When i go in the edit mode and select a vertex i can free transform then. But after i ignored the snap to grid option and the vertex is at another position the grid snapping doesnt help anymore. How can i change the options that the grid is absolute priority for snapping?
I have found the snapping at the bottom of the viewport and the snap at increment of the grid. My "problem" is that the standart cube vertex is maybe in position 1/1/1. Activate i snap to grid i can modifiy the position and the vertex walks around the gridlines. But when i dont activate snap to grid and the vertex is maybe at position 1,234 / 2 / 3,42 and activate now snap to grid the vertex dont align with the grid, i can not align the vertex to the grid now. The only solution for me in the moment is change in another view like "top" and go in ortho mode, now i can align the vertex but in the 3d view he wander like 2,234 /2 / 3,42 to 3,234 / 2 / 3,42 it looks like he has the increment from the grid but the vertexes uses his startparameter.
okay was wrong ortho sideview doenst help. I dont know how i canbring a vertex on the grid when the start position is not on the grid. There must be a snapping function. :poly122: