I'm really stuck guys..
Let's say I have 4 identical boxes or poles slightly deformed and 90 degree rotated on their Y axis to remove the feeling of being duplicates. Obviously I can't afford myself spending valuable texture space for 4 identical objects with absolutely identical UVs to be separately unfolded in UV space occupying 4 times bigger area. It would be okay if they would be standing on a clean flat plane, but the problem is that each box/pole has unique objects around them which reflect back occlusion appropriately in sense of their scale and position. So for example now I get occlusion from the sphere that stands near the first pole on all poles which is very frustrating )
Is there a way to avoid this cos you always have to be very thrifty in sense of texture space. Thanks!
If I understand you correctly, first I'll create a second UV set with all the boxes honestly unfolded separately, then will bake occlusion basing on this new UV set, and later in Toolbag I will assign UVset 2 to be used for occlusion but would it mean that my occlusion texture would be much lower res compared to my other maps (albedo/roughness etc) as I will have to downscale repeating UV islands to have them all fit to the same single texture space?
Some are real time which of course is expensive.
Others bake lighting info into verts and others bake lighting into a second UV channel or even have unique AO renders for world objects, again can be expensive.
No idea whats best for you but lots of options for you to investigate.
Yeah, exactly. Better than no AO or wrong AO, right? Or if it hurts too much, increase the res.
But yeah, some engines (Unreal for example) can ofcourse bake world space AO. Still using the secondary UV set and probably not very high res. It's the same thing as the suggestion I first posted, except that all objects in the scene are baked.
If you post some images it could be easier to give feedback on what's the best solution.
As you can see I have lots of overlapping UVs. For example those three wood planks are the most overblacked as they share the same UV space and AO rays are being casted three times to the same place..