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Winterleaf Entertainment is looking for Artistis

Tash Lor'Ka Post

Winterleaf Entertainment are currently searching for a wide variety of people who will be able to help us create the artwork, models and world for our current project: Dawn of Ascension.
We are a small indie studio with no investor backing, or publisher, so WinterLeaf Entertainment is unfunded and is a labour of love for our development team.

What is OMNI?
When people come together to make a game, that’s exactly what they want to do. They want to make a game, not an engine. We are no exception. However, every game needs an engine in order to run, so we looked around at the options that were available to us.
There were no engines that were readily available that provided us the quality we were looking for at a price we could afford. Instead of giving up on the game, or settling for a sub-par engine, we decided to develop our own engine from the ground up.Sometime during OMNI Engine’s development cycle we realized that other developers would want access to the tools we had created. Once we realized this, we immediately began polishing the engine and are now planning on releasing OMNI to the public sometime later this year.Preparing a product for public release is a big deal.
When you keep something in-house, you get used to its quirks and know how to work around bugs. Releasing it to the public means you need to take extra care to make sure you can provide the best experience with as little flaws as possible.
Adding this extra polish and perfection takes time, time that could be spent on developing Dawn of Ascension; however, we believe that perfecting the engine is the right way to go so that we can help other independent developers realize their dreams with as little hassle as possible.
Even after the release of version one, WinterLeaf Entertainment will continue to provide support, and add features, to OMNI Engine.

So… What’s Dawn of Accession?
Dawn of Ascension is a different breed of MMO. This is the MMO game that we have all wanted to play but never existed. There are no levels, no grinding, and no meaningless quests. Everything in Dawn of Ascension is player driven and has roots deep in the lore of the game.
The world of Dawn of Ascension is filled with history, creatures, civilizations, and so much more.We are happy to report that development on Dawn of Ascension is has picked up tremendous pace since OMNI Engine is nearing its final stages of development. We have been holding out on releasing much information, and images, about the game until OMNI was done so that we could properly showcase all of the hard work we have dedicated so much of our time and energy into.

That is all about to change.We are very excited to finally start showcasing our game. Our writers have written some fantastic tales filled battle, glory, loss, and love which will begin to introduce the history and lore of the world of Dawn of Ascension, Itaire.

Tash Lor'Ka Post

What we are looking for in Team Members...
Because of our unfunded nature the positions available will pay no up-front salary or wages (yet) We fully understand that because of this these positions are very much ‘spare-time’ though each person will have goals to complete to help us reach bigger milestones throughout the months.
We have weekly meetings as well as ‘Sunday Updates’ and Yammer to try and keep everyone on track with tasks and the creation of the game running smoothly, as well as Trello.

Essential Requirements:
- Ability to work to deadlines both self-set and set by team leaders.
- Ability to work efficiently as part of a team or individually.- Fluent in written and spoken English.
- Have your own software and equipment to be able to work on.
-Software must be licensed, or using free software- Reliable Internet connection, or at least regular Internet availability. - Mummer application installed and running.- And finally a passion for gaming, particularly in the RPG/MMO genres.

We do not care about your age or location, as long as you feel, and we believe, you can match the standards of our current Team members.

...Positions Available
Illustrator- You will be taking our rough concept art and creating images that we can showcase on websites, blogs and social media.

2D Artist- We need some nice new shiny logos for the website, but mostly images for items and skills.

Send a quick email to me at sfeltham@winterleafentertainment.com with position you are apply for as the subject, along with a portfolio or examples of your work.
If you don’t have anything, do not worry, I’m quite happy to set up a mock design brief.

We are ALWAYS looking for new team members, so even if we aren't advertising your particular skills please feel free to send me a Portfolio to sfeltham@winterleafenterainment.com.
A Mock design brief may be issued to see how well you fit within the company, your ability to make deadlines and communication skills.
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