind that Megascans is not my area of expertise, Teddy will answer that better than me I´m sure :)
  • loggie24
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    loggie24 polycounter lvl 3
    Well this didn't exactly make my day. If this is the price range we are actually looking at, it's a ripoff, not a fraud like some are saying but a solid ripoff and there is no argument as far as i can think of that can counter that.

    7 textures for 150$? I hope for Christ all mighty's sake this is not the final price otherwise Quixel might as well never release a consumer version and stick with selling their textures to billion-dollar companies such as EA because one thing is for sure, we won't buy shit Teddy

    But once again let's wait for Teddy's response.
  • David1983
    Sorry Eric but what have you thought would be the reaction to 7 Textures, 2K for 150 USD ?
    And of course people will see this as a idicator of your "quixels" price strategy. I mean we are not talking about hey, this is a little bit high, we are talking about, what really ?

    @ghaztehschmexeh, home to abusive and entitled people ? Have you bought the quixel suite ? Do you have the same problems like myself with this software ? If not, you should't judge on my complains against quixel. I'm not a sheep, saying to everything yes and meeeeeh.... And if you think 150 USD for even 7 commercial textures are ok, good i can absolutly tolerate this. But this doesn't mean that this is really ok or at least ok for me.

    @ Eric, i appreciate your help and your last post "other section of the forum", to slove my problems with the quixel suite. As soon i will have time i will install the quixel suite again and post some pictures. But basically for now, i'm simply waiting for a real update which makes this software work.
  • EoinOBroin
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    EoinOBroin polycounter lvl 3
    While it is an expensive pack:

    1. I doubt the subscription for Megascans will be nearly as expensive (per texture), I'd be happy to pay 1,000 USD for a years subscription.

    2. This pack includes shaders and also brushes for landscape sculpting, so it isn't just 7 materials for $150, it does have quite a bit more, and includes a commercial license. I'm sure the final Megascans price will be fitting for everyone.

    I'm very excited for Megascans, and from the amount of work I know Teddy and the rest of the team have done, I hope it makes them a lot of money, they certainly have earned it. Roll on April 30!
  • Eric Ramberg
    Davis1983 - Hopefully when the prices are revealed you will feel that it´s a fair deal!
    Sorry to hear about your problems, I can understand you want to wait for the official patch before installing but if you want to make at it now all feedback is greatly appreciated!

    EoinOBroin - 1 You are correct

    2 - Correct again

    Awesome to hear, I don´t think you will be dissapointed:)
  • David1983
    @EoinoBroin, I think even if all shaders and brushes in the wold would be part of this pack, this really didn't makes it better... :-)

    Now seriously, I'm also very curious to see with what price range, strategy they will come up with the offical release, especially after this feedback. But for now i doubt quixel is making new friends with this release...

    @Eric, thanks again! Yeah hopefully everyone will feel that way... And let me say one more word about the price, please don't get me wrong, i'm not looking for dumping prices. Good work or let's say this amazing looking textures can have his costs but please stay on earth... :-)
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    @David Yup, I own the suite. Bought it as soon as it came out. I've been using it to varying degrees since it came out. I've had issues. I've either found workarounds myself or I've politely and patiently reported the issue on the forum. The suite is a separate issue to megascans though. Megascans is a separate service. And although I really really hope that I can afford to sub to it, I do not feel as though I am owed it. I have faith quixel will put as much effort as they can into keeping the pricing fair. Although a little slow with communication at times, they have shown themselves to be an ethical company.
  • David1983
    @ghaztehschmexeh, I also bought the suite at the very first day. Saying that megascans has nothing to do with the quixel suite is in my opinion completly wrong, sorry for beeing so offense to you with this.

    Why you think they are no updates and like no support for all this months? It's very simple, casue the whole team is busy with megascans. But i wrote alreday clearly in one of my very first posts about this.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    I don't want to get into a petty argument over this, so this will be the last I say on the matter. But frankly, what a company does with it's time is not really any of your business. In fact from what I have read, the reason for such delays is that the only programmer, teddy, has been training a second programmer how to program the suite. This doesn't suddenly mean that you are entitled to megascans. You are welcome to be upset that you've had issues for a while. However, it doesn't excuse your attitude and your spreading of misinformation.

    I've never seen someone get so upset over £50. Outside of angry video game players, of course. If you are ever looking to work in the industry, you'd do well to remember that polycount has been described as the most casual interview ever. If you aren't quieten down because your issues aren't really that big.
  • David1983
    Of course it is not my busines, time or whatever, but buying software and supporting the developer with my money, makes me care of this or lets say my investment. I didn't pay 50 bucks cause i'm not longer a student.

    And by the way, i think quixel can speak for there self and they don't need someone who speaks for them. But however if you think you are threated Ok by the company after buying the suite ok :-) It's your opinion.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Okay guys I have talked to Teddy, I just dropped him off at his house. So basically what all this boils down to is miscommunication, the pack was released without the knowledge of Quixel and has been removed from the marked place per Quixels request as I´m sure some of you have seen. It was supposed to be released during circumstances, at another time, at another price.

    The price on the Epic market place does therefore not reflect the price of the subscription of Megascans.

    Teddy had no idea that the pack was even released until I told him as I picked him up, as it was released some 20 hours ago when he was still making his way back to Sweden from the united states.
    He was obviously very concerned as this gives the completely wrong idea regarding price.

    So I hope everybody can feel calm again and if there is anything else you want to know don´t hesitate to ask!
  • David1983
    Very interesting news, i'm just wondering how can something be released without the knowledge of the company itself.

    However i think a lot of people are very happy "including myself" that the 150 USD offer for 7 textures, which still makes me laugh "sorry for that" :-) , was just a "mistake". Thanks for the news!
  • Eric Ramberg
    Quixel sent the pack to epic some time ago, but as I said, it was not suppuse to be released like that or with that pricetag. Hopefully this incident has not soiled the excitment for the coming release of Megascans!
  • teddybergsman
    Hey guys,

    Just got back from the flight home. This release came as a shock to me but I'm glad you reported it immediately so it could be addressed. I can't disclose much since we're under NDA with Epic, but this was not to be released at this time nor in this way. Not sure what happened yet. It's been handled now though, thanks again for being vocal about it (although I do wish the tone could be a bit more clean in here!) :)

    More info on packs and pricing soon! And hopefully no more surprise releases :P

    - Teddy
  • tach
    Thanks for clearing that up so promptly!
  • Rikk The Gaijin
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    Rikk The Gaijin polycounter lvl 6
    EoinOBroin wrote: »
    I'd be happy to pay 1,000 USD for a years subscription.
    I am not. If you are so rich, why don't you buy a subscription for me as well, yes? Thank you very much.
    More info on packs and pricing soon!
    Does Quixel have any idea what SOON means? They said Megascans was coming out SOON two years ago... They are completely unreliable.

    Also, nice move to block the comments on your Facebook page... Thanks for the freedom of speech...
  • teddybergsman
    Hey Rikk,

    Yes, we were close to release almost two years ago. PBR fundamentally changed the game though. We deemed it such a massive industrial shift underway that I essentially needed to go back to the drawing board for the complete scan computation pipeline. Rewriting Megascans for physically based rendering aside from writing NDO/DDO/3DO was a tall order and has admittedly been more time consuming than I'd hoped for, but it had to be done. Not because rewriting 2 years of work is fun but because it is for the greater good for the end user.

    A lot more than this happened along the way though, good stuff, which you will get to get a glimpse of as the Megascans beta hits April 30.

    The reason we don't have facebook page comments as of a few months back is because they can't be routed through our support system the same way as facebook page messages can. This meant we kept missing a lot of them and this caused a lot of unnecessary confusion.

    - Teddy
This discussion has been closed.