I was wondering if you guys know any art schools that focus in or steer students towards the vizdev/concept design/art field in Canada. I'm looking for something with at least 3 years long. 4 is okay too.
I'm aware there's probably nothing like Art Center or FZD but keeping in mind I'd like to work on those fields, which school would give me the most?
Sheridan's Illustration program is pretty good, nice fundamentals. But lacks the industrial design aspect and is too broad, approaching many art fields which I know I'm not interested already.
Any other options you guys might know about?
CMIIW : they dont offer degree program, ( but hey much much cheaper than regular uni)
but i know some of the instructor , i thought they are pretty good, and actually work in the industry.
I would love a program that prepared me for concept design, but I have done so much research already and I couldn't ever find such thing.
Illustration programs are what most resemble concept art and I get a solid foundation in art. I'd have to pick the design part later though.
I'm international, so the more time I study the better. Also, the more time I have to hone my skill, again, the better. In addition, every 1-2 years schools I've checked has the tendency to focus on software instead of art.
Unfortunately I couldn't find something like a CDA or Red Engine (which would be the exception) in canadian lands.
Thanks, seems a great place. I'm international though, so I need a degree program or at least a public school, otherwise job possibilities plummet exponentially.