Home Quixel Megascans

Quixel Suite - GDC 2015 goodies (to see, not touch)

polycounter lvl 10
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oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
Hey folks,

FYI Quixel's facebook page just updated that there silence will be broken over the next week, with all kinds of GDC treats.

No word on whether there will be any RELEASES over GDC, and frankly I don't want to know,... just yet.


Posting this in a thread here to centralise the info for folks who missed it

let the salivation begin!


  • Eric Ramberg
    Im excited to see what they come up with!
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    I'm hoping the GPU baker is released with 1.9 soon; keen to test them both. The megascans teaser video is pretty cool too. Megascans itself should be pretty significant for environment artists in particular.
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Any information from gdc about any of their products? Any bug fixes, new releases, megascans?

    Are we back in silent mode?
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    more likely we're in 'waiting for the dust around UE4 and Unity to settle' mode.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
  • WarrenM
    Facebook page has a link to another video and a statement that news is coming ...

  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    I'd hold off getting disappointed until after GDC. There was never a timeline given for more news. Besides, i'm sure that rather being on polycount the guys are sitting in their booth speakign to conference goers face to face.

    Must say, this years conference was the most exciting / surprising expo i've ever seen. Everyone made it clear we're heading into a PBR VR world with end user access to free dev tools. For gods sake Valve confirmed Source 2. Just WOW.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Guys news are coming! But the people posting these updates aren´t even off the GDC floor yet :)
  • OutOfMyMind
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    OutOfMyMind polycounter lvl 5
    So... where is the big news? :]
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
  • tach
    I believe Eric is implying the updates are being posted once they get back from GDC.
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Guys news are coming! But the people posting these updates aren´t even off the GDC floor yet :)

    Maybe they are still on the floor... Passed out? (ô¿ô)
    Nothing like a party on the floor

    Seams that I had a vision, maybe it was a flashback. Have I been down this road before? I'm gonna help Eric out on his next insightful words of wisdom...
    I must really think outside the box and going out on a limb on this one...

    Maybe, just maybe, where ever they are...
    Has no WiFi.

    ah, feel better now. :p

  • David1983
    All we will get is a release date, which says coming soon or June 2015 or whatever, like usually.
    Like i wrote ones it is becoming a runing gack. But maybe or hopefully i'm wrong!
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    Still nothing?
  • acealmighty13
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    acealmighty13 polycounter lvl 10
    Megascans is being released April 30th. I don't know if that's really news but I found that out while at GDC in SF. Don't recall much about version 1.9 being mentioned.
  • tach
    Awesome. Is that for the public beta release or the full release? And I'm sure 1.9 will come around the same date. Mainly since the suite client will likely need to be updated to accommodate megascans and such.
  • OutOfMyMind
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    OutOfMyMind polycounter lvl 5
    Megascans is being released April 30th. I don't know if that's really news but I found that out while at GDC in SF. Don't recall much about version 1.9 being mentioned.
    Thanks for sharing that. You recall any info on pricing?
  • Wenceslas
    Megascans is being released April 30th. I don't know if that's really news but I found that out while at GDC in SF. Don't recall much about version 1.9 being mentioned.

    >be late november 2014
    >Quixel announce upcoming 1.9
    >3Do multi baker, realtime 3D painting
    >estimated Delivery : Christmass 2014
    >time passes
    >be late december 2014
    >still nothing. team is silent.
    >people complain
    >news about Megascans, nothing on 1.9
    >February 2015, people still complaining
    >"don't worry mates, news about this on GDC"
    >hype intensifies
    >times passes
    >GDC start
    >post a showreel video
    >GDC closes
    >still nothing. team is silent.
    >people complain
    >news about Megascans, nothing on 1.9

    >I'm beginning to see a pattern here
    >top kek :)

    Jokes aside, I'm pretty sure they're gonna pull out something like "there is no 1.9 because.... this is the 2.0 !" with a lot of new features. it'll be a good move, yet a news while at GDC would have been a better strategy.
    Let's hope the news is in fact coming. ;)

  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    at this point, i`d give my right hand (no WAIT! left hand left hand!) for ANY kind of news. even if it would just be: 1.9 is more than a month away and it could slip to q2 easily. I`m still trying to hold off on going full SD but I can't hold out much longer as public game announcement dates are creeping up and I haven't textured anything yet due to the issues with the Suite... getting scarier each week I try to keep pushing it back for a quixel miracle
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    Still nothing?
    Still nothing??
    Still nothing???
  • RobeOmega
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    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    There could still be news coming.

    At this point all I really care about is not new features but I want a version of their products that means that I can actually use it without it crashing/glitching/even opening in the first place.
  • ghaztehschmexeh
    Wenceslas wrote: »

    >I'm beginning to see a pattern here
    >top kek :)

    posting like this is 4chan

    can you not
  • Wenceslas
  • Eric Ramberg
    I look away for one day and this is what happens! As I said the clever part of the company is at GDC (Those who actually makes the program) And while it has ended they are still quite busy. News are coming, I promise! I´ll try my best to "Preview" the news so no one will be mad or dissapointed.

    Teddy is planning on releasing a few Megascans for free, so that people can try out the product themselves. A releasedate for Megascans will come eventually, the April launch is news to me but that doesn´t mean its not true, Maybe they decided that during the GDC trip.

    Details & features of upcoming suite release, and the next suite release date.

    We also got some really sweet super high res art from the GDC reel coming soon!

    This will most likely not all be in the same update, but as soon as something is decided it will be released as an update!
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    And while it has ended they are still quite busy.
    I don't think that this is an accurate form of being more transparent and no more radio silence as you mentioned here and as Teddy mentioned here...
    I honestly feel ashamed of myself a lot of the time because I completely agree on the points that you are all bringing up, there is not enough releases, not enough communication, not enough online presence. For what it's worth I at least wanted to shed some light on the situation.

    Thanks guys.
    - Teddy

    I´ll try my best to "Preview" the news so no one will be mad or dissapointed.
    Are you not in the loop on the news? Is this going to be where there was news, but your not going to release it for us to make our own minds up on weather we like it or not :/
    At this point, to me any news or tidbits are appreciated.

    Anywho, I'm just a customer (for the time being), not the one's running a company.

  • Eric Ramberg
    The people who make the decision to post updates and more importantly KNOW when everything will be released are on a business trip and have a lot of meetings booked in the aftermath of GDC. That is the situation and I don´t think (and hopefully you don´t either) that has anything with transparency to do.
    I fully understand all of you want´t news on updates, I would to! But there is still some consideration to be made before making statements publicly, we need to make sure we can meet the dates we set and that all information is correct, otherwise people will be incredibly dissapointed.

    Last update was just two weeks ago, so I ask all of you to just be a little patient and I promise you that the updates will come!

    I am in the loop, but as they are in San Fransisco right now and Im in Sweden we are 9 hours apart, and I have barely been able to get a hold of them because of their hectic schedule we are not completely in sync right now.

    I´m not sure how much more transparent I can be than that, but if you have any ideas or are not happy with anything then please let me know and I shall answer best I can!
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Most places have wifi, and most business trips and meetings have some down time to do as you wish. Should you choose to increase your online presence and give your customers some news, tidbits or idle chat is of course options to use on that down time.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Obviously I´m not saying they don´t have access to WI-FI or a computer. But when it comes to official statements regarding the state and/or future releases of your program you don´t want to do it between two meetings. These releases reach thousands of customers and affect the whole team Quixel team in a very big way, its not something you just throw out there.

    I hope you can understand that it takes time and all official statements need to be considered both once, twice and thrice. But If you feel that the updates are coming out to sparsely you are of course entitled to that opinion! All I can do is try to explain what´s happening and why we can´t push out updates on a daily or weekly basis. But sit tight and I promise you there will be some updates soon!
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    are on a business trip and have a lot of meetings booked in the aftermath of GDC. That is the situation and I don´t think (and hopefully you don´t either) that has anything with transparency to do.

    it has everything to do with transparency. it's ok if Quixel values direct business relations more than it's community but don't expect the community to react favorable to that. not with the state the product is in.

    And Eric, let's be frank here. The issue isn't you. I`m certain you are doing the best you can given the circumstances. The issue lies with whoever made the decision that it would be ok to keep the community in the dark for months knowing that features are broken and people have issues with the software.

    So far I unfortunately have to say that quixel suite wasted my time - and lot's of it. and that combined with being left hanging is a toxic combo in my case.

    the reasonable thing to do would have been to release bug fixes over new feature implementation but I`d bet that's not what will eventually be released.

    and on a personal note: this is the first time in my life, I had to give so much negative feedback to a product. and I`m a 3dsmax user!!!. I`d much rather like to be able to tell people that your product is awesome and they should use it, instead of warning them of issues and zero support
  • David1983
    Thats the point, no offense but quixel sold and is still selling software which is clearly extremely bugy. So i think quxel has the responsibility and duty at least to tell the community and the buyers of the software, what is going on and when we can expect a working version and i'm not talking about megascans. I think some users/owner of the new quixel suite didn't realize that this is they're good to have the bought software working. When buying something broken in a regular store i'm like an hour later back telling the seller, take this piece of ....... back and give me my money back!

    I think the whole company didn't realize that they are loosing customers / pushing them away from day to day of they're products. My Quixel Suite crashed two weeks ago and it's not working anymore. I realized that it even makes no sense to post my issue here. Quixel should not forgot that the quixel suite is not the only piece of software on the market.

    I decided for me to try something different and i went to the allegorithmic products, which are extremly good and bug free! And i even don't speak about the difference in customer care/support, it's just a huge difference.
  • Eric Ramberg
    Chris hi again :) Since you don´t know Teddy personally like I do you won´t understand how much this made me laugh:

    "it has everything to do with transparency. it's ok if Quixel values direct business relations more than it's community but don't expect the community to react favorable to that"

    I´m not trying to poke fun at you, don´t take it the wrong way! It´s just that there is nothing that affects Teddy more than the feedback from customers and community. I know it doesnt matter as a customer if the software isn´t working or if you´re waiting to get help, but just know that people at Quixel care, that I guarantee!

    Given the track record of Quixel and the communication in the past I can understand that you would feel that way tough, and I won´t argue, fair point! Give the way the experience went for you I fully understand your frustration as well, and even though zero support felt a bit harsh, again I see why!

    Hopefully the restructuring and new hirings that we´re in the process of doing will have a possitive effect on all of this, What it comes down to in the end is time, and the lack of it!

    Now Chris since you´re still here in the forums I suspect there is some part of you that still wants to be a Quixel user, even if you tell yourself that you come here to give the developers a piece of your mind. I know you want it, i can feel it! That´s why you´re my "white whale", the day that I see a possitive post in this forum here by you I´ll know - we´re on the right track! And I´ll Pm you and say "Hey chris, looks like the tool isn´t so bad after all huh ;)" You´ll reply with a saucy retort, something like: "sure, as long as you can start it it´s good" and we will laugh at the past times and share tips and tricks for DDO.

    well, I feel I drifted somewhat of point there, to summarize: We care very much, (I know that doesn´t excuse anything I just want you to know) Time is an issue, we´re restructuring to get more of it, Updates are coming! Chris is a whale!
  • Eric Ramberg
    David - Trust me we realize we´re not the only company on the marked doing these types of tools. We know we´re under the gun to make compatible products. As far as I can see on your post history we´ve answered every question you have posted so far in the forums, If you´re having problems with the suite and feel that there is no point in posting them on the forum then that is very unfortunate.

    If you´re not satisfied and want to try out other softwares then than we have obviously failed somewhere, and will have to work even harder to make try to prevent that from happening in the future.

    If you want me to help you with your issue then please create a thread and I will be all ears!
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    Eric, Can you (or direct it to someone who can) give me some info on the process of selling my license to someone else (pm me if you like), should I make a decision to cross that road.

  • Eric Ramberg
    Of course, I can PM you the contacts, give me a day or so!
  • Wenceslas
    I think it's going a little out of hand here.

    Yes, there is clearly a lack of "dialogue" between dev team and there consumer.
    Yes, 1.8 as had lots of bugs and crashes issues for months.
    Yes, it'd have been better if Quixel had divided is team in two, the first part correcting 1.8 while the second one would work on upcoming 1.9, thus permitting customer to use the product.

    But I think we made it clear to Eric and i'm pretty sure he has informed Quixel team about user mecontentment by now.
    Maybe we should not overeact and wait for an official statement about this by now.

    I mean... I know I did joke about this too, but in the way everybody joke about valve's Half-Life 3. As it if was a sort of legendary vaporware we'll never see. But it's a joke.

    Things are going a little to "harsh" in my opinion. =/
    But again, it may just be my opinion.
  • oskarkeo
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    oskarkeo polycounter lvl 10
    +1 Wenceslas. Time for a chill pill methinks.
  • David1983
    That was no offense to you Eric, i'm talking more about the generall quixel customer politic.
    Just to be clear....

    My point was about the company, the decission makers. I just found that on the Unreal Engine forums in a post, it's about the game evolve and they're company politics "parody" and i think this is the way some users see also quixel :-)


    I will post soon my crash screenshots, thanks!
  • Eric Ramberg
    Wenceslas - You are correct :)

    David - no offense taken :)
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    @Eric: sorry about the zero support comment. that was meant to reference my issue which hasn't been addressed but my comment definitely paints a wrong picture. I should have said: 'way too little/effective support with fundamental issues' or something along those lines.

    On the other hand, Quixel Suite makes our moderate attempt at an indie game look much better than it would otherwise... in theory!

    we did do some tests with single assets and it improves on the stuff I create a great deal. I structured my entire pipeline towards quixel last summer and it took months doing so. Right now we have hundreds of small lego-like assets that currently only exist with color id maps and simple height maps (to be processed through ndo) just waiting for the day quixel puts out a version where I can batch process those assets. The day that happens, it`ll be hugs and kisses no matter if you want to or not :D).

    Our deadline however for showing textured work to the public is may 15th. And I`m estimating 2 weeks to create all the materials/batch everything. So my personal deadline for a decision between this and SD is the last week of April. And as I`ve said and as I`ve stated before, I really really prefer Quixel Suite (IN THEORY :))
  • Eric Ramberg
    Chris I can´t tell you how much I would like that!! And dude, what are you working on? it looks damn sweet!!
  • akaChris
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    akaChris polycounter lvl 10
    it's going to be kind of a first person surival dungeon crawler on-board a scifi outpost reminiscent of system shock, using lots of systemic gameplay powered by cryengine. probably... subject to change ;). graphics are not the most important part as we want to focus on a rather complex open environment and emergent gameplay that deviates quite a bit from regular shooters. but of course at the same time we`d like to make the station somewhat visually interesting to explore even tho it's just a simple lego system. I`d really like to include a 'powered by quixel' logo at some point ;)

    sorry for going OT!
  • Eric Ramberg
    Nice! I really like the details and design of the geometry! Reminds me a lot of "Syndicate" that I worked on a few years ago :)
  • tungerz
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    tungerz polygon
    You mentioned on 3.10.15 to give you a day or so on getting me info or contacts on selling my quixel licence. Just reminding you that you haven't contacted me.

    Are they still having meetings? Is there still no news or updates for the masses?

  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    I guess, 1.8 will be forever now. No more updates and Megascans...
  • Fridock
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    Fridock polycounter lvl 12
    they got bitten by Gabe Newell at GDC
  • Gheromo
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    Gheromo polycounter lvl 11
    Its normal. Same thing happened between the time of Legacy dDo 5.2 and announcement of Quixel Suite which was about 6 months or so. Total silence.
  • final_fight
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    final_fight polycounter lvl 11
    No teasers or trailers for Megascans. Just this...
  • Eric Ramberg
    Tungerz I sent you a PM

    Gabe asked if we could hold off Megascans until HL3 is out, so we won´t steal their thunder, Of course we agreed!

    Gheromo - Then we have 5 months and 2 weeks to prepare the announcement, I didn´t think people would have the patience to wait that long, thanks for proving me wrong!

    Final flight - Thank you for my new desktop picture!
  • Fansub
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    Fansub sublime tool
    Its normal. Same thing happened between the time of Legacy dDo 5.2 and announcement of Quixel Suite which was about 6 months or so. Total silence.

    This,and honestly every news i see from Megascans makes me wonder " Why the fuck are they creating something new if they can't even handle what is in their hands RIGHT NOW ? "

    I have been following Quixel since the announcement of dDo (different from DDO :D ) and it was seeing Wiktor's CryoChamber's scene that motivated me to keep modeling and texturing.
    But damn ever since all what i have seen is a company developing new awesome tools and not supporting the old ones.

    Same thing happened to nDo2 when dDo was around,and it was repeated with the Quixel Suite and now here is Megascans and we are still at the starting point : all the tools have some silly bugs,there is no solid support,the developers only answer here and there once or twice in a week.

    nDo is revolutionary,same goes with DDO and i'm sure Megascans will be mind-bogling,but why would one buy such tools if the company is slowly losing some of it's customers ?
    Hopefully the restructuring and new hirings that we´re in the process of doing will have a possitive effect on all of this, What it comes down to in the end is time, and the lack of it!

    Nice to hear that,and i really hope that this time there will be a drastic change in the Quixel support/communication issue :)
  • Fansub
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    Fansub sublime tool
    Its normal. Same thing happened between the time of Legacy dDo 5.2 and announcement of Quixel Suite which was about 6 months or so. Total silence.
    This,and honestly every news i see from Megascans makes me wonder " Why the fuck are they creating something new if they can't even handle what is in their hands RIGHT NOW ? "

    I have been following Quixel since the announcement of dDo (different from DDO :D ) and it was seeing Wiktor's CryoChamber's scene that motivated me to keep modeling and texturing.
    But damn ever since all what i have seen is a company developing new awesome tools and not supporting the old ones.

    Same thing happened to nDo2 when dDo was around,and it was repeated with the Quixel Suite and now here is Megascans and we are still at the starting point : all the tools have some silly bugs,there is no solid support,the developers only answer here and there once or twice in a week.

    nDo is revolutionary,and so is DDO .I'm sure Megascans will be mind-bogling,but why would one buy such tools if the company is not even supporting them very well ?
    Hopefully the restructuring and new hirings that we´re in the process of doing will have a possitive effect on all of this, What it comes down to in the end is time, and the lack of it!
    Nice to hear that,and i really hope that this time there will be a drastic change in the Quixel support/communication issue :)
This discussion has been closed.