We are making a VR experience based on various films as a free little demo to download, I have a few questions.
1, What do you think to the idea?
2, Where do I stand legally on this, for example if we did not name the film?
The demo will be a simple user experience where the user will be placed on a single spot and be able to look around an environment based on a film, 30 seconds inside each environment with rough transcribed music and sound effects that will be slightly adapted, skip button to go onto the next film, might even do a rough UI with multiple choice for the user to guess what film they are in to add a little game play.
It's a year 2 project at the University of Hertfordshire, 360 room from a film, 5 weeks.




the robot and interior to the moon habitat is easily recognizable. Considering how psychologically clausterphobic the movie it should make for a neat vr experience.
The only situation I have been in in where such usage was free from legal concern was broadasting charitable or non profit public message programing. But that was in the 90's...
Not sure if laws ( in the U.S have changed )
( spotted the Tyrell interview room and the prometheus abortion clinic as well
It may fall under Derivative work
You could maybe have two or three vantage point hot-spots for each environment (think Google StreetView) to give a little more content - the modelling is all there anyway, so why not use it?
I think you're OK legally as it should fall into 'Derivative work' as ZacD said - but I'm no lawyer either.
@Gmanx, "vantage point hot-spots" great idea maybe a little fly through as well like this but that might be a little discombobulating? for want of a better word
I would like to make the UE4 project open source but I will talk to the students and give them time to adjust to that idea.
This one was made by Rodrigo Miguel, I will add a credits menu to the project.
Here is the latest
Maybe I'm crazy just like you!
Then a player location teleport seems to do the trick with a fade to black. When I tried load screens we found it a bit jarring! so if this is the case then its going to time to chop and LOD the hell out of everything.
Or is it better to do a complete level load but just do it as quick as possible with a fade in and out? this seams a little cleaner.
What do you think?
Also noticing that once you get stuff into the Oculus Rift you have to chunky everything up a little, like the floor grating.
I keep looking around for him :snarl::'(