My full LOD model is 784 verts, It's over 700 verts so I need a MEDIUM LOD model, that's fine.
My MEDIUM LOD model is 524 verts, well below the threshold for a required LOW LOD yet the engine is still telling me it's too complex, Even if it was too complex I can't add a LOW LOD because the importer has greyed out the option on account of it being well below the threshold.
I've tried importing a single plane (Just 2 tris) for my MEDIUM LOD and it still tells me it's too complex so there seems to be another problem here that I'm not picking up on.
I've tried going above the threshold so that it allows me to import a LOW LOD, even after importing a LOW LOD I get the same message.
nothing works.
What do I have to do to fix this?
It seems there are some problems with DMX, So I just exported as SMD instead and it all went though without issue.