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Sketchbook: Fogbrain's book of not-so-wonders

polycounter lvl 5
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Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys, thought I'd share sketchbook stuff with you lot, just on the small, meaningless sketches and projects that wouldn't really see much light on the web considering the quality, but I'd love some feedback, so C&C is very welcome. I'll try and post as often as I can, whatever I can. Be it sketches, sculpts, or models or whatever. It'll go here if it ain't worthy of being in the main places.

For now I'm gonna post my sketchbook from around December 2014 to Feb 8th 2015, I've never really been serious about sketching until now, so it was really awesome to see a sketchbook filled out for once, and also post whatever tests and tryouts I've been doing that'll compliment future major personal projects.

Link to sketchbook: http://imgur.com/a/H4Nhh

Eyeball I worked on one day recently, testing out realistic rendering.

Tried to do a full body sculpt in kind of a greek sculpture style in like an hour, but I failed that hard and spent my whole time allocated to just doing the head correctly as I can within 1 hour. Can't speed sculpt to save my life.


Also tried doing some renders in Modo for once, I quite like it alot, really cool stuff.

Did some painting recently, I liked these two enough to put on the folio.

Also some anatomy/pose study

And here's the sketches from the past 2 days

I post any noteworthy sketches and personal projects on my twitter @FogbrainArts, so if you're interested, check me out there and listen to my ramblings.

Or if you wanna check out my artstation, its http://artstation.com/artist/Fogbrain


  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Sketch from today, I won't post sketches all the time, I don't wanna overdo it. But I thought this came out alright today.

  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Did Black Cat for today's Sketch
  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Dr. Doom from today's character sketches. Yes actual art will be here soon..
  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Samus Aran from today's sketch. Gotta stop pressing the pencil so hard and scribbling in bad places.
  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Sketches came to a halt these past few days, cos I really made a mad dash to try and finish my polycount riot contest entry, which I missed the deadline by a mile, dropped the project for weeks and I came back and really decided to have a go.

  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Continuing on a male anatomy study I started a while back, and I should finish it. Basing the body type off Brock Lesnar, wondering if I should take the likeness to the full extent or come up with my own male body type/face etc.

    Food for thought...
  • Fogbrain
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    Fogbrain polycounter lvl 5
    Hello again, been a while. Forgot to update. Been working on some projects, been getting programs, updating, filling sketchbooks. I think I've been busy. Who knows, I had a pretty rough year last year personally. But all that aside, I've been back to work busy looking for work, working on this and until this is done the other 2 projects are on hold.

    Currently making a clay-like sculpture based on male anatomy, the forms of the body are being done in a sketchy, realistic way, with the intention of making it look like accurate anatomy and also clay material. The material definitions haven't been finished yet, just working on getting the anatomy correct, while also formulating the clayness for when the material part comes in after, which I'll do in layers like fingerprints, clay splotches, cuts, etc.

    C&C welcome.
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