As you can see from the picture below I exported some assets from a art study that was done to replicate Alien Isolation art process; using geometry for many of the details, and without the need for so many normal maps. My question here is, which process would be better to do for the majority? Use vertex normals and more geometry, or have lots of normals for the texture process with high to low bake downs for environment assets? I don't really know which one to do as they both seem good. I'm looking for one that would be good for decent-great computer specs. Please help.

Not saying they weren't generous with the poly's, just something else to think about. If you don't care about limiting yourself, I would say getting the big to medium geometry reads in there and use your normal maps to create detail. Seems like instead of using straight normal maps for things like knobs and push-buttons they created geo, but nicks and folds were normal mapped.
Anyone who has seen this in the Rift can attest to how important having either geo or bump offset is. Normal maps really flatten out on the larger details save for super glossy materials.
Paralax works to some extent though.
Surely there must have been some hi-res sculpts done for the seating and lived in spaces?
Sammy, I would say the worst that could happen is you have a bunch of geo that you could bake down if needs be, but reads really well if not.
Hey thanks Jack, I'll definitely be looking into the stuff you're describing, sounds tricky though.
Hey Jack this is what you are talking about right? Parralax Mapping video from Youtube, I think it's what you're talking about.
That's parallax indeed. I'm not sure why he says "bump offset map" instead of height map for the third input. It's the first time I ever hear this term...
But admitedly I'm very new to all this.
I wish people worked out naming conventions for input maps! I believe the terms displacement maps and height map are sometime used interchangeably, but I'm not sure they actually are because it's actually 2 separate outputs in Allegorhytmics' Bitmap2Material for instance. Crazy Bump will just spit out a displacement map on the other hand.
They're both greyscale maps in any case.
Now if someone more experienced could chime in! I'm also insterested in knowing if it's just semantics.
Height maps and Displacement maps are basically the same. They are both intended to move vertices. A vector displacement has the same function, but is more directional, like a normal map versus bump map.
dzibarik - Because it is a fake it has limits. Just play with the height setting (a little goes far) and maybe make sure you aren't too drastic with the falloff from low to high.
Also people don't get any depth perception for things really far away in the distance, normal maps should be able to be used there as well.
I've done some VR stuff and I don't think they are useless.
Of course, you can't do stuff like a flat wall with normal mapped pipes and all sorts of crazy protruding detail in a normal map only.
Also, you can start worrying about fine detail once the displays are 4k :P In my experience, it's hardly worth using textures larger than 512 because the resolution is so bad. Also, the pentile doesn't help.
Hey guys so I talked with ESF and he said he could control the smoothing Maya through Bevel Settings. I have no idea what he's talking about, but if I could use my student version of Maya to control the vertex normals and then export, that'd be awesome. Unfortunately like I said I have no clue on what he's talking about, so I'm hoping someone can fill me in.
Off topic really, but congrats on such a purdy game. captured the vibe of Alien so, so well. (just got it recently)
You mean like high frequency details? Those are the worst imo -.-
Don't take my word for it though
OVR thread
Monster (developping for Playful, making one of the first game officially sponsored by OVR)
Thank you for taking the time to explain this. It's much appreciated (and noted down).
Hey Joost! Thanks for the reply, that's very interesting and I am definitely going to check that out. I also today though, finally got the solution to my problem. I talked with Liam and he was amazing help and never would have figured it out without him, I got the knowledge on how to properly chamfer and set vertex normals through smoothing groups so I can have objects appear to have normals without normal maps.
edit: Hey Joost, I checked my 3DS Max and I couldn't find Quad Chamfer. Is it a maxscript? I am using 2012 however, so perhaps I'm outdated.
edit2: I just realized you were the guy who made those awesome marmoset skies. Amazing work man, truly awesome.
Bit pricey but worth the money imo.
Setting vertex normals through smoothing groups sounds interesting, is that through a script?
On that wiki page there is the "GetVertNormalsFromFace" Maxscript available to download. That's what we started off using on A:I, but we ended up writing our own vertex normals toolset which was used for most of the project.
Pretty sure this technique was used on like 80-90%+ of environment geometry in the game.
edit: This script is quite useful too, but it requires chamfers everywhere because it ignores smoothing groups.
edit: In this video in the very beginning, is he editing the vertex normals through the modifier here? [ame]