Practising sculpting and working on my anatomy. Currently, it takes way too long for me to push my stuff through the 'awkward'-phase, so one of my main goals is to get faster. Also full-body stuff, so I get used to working in poses. Even when I'm drawing or even thinking about characters I sometimes go into T-Pose, so this should be good exercise.

Please, feel free to criticise

Photo reference was used
This was just before merging + retopo.

Used a sculpture by
Eric Michael Wilson as reference.
This one got out of hand as a result of insufficient planning and the complexity of the pose. Didn't take the time to sculpt a base and do retopology, so I actually ended up sculpting the whole guy with DynaMesh and no symmetry mostly (except head), doing retopo in the end and stitching his individual bodyparts back together to avoid merging the wrong parts. Time would've been better spent working on the back anatomy.
Developing a symmetrical base was simple, though:
Link to Reference is here
Here is one I made after a Deon Duncan sculpture. Also first sculpted symmetrically, then posed. Left the hair as a Dynamesh. Seems to work best for me currently.
Unsure about the popliteal area among other things.
I might do the muscles as separate meshes in the future but first I need to get a feeling for the forms.
This took longer than expected: More than two days. Would've been a bit faster if I did the Paralyzer with Maya instead of ZModeler tbh. Trying to get used to it but might stay with Maya for most straight hard-surface stuff with a bit of help from ZBrush (the split point function is great among others).
Sculpted the base with the CurveTube brush to have something to snap my strokes to and then the individual strands with the 'Size' curve modifier ontop of it. Also, used 'snapshot' to generate multiple similar curves quickly. I deleted the base after I was done or scaled it down to have it blend in better after I was done.
Model looks pretty good, will you do a full one?
The head could be a bit thinner tho, looks a bit squashed compared to the original one.
I might later on, as texturing practice. Not for now, though.
Whoops, you're probably right: Screenshot I used as reference might have been stretched.
Here's a study after Houdon. About 4-5 hours. Need to study the fat pads and muscles around the eyes more. Not satisfied with them:
Thanks! I divided the hair into two parts, one of them is simply attached to her head and the other one is an individual subtool. On an artistic side, don't get lost in single curls but pay attention to the overall direction and curves suggested through the strands.
Mostly ClayBuildup, sometimes with a tiled alpha (suggesting strands) was used.
And, now for something different:
Practising PBR texturing following Fanny Vergne's vertex tut. Done in ZBrush + PS:
Could you post a link to the tutorial? i'm having trouble finding it on gogle.
Yes of course: It's inside the 2nd issue of VERTEX. GREAT ressource: http://artbypapercut.com/
Here is a color study I did of an Alien movie still:
Although I didn't add color here, it got me wondering: How do you deal with details on layers and polypaint? Because, in my experience, layers don't play well with polypaint, would you bake them later on and add polypaint after that onto the already detailed mesh (maybe based on cavity/peaks and valleys for some of the darker pores) or do some of you combine detail sculpting and polypainting right from the beginning?
Took some liberties with the background, focusing on the girl:
Here's my topology for the hood:
Might open up a thread for her when I finish my Yorda.
It was difficult for me to define the forearm muscles' locations in that pose. Will try a more neutral one next time and make sure I nail them better before going back to more complicated ones.
Will redo the pockets and open a thread this week.
EDIT: Opened Thread: Annie Mei
Wanted to do some ZBrush at first, but there was no Bluetooth allowed. So I couldn't use my keyboard.
Here is the girl from the other day with better eyes. ZBrush Transparency isn't that intuitive but it can give some pretty decent results. Need to do some detail sculpting and then make a thread for her:
Link to the thread: http://polycount.com/discussion/146381/the-monthly-character-challenge-january-2015-cocoa-girl