Hey guys,
I am working with a skin shader with ShaderFX in Maya. Decided to try the "Blur9Tap"-node and I am assuming you use it in conjunction with render targets right?
I'm getting fairly promising blurred results, however when using the render target functionality I'm having polygon sorting issues. Disabling the "Double sided" option on the Shape-node under Render Stats helped tremendously, but the artifacts in the image below remains. Even worse when you look more to the right as you start to see the inside of the mouth, etc.
Anyone know why and how to solve this?
But it's definitely pushing my comfort zone a bit.
You can use the render target to do some trick yes. But there's some limitations afaik. You can't store a full screen pass, only the shading on the model, so you can't do post processing style effects on the entire screen. Also, the render target gets cleared between frame cycles which also limits some potential effects.
I'd love to get these features/issues sorted. Would be fun to create some custom post processing effects. Things such as glow effects would be a given first attempt for me. Glow that goes outside of a models silhouette that is.