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ShaderFX - Basic DDS shaders for maya.

polycounter lvl 11
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GlowingPotato polycounter lvl 11
Hey all!

So, I'am creating this thread to share some shaders that I created using the shaderFX inside Maya.

Since in our studio we use DDS file format and DXT5, DXT1 and DXT5_nm for compression, I made these shaders for easy and faster previewing.

So I don't need to work with png or jpeg or whatever inside Maya and then export all the textures to DDS. I just use DDS now.

There are three shaders.

The first one is a basic Normal, Diffuse, Specular map. For the Diffuse and Specular, Maya can handle booth DXT1 and DXT5. and for the normal map (here is the trick) you can now use DXT5_nm.

The second, is the same as the first one, but the Specular map should be inside the alpha channel of the diffuse texture. And the normal map stays the same.

The third shader is a basic vertex blend shader. But for use with DDS. You can blend up to 4 textures and the Specular map should be inside the alpha channel of the diffuse. Right now, this sahder need to have all textures loaded to work, so if you want to use less then four textures, just load the ones you need and repeat for the others. I will probably fix this later.

All shaders have the option to control tilling, tweak the spec power and bump offset.

I hope someone will find this useful.

Downloads (right click save as...)
1st https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49810847/DDS%20shaders/9heads_DDS_shaderV0.3.sfx

2nd https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49810847/DDS%20shaders/9heads_DDS_shaderV0.3_alphaSpec.sfx

3rd https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/49810847/DDS%20shaders/9heads_BlendLayersShaderV0.4_DDS.sfx


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