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WIP: Harley Quinn (Bruce Timm Style)

polycounter lvl 6
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Hoju polycounter lvl 6
Looking for feedback on my first completed character sculpt.

The idea is for a Bruce Timm style Harley Quinn model with the Batman: Arkham Knight costume. I wanted to create something just realistic enough to make the costume believable but still keep that character style of the Batman animated series.

This is for a school project I'm working on and will be rigged and animated later on. I don't usually do much in the way of character models and I'm still working on my ZBrush skills but I'm getting there. The hair is going to be replaced with hair planes during retopo so I didn't push the hair sculpt very far which is why that doesn't look very good at all.



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    The shoulder pauldrons are too muddy. You need to pinch and define planars more, study existing clothing and see how and where folds get sharper, bunched up more, or splay out from origin points across cuffs, etc.

    Can you get a close up on the face?
  • Hoju
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    Hoju polycounter lvl 6
  • Fingus
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    Fingus polycounter lvl 11
    Considering you're going for Bruce Timm's style I think you're giving parts of the model too much of a natural looking treatment. In particular the cloth and hair. His work is very stylized and flat, so you should be focusing on shape and silhouette rather than surface detail. Andrew Kickinbottom is a great example of someone who does stylized 3D in the vein of Timm.
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Andrew Kickinbottom
    Best typo ever.

    You've picked a challenging character. She's got an enormous amount of squash and stretch very little defined detail. You can see any number of figurines and models if you do a google search that haven't really nailed her appearance.

    It might help to grab a reference of her out of makeup as there are a few more landmarks so you can get a better sense of the shape of her face.

    There's a few of these turnarounds and reference drawings about too.
  • Hoju
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    Hoju polycounter lvl 6
    Yeah, I've been struggling to get the head right. This was about the fifth iteration. I've only found one model that I felt really captured that Bruce Timm feel in three dimensions. Definitely more difficult than I first thought but I've invested enough time already that I'm going to keep working until I get it right or fail miserably. Either way, I should learn a few new things. I'll keep working on head and clothes and update again soon.
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