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PBR questions

polycounter lvl 10
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StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
Just a couple of questions on PBR - We are working on mobile and looking to move over to PBR workflow for our environments. Being on mobile we have some pretty strict memory targets meaning its much more difficult to have a lot of textures in each material with normal maps being a bit of a no no on most things.

With PBR being pretty reliant on normal maps adding a fair bit of the lighting detail not having them does create some interesting questions.

So first question - how would you adjust your workflow if you where unable to use normal maps in your PBR work flow - would you be forced to add more lighting detail into your albedo maps? Or would you add more detail to the AO pass?!

My second question - When it comes to optimization in past projects the first big memory savings have been half sizing spec/gloss maps and keeping the diffuse double resolution.

With far more detail now being found in the roughness over the "diffuse" would you get better results from in fact downsizing the albedo and keeping the roughness a higher resolution.

Ta :)

PS - It would make sense to use the alpha channel of the albedo as the roughness and putting metal, AO, transparancy etc into RGBA of a second texture which would be down res'ed


  • chronic
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    chronic polycounter lvl 10
    You should consider why you even want to move to a PBR pipeline. To be up with the times? To make things look better?

    Roughness/metalic shaders or AO doesnt make a game PBR. Its the LINEAR SHADING rendering pipeline. If you can't take advantage of an unclamped liner math renderer you are missing out on the entire meaning of PBR. You can organize your texture maps and channels any way you want, you can set up your shaders any way you want and be either PBR or not.

    You can make a great looking game, especially on mobile, with great art direction and style instead of worrying about PBR rendering
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    I haven't exactly worked with mobile much but ... I don't see huge advantages in using PBR for mobile projects.
  • jfitch
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    jfitch polycounter lvl 5
    If I were you I wouldn't..but if you really want to, make sure you put a lot of detail into your albedo and roughness. Make sure you have a good amount of color variation. Bake out a good ambient occlusion map and make sure your shader has support for that. Honestly though, if you're that worried about your texture budget just go with a hand painted or stylized look--bake your albedo into your diffuse, etc.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Well the advantage is being able to build a good set of materials and they will work in any given lighting environment - IE we can make one environment and do several times of day with out having to re-balance the textures. Secondly using the same material set in doors and out doors is also not an issue give more natural results. You of course do also get some very good results with the tech, particularly with metals.

    We are at a stage were we are VERY early in development, and with unity 5 moving to PBR support it would seem a waste not to look into it and how we can make use of it as we move forward with content creation. At first glance we like the benefits and the results but memory issues do raise questions on how we can make use of the technology and fit it into how we want to work.

    It might be that we sacrifice texture resolution for normal maps to make full use of the technology but I was just curious on other options on making use of the tech wile also making savings on the memory front.
  • AdvisableRobin
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    AdvisableRobin polycounter lvl 10
    Check this video out. He talks a bit on whether it is worth the switch or not.

  • chronic
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    chronic polycounter lvl 10
    From experience I can tell you that when you sacrifice resolution, especially to the levels you might for a mobile game, everything ends up looking like mud. Complex shaders all end up looking the same because realism comes from subtle variation. When memory is the defining constraint I would always rather have one high resolution texture than a complex shader. Crisp details read better in every situation than cool behind the scenes tech.

    I love the adoption of PBR by the industry at large, it makes my work so much easier and consistent. But you should not go into a project deciding on tech first and seeing how to use tech choices to make cool art. You should establish a great looking style with concept art and then see which individual pieces of technology help achieve that.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Check this video out. He talks a bit on whether it is worth the switch or not.

    Nice one - will check it out :)

    chronic - 100% agree with this, like you say we may well go back to a more classic diffuse/spec work flow if it gives better results on the format's we are aiming for with the final product - There are a lot of questions about how we can get the best results possible and what tech would be best suited for our needs.

    Like i say, we are very much in that "investigation" stage with PBR and am just a little curious about some of the possible options with the work flow. I get the impression of you either do or you don't with very few options in between.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Just a thought - lets say we could afford two RGBA textures per material but you need Albedo, Normal, Metal, Roughness + AO

    The albedo + normal will of course take up the RBG channels leaving two alpha channels but 3 sets of data. In that situation would you put the AO pass into the albedo and the roughness + metal into the Alpha channels? Or perhaps multiply the AO into the roughness too?
  • AdvisableRobin
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    AdvisableRobin polycounter lvl 10
    From what I understand having an alpha channel is just as inefficient as having new texture files.

    The albedo and normal would need their own textures. You can pack Rough, metal and AO into one texture. In a 16bit image, the AO should be packed into the green channel, since green has 6 bits, versus blue/red's 5 bits.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    ...yeah, 2 RGBA textures is the same memory footprint as 4 RGB textures if you're using DXT1/5 (and lets face it, mobile probably isn't going to be using BC5/7). I also wouldn't worry too much about AO if you're struggling for memory ... it really isn't a big hitter in terms of getting visual bang for your memory buck.
  • EarthQuake
    Yep, albedo (24 bit), normal(24 bit) and multi-map (R: metalness, G: roughness, B: ao) would be 3/4rds the compressed memory usage of 2 32 bit RGBA textures, though it is one extra texture call.

    That's only scratching the surface though. Generally with PBR, you want image based lighting, and if you have complex environments, you need to blend between multiple IBL probes as the player moves around the level, and if you want the reflections to look right you need to do box correction as well, and if you want dynamic objects and self reflection in the reflection pass you need to do screen space reflections too.

    Now, you don't absolutely need all of that, but most of it is common with PBR setups. PBR without IBL is going to look pretty bad so you would be better off going with more stylized textures with painted in lighting if you can't afford the shader complexity.

    To the person who said you NEED super detailed textures for PBR, I don't think that is the case at all. It really depends on your art sytle, if you want super gritty realism, yeah you'll want detailed textures. If you're going for a more stylized pixar type look, you don't need high res greeble detail in every map.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    EarthQuake wrote: »
    PBR without IBL is going to look pretty bad so you would be better off going with more stylized textures with painted in lighting if you can't afford the shader complexity.

    To play devils advocate here, Alien:Isolation used PBR without any real sense of IBL (all deferred lighting with realtime GI) and a lot of people seem to think it looked better than "pretty bad" (would have been better with proper IBL, I'll admit).

    I agree with the principle though that PBR is kind of ... one part of a high-end rendering ensemble orchestra. One trumpet won't get you all that far on its own.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Unity 5 does also support HDR cube maps and cube map blending features too so they may well be avalible to pump into some shaders.

    With regards to memory I'll have a chat with the tech guys tomorrow and see what the options are with sticking to rgb rather then rgba. Again though, I think until we get going and get a better understanding on how we can to spend our memory its hard to make a call but it seemed worth starting the discussion on "worst" case options.

    I'll be messing around with some test textures / materials over the coming week or so and will post some results.
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