Here is my R700 I have been working on. This is my high poly and I am looking for some feed back. It is about 95 percent done. I plan to add a scope and tweak some of the parts. I would love any feed back that you have. Thanks!
Here is the silhouette that I been using as kind of a reference
Yeah Marmoset's rendering is so easy and fantastic results. A few things I think you should add to this:
1) Strap for the sniper to carry over his shoulder
2) Stand for when he's prone on the ground
3) Possibly a scope though upon looking through google images I'm seeing some without a scope so that's up to you. I think it'd look more bad ass with a scope
Yeah a scope is coming up in the next few days. I am thinking about throwing a strap and a bi-pod in there as well. A bipod might not make it in this cycle of the project but i will prob go back and add one a bit later.
Just a quick update of the rifle. tightened up some pads on the stock and added a scope. Planing on moving to the low poly soon. Let me know if there is something that you think is wrong tho! feedback is always needed
Nice work so far! I really like your clean flow in all your pieces especially from the main body to the pads and I think you really nailed the overall shape/silhouette pretty well. The addition of the scope was really good as well. I like your newest presentation the most layout wise its simple and shows off all the gun, the FOV and angle of the shots is nice. If you were to put a detail shot in I would probably capture the awesome detail you have in the scope/trigger guard area. But yeah keep it up and get some materials going!
Hey guys I am back with my low poly! I am currently at 17k tris for the gun and scope. However I am wondering if that is a crazy high number for a current gen shooter or kind of where you want to be. I have been making this gun as if it was for a current day FPS. Your feedback on this would be greatly appreciated. Also I am looking for feedback on general typology. Right now it is not perfect and I still have some places I need to go back to and fix but would love to hear what you think. Thanks again.
Something to consider; the rear of the bolt is much smaller than the scope, yet it has more segments. You should reconsider your poly distribution because as of now some things are pretty faceted while others have much more than they need.
Yeah that was kind of one of the things i had in mind. It is way to high compared to maybe a more important piece like the scope. Thanks for the feedback!
Hey, the guns lookin great! I know commador kind of covered this, but I wanted to illustrate exactly where geo could be added or taken away.
Always think about the first person silhouette, and add enough segments so that there are very few to no visible corners. Think about the angle at which a part will be seen. The scope will be seen from the front, and so that needs a lot of radial subdivisions to look good. The knob on the top of the scope will almost always be seen from the side, so it would only need maybe 10 or 12 segments. Hope this helps!
Pretty much what's been said, you definitely want more segments on cylindrical objects facing the player. With first person weapons now you really shouldn't see obvious segments on rounded objects that face the player. There's a hard edge running along the top of the stock that could benefit from a bevel as it's pretty obvious and in your face. Also you don't need to cut out those groves in the stock as a normal would do all the heavy lifting for those and there's no silhouette benefit from cutting them in on the low poly.
Thanks for all of the feed back guys. I plan to get a better version up tonight or tomorrow. All the feed back has been super helpful and made me realize some dumb mistakes that i should have caught a long time ago. I hopefully will have a update very soon. Thanks again
Hey guys i am back! Been working on the lowpoly and I got it to a place where i want it. I am currently at 13k Triangles. I feel like it is a low enough place where I can start UVing and baking.
Here is the High Poly
Here is the Low Poly
Hey guys sorry its been so long but i am back! I got a first past on my textures and i would love some feed back on what i have now! Thanks in advanced
Here is an update to the gun and the scope. I got alot of feed back on the dullness of the stock material and barrel material. Here are the most recent shots.
1) Strap for the sniper to carry over his shoulder
2) Stand for when he's prone on the ground
3) Possibly a scope though upon looking through google images I'm seeing some without a scope so that's up to you. I think it'd look more bad ass with a scope
It's definitely looking sweet
Always think about the first person silhouette, and add enough segments so that there are very few to no visible corners. Think about the angle at which a part will be seen. The scope will be seen from the front, and so that needs a lot of radial subdivisions to look good. The knob on the top of the scope will almost always be seen from the side, so it would only need maybe 10 or 12 segments. Hope this helps!
Here is the High Poly
Here is the Low Poly
Thanks for the feed back!