UPDATE: FINISHED! Thanks everybody for the critics, hope you like the end result!

Hello guys, long time no post here. I have started working on a new personal project to push my skills further and hopefully get a good portfolio pice, i have always loved this machine so i am pretty damn excited.
I am planning to make a high res model of this tank, then put it into zbrush to add zimmermit and some damange (shots that didnt pirce the tank, some edge damange,etc). Then ill probablly low poly it and texture it but i am really looking forward to play around with high poly texturing in ddo as well so its another possibility:shifty:.
Anyways, heres some work, Ill be posting regular updates as much as my free time allows me to do, the blueprints are kind of shitty and i am still trying to get used to workign with blueprints so if you spot any big errors please tell me so i can fix them. Hit me as hard as you can!:)

The barrel should be multiple pieces, since the turret needs to recoil back into when firing. Same thing with the tip of the barrel it should be a separate piece. The rest its hard to tell till you get more going good start tho.
just realize a lot of pieces are separate and interconnect
Also the side skirts are triangles not simple planes off the body
I worked mainlly on the back part of the tank and made some fixes according to suggestions, i took some artistic liberties around the back. I am also trying some new render settings and id like to know if its a good idea to show it this way or if its harder to see stuff to critique. Will continue working on it, thanks a lot skyline5gtr for the critics you have been giving to me, it has been helping me a lot
Edit: now that i posed i realize how bad the exaust pipe cover looks, i will fix that on the next update
It has to render well ingame..
Do you think i should keep them or fix them? i am aiming at something like peperas tanks he made for red orchestra 2, some great quality work he did.
Keep the critics coming! Id love to really improove this, i will be redoing the tank tracks now as they look really shitty for some more accurate to the tiger tank and i will continue adding all the props
Damn i love me a tiger
I see you've already mentioned this but the tracks are standing out to me as wrong so I'm looking forward to your update. The configuration of your wheels are incorrect. You're using the configuration of steel wheels but have modelled rubber rimmed wheels.
I'm looking forward to your updates
I just finished making a new pair of tracks for the tank but i am remaking them again, does anybody know how i can make them follow the track path i created without them blending? I usa a path deform modifier in max but it doesn seem to make the trick as the ones in the corner become curved Heres what i mean
First, you need to add the reference object in the object list.
Select an edge loop and just click on the fill button, then specify a spacing value.
I usually use this tool to append bolts and rivets. Very helpful.
Hope it helps.
The sprocket:
I tryied displacement mapping the zimmerit but i am not very pleased with the results, i think the best thing will be to go and add them in the normal map.
Thanks skyline5gtr, working on the low poly nows, this will keep me for a while but ill manage to get it done :P
Note: some of this stuff is not Ausf. E but nice to look at anyhow.
Heres some progress on todays bake test, the low poly is 80k tris(it was around 39k polys) yeah i made tracks individual pices cause why not :P
I will work on the final normal maps and then bake some ambient occlussion, then its time for texturing
After looking around a bit, i found that the angle of the hinge is far smaller on the original, something like 15° while you have something that looks like 30 (bot) and 40° (top)
The front plate has also very soft edges while the special metal look of the original is very sharp, and the side ends of the rectangular plate end very sharp, while the original go convex inwards. Id also like so see some more sharp edges mixed up with the soft edges, I think that would add a lot of the realistic look , mainly on the massive armor plates
the picture that skyline conveniently posted also shows the frontal turret plate very well
Aside looks like a very nice bake
Heres the bakes, thanks a lot Shirke for the critique on theturrent plate and nowthat you point it out its really annoying me i will come back to this model later this year and remake it a load more accure but for now i am going to stick with what i have model wise as i am really needing it for the portfolio, i am really glad you liked the test bakes
Once i get the base for the camouflage and base materials ill start on detailing the tank, hopefully i would like to get a lot of critiques in this part of the process as i really want to push my skills on this area a lot as it the area i feel less secure skillwise.
Anyways, heres the model and thanks a lot to everybody with the critiques you have been giving me so far as this wouldnt be the same without them
also, PLEASE show how you do the low poly of this, i'm learning that myself, and I cant think of how to do it :O
Also pmiller001 as commador said thats zimmerit, heres also a wireframe for you, keep in mind i did not aim for a specific polycount and i just had fun with the tracks
Also AlecMoody i was using just skylight in marmo, now i am using a directional light with a darker background as you suggested, maybe its better now? I dont have much experience with this but i kinda like the more natural lighting of just the skylight. Heres it
Heres a screenshot of the ao for example, i am now wondering if i should go back and re pack the maps
PS Thanks commador for the answer, I thought it was weird.
I still think its weird, but now i know it has a function lol
I cant help but feel it would be worth using geo for the front and rear sprockets though, the front really sticks out as lacking geometry. It just really contrasts as you have committed loads of geo everywhere else. Tbh I think there are a lot of areas you could reduce and trade the geometry for the sprockets without losing any roundness.
Very impressive though!
Keep the feedback coming! Your helping me a lot guys
"the barrel that shoots the bullets"
"the part the barrel is connected to".
No more tiger for today, i removed some of the scratches and leaks cause it was getting quite nosy, i also added a bunch of details all over the tank, added more dirt, going to continue tomorrow, i know it looks a bit too beaten up but i am trying to make it interesting while taking inspirations from the real one, i would like to know what you think about that, if they are too much or if its okay. Anways, thanks a lot for the comments so far, ckeep critiquizing