Hi ! I'm a last year student in Quebec City [In canada, where it's freaking -40°C every day :@ ] and i think it was about time I post here (I've been lurking around for 2 years but i never post any of my work) I'm open to any critique or advice ! If you have an idea of how to do something or a better way to do it please tell me, it's the best way to learn ! (I love paint over

) I also have huge self-esteem issues so if you like my work, it always feel good

I realize that most of us, handpainters, stick to medieval or fantasy stuff (recently a bit of scfi) but we rarely see regular stuff, so i decided for this project to go with a Bakery, since baking is my passion aside from art. Prepare yourself for a lot of pink and a sugar overdose !

I have absolutely no clue on how i could paint all the glass thing, for the window in front of the cake display I guess i could just paint reflect on it but for the cake stand dome-thing I don't really know yet since i'll put stuff under them. I try to find hand-paint reference but most the time when i found glass they were faking what was behind, so if you have any reference somewhere on your pinterest please share ^-^
Your Foret Noire looks so yummy ! For the cherry, maybe a darker red will be better ? Don't be afraid to contrast more, even if you want to keep soft colors !
And for the glass, I think variations of pale blue will be ok ! And with some pink on it ?(due to the reflection of the wallpaper)
Why not with a sticker on it (Bakery, etc) ?
Anyway,I'm looking forward to the finished scene !
Thank you for your advices
You're welcome ! And thank you
I contrast a bit more the chocolate frosting, the cherry is darker and i change the reflect on it and add a bit of texture to them. Add a bit of yellow contrast to the leaf, and darken some stuff on the vanilla cake !
The theme is awesome and I love the color choices and everything so far.
Hope you don't mind but I did a quick paintover to show you what I was thinking !
Here's a new cake, it's a creme brul
But I love this project, can't wait to see more.
If you have nice sweets/cake/viennoiserie idea that look good, go ahead show me, i'll take a look ! ( Even more if you have stuff that comes from your country ! I love learning about other country cuisine :> )
Creme Brul
I'm so glad i decided to go on with this project, it mix both my passion for baking ( I don't know the word for doing cake, cookies, pastries and sweet haha. I love cooking thing with sugar in it.) and my passion for hand-painting. Doing things we loved always make us feel better, so go ahead do that cutesy diner ^-^ I'm looking forward to it !
Well I honestly love doing small props ! I work a bit on my furniture this afternoon and ..meh it discourage me a bit, it's not looking as good as i want
Man, this is delicious. I'd play a cafe simulator with a style like that
sweet stuff! (pun intended?)
And 3 new rolled cake ! Coffee Rolled Cake (not really satisfied with it :<) Matcha Tea Cake, For
Yes, I think it's called a wife/girlfriend and you have to do the cleaning after, but you get good food in your belly
the creme brulee : From pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/pin/523754631637790927/ I've been waiting for ever to try them but i just bought a small calumet recently. Haven't had the occasion to try it yet since it need to be eat right away :< You can't bring them at work either
Raspberry Mojiro: I wanted something with agrumes on it, i started with lemon but then i saw some mojito on my pinterest and i decided to go with it.
Cotton Candy: Mix of idea i saw on pinterest and cake i did, i use cotton candy for the cloud and rainbow licorice for the rainbow.
Sundae: I did them last year they were a blast ^-^ Everyone love food disguise as other food haha.I also add strawberry jam into the cupcake mium mium.
Caramel: I went wild on this one. I was afraid of caramel my old life after burning a pan when i was 14 trying to make some. But since a years i do awesome caramel. I've been waiting on the good occasion to do a caramel buttercream =w= The decoration were inspired by stuff i saw in my favorite bakery in quebec: Le Croquembouche
Apple: They are soooooo cute look at them https://www.pinterest.com/pin/523754631637790977/
tl;dr: I love cake
Haha! Good point. Although due to food allergies I end up doing a lot of cooking myself so I don't think it'll quite work out that way for me. (I probably couldn't eat anything in this thread, but I enjoy looking.)
That apple cupcake is golden. Gummy worms are the best!
Awh those are a pain in the ass :<
I have a friend, well it's not allergy she just literally don't like eating, she can't eat anything with: sauce, condiments, cheese, sweet stuff, mixed food (this one is weird it's like she can't eat Fried rice because the food is mixed up ?) Basically she's a bird. She eats nuts, fruits , maybe some vegetables, frootloops, popcorn chicken and real popcorn. I can't remember seeing her eat anything else haha.
I couldn't imagine my life if i was allergic to egg or something like that. My cousin spend her entire life not able to eat peanut putter and one day POUF magic she wasn't deadly allergic to nuts anymore. I hope this happen to you !
this looks super awesome already . cant wait to see more
I know pure white and black are to be avoided at all cost, with black it's easy but with white.. Well my problem is that i want all my furniture to be real white ! Not gray or antique :< I try putting the AO pink since everything else is pink (wall, floor and roof) to make it look like "light reflection" and because it didn't look really nice in gray. So if someone as an idea go ahead and paint over :< I'm not satisfied with it anyone atm and I still have like 4-5 furniture to do in white :<
Aside from the pure white, I'd say the shelf could have some ornaments/complex shapes. Everything has ornaments to some degree (except the vase, but this works well and put the emphasis on the vivid flowers): the little ribbon, the plate not flat but with the little spiral on the sides, the gold holder with the detail on the border, the nice handwriting for the description, ... But the shelf is rather plain. The top part might work with some form of ornaments. There are also some visible seams on it.
For some reason, it makes me think of Recettear. I imagine a full shop and a cute little girl shouting "Capitalism Ho!" with a big smile.
Looking forward to seeing more of it. :thumbup:
Yeah you're right, i guess at first i didn't want the furniture to steal the view and make it plain but at the end, it doesn't really fit in my scene, i'll check more reference of victorian/edwardian furniture. Because atm i don't love them at all, i'll definitively change them, I think I'm going to do some paintover and see what you guys prefer
Thank you very much for all your comment
Lemon Pie with Meringue, and blueberry pie ( I didn't want to go for the traditional red pie )
A triple truffe chocolate cake and a raspberry cream cake ( We called it a Framboisier here it sounds so much better it's one of my favorite cake =w=, Framboise is french for raspberry) I need to add some contrast to the blue berry and the chocolate cake misses something but i don't know what I should maybe do some white chocolate decoration on those chocolate triangle,the last layer have a strange color it was supposed to be white chocolate but it's too brown. Also seams, and i don't like the chocolate dripping it's really flat so still WIP.
And.. Macaroonnnnnnns ~ How could i do a sweet bakery without them haha. They look meh from near, they are really square-ish but as soon as you zoom out they are fine so i'll probably do a high poly version for the showoff and keep those for the scene I don't know, what do you guys think are they ok with that form ? Also I'll add some caramelized maple on the maple one like they do here. and maybe some sesame seed on the green tea one and chocolate drizzle on the chocolate one.
So we have Maple, Tropical Passion, Cassis, Green Tea and Honey, Strawberry, Blue raspberry (because in my unicorn world those exist for real, they aren't just candy
Adding a little bit more AO on the top of the cakes where the fruit and such intersect would be great to help them pop. Although, maybe they're not all having toppings so it'd look weird?
I think the form on the Macarons is fine. It's not like your scene is full of super high poly stuff so them being a little faceted is not bothersome (to me at least).
Sorry for the lack of update, the temperature is horrible in quebec i've been sick =w=
I've done some update base on your feedback.
Color adjustment on the lemon pie
Some AO under the decoration on the berry and chocolate cake ( now i notice i forgot on the orange cream cake >3<) I add more stuff on the chocolate cake and get rid of the drizzle it didn't look nice. More highlight on the blueberries, add some fruits.
New Cakes ! Orange Creamsickle Cake with dark chocolate mousse, Still have some detail do add on the orange (I don't like orange stuff but if you want the recipe https://www.pinterest.com/pin/467881848757964093/)
And Cosmos Cake ! My boyfriend start watching cosmos after i spend months telling him how awesome it was. I decided to do a cosmos inspired cake ^-^ there's going to be gold flake on the side, I'm still trying to find a taste for it. For the moment i would said Lichi and kumquat cake ? with a coloured frosting because I can't find a decent purple/pink fruit that would make a good cake.
More boring stuff a cash register, those are ugly nothing i can do :< I put a crocodile keychain because i decided to name my bakery the Crocrodile Caf
There are a lot of interesting old, ornate cash registers. If you want to take a victorian, decorative route on furnishings and stuff in the shop.
Also, have you considered adding this to the Polycount Tower? It seems like you could fit a modified version into their setup pretty easily.
Yeah I checked into them, I love victorian and edwardian a lot but for a cash register they weren't really appropriate. For me, it's really important to think if the story behind what i do, think of their purpose and utility and not just put stuff because i think it look great but because it plausible in the universe of the thing i'm creating.
Since I wanna put a model K kitchen Aid my scene need to be at least past 1937, and since My cake are kinda crazy and exuberant, (Colour, shapes, taste) it can't really be that far in the past, so I decided to just make in my present perfect bakery and stick to an ugly Cash register :<
I guess i could just put one and be a hipster but even if they are beautiful, no one sane would use them in this kind of business. They are slow, easy to make error, hard to learn, in other words they would be so hard to use during rush hours and it would be time consuming to form employees. I try thinking "if this was my business, i would do this that way" So boring regular cash registers, with stickers on it to make it cuter would be the most appropriate.
(I wanted to go with that at the beginning http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Cash_register,_built_1904_in_Ohio.jpg so pretty *_*)
For the polycount tower i though about it but aren't all those small detail look ugly on such a massive scale ? I was thinking about making a vegetation scene for the tower.