Hi everybody!)
We are Drka-Drka team - Daniel Copytsko and Kirill Kravchenko from Heyworks Studio. And this is our take on the Throne Room contest.
Software used:
3ds Max
Substance Designer
Substance Painter
Quixel Suite
Marmoset Toolbag 2
Rendered with Unreal Engine 4.
We also tried to create some background story behind our environment so here it is:
The Great Alchemists Throne Room.
The magnificent hall which turned into the family vault and the monument of obsession.
The Kings passion in alchemy gradually became a blind obsession. His mind got poisoned by the master idea of philosophical stone, the only way to get the endless power through the eternity.
The stone creation requires colossal energy. The King comes to the idea that the most pure energy can be extracted at the moment when the living creature crosses the final frontier. Catalyzed by the love to this creature the one can get enough energy for the stone synthesis.
The King disposes to build a magnificent hall, which repeats the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This hall is meant to be the workbench, the instrument, the extractor. The next step is to find life vessels with enough energy to complete the ritual...
The King makes his choice.
His mother and father are placed into Understanding and Wisdom sephirots. The wife gives her energy to Mercy, the daughter to Splendor and the son to Victory. Severity and Beauty sephirots are fed with the brother and the young niece lives. The grandson represents Foundation and the friend completes Kingdom.
However the extracted energy catalyzed by the brutality of sober-blooded sacrifice does not synthesys the stone but turns the King himself into the philosophical stone.
The kingdom is left without the King. The legend will live for centuries telling the story of the magnificent Throne Room turned into family vault.
Oh you, young souls of free insight!
Walk in with solemn silence.
Behold the frantic King of nevernight,
The prey of love and violence.
Breath in the vibe of pain and thirst,
Conceive the sorrow story.
Of those who were destroyed and cursed
In order to create ones glory.
The dream of everlasting paradise,
The path of noble goals.
Became a sober-blooded sacrifice,
Of nine beloved souls.
The poisoned mind in search for reign,
Extracted misery in essence.
He blessed the kin for woe and pain
To get his constant presence.
Oh you, behold the Great Alchemists grave!
His kind, his love afore his throne.
The epitaph that none will lave:
Solve et coagula in stone.
Youtube video is a little bit laggy and I don't know why, so if you are a hardcore perfectionist please watch it on vimeo
Here are some references and 1st blockout iteration)
Anyways it`s a good start and I really love your references, so fancy!
Some of the deco elements are quick sculpts in zbrush, and some were just generated in nDo from a grayscale stencils found in the internet. The texture base was created in ddo with few custom and built-in materials. The next step was substance painter to create additional cracks, scratches, leaks etc. to get more "handmade" look.
looking awesome as always!
@Xoliul I used substance painter a lot for this texture so i think bonus points are already mine *demonic laugh and lightning on BG*. Well, seriously, I'm a newbie at substance tools so I can't get good result... And I don't want to sacrifice the artistic quality just to get some extra points))
There was a King (just King for now, still didn't find a cool name lol) that completely went out of his mind with the idea of creating a philosopher's stone. His desires grew huge and totally consumed him. He spent almost half of his life studying alchemist treatises in search of infinite health and wealth.
but there's one horrible thing about creating a philosopher's stone - a huuuuuge human sacrifice. But he found another way - sacrificing his own loved family. But not wasn't just a simple headshot multikill or smth))) He built his Throne room that from above looks exactly like the fundamental tree of life from kaballah. And there was a reason for that - every sephirot on the tree of life represents the manifestation of god (like wisdom, glory, mercy blablabla) so he decided to sacrifice his family as a manifestations of god. For example His mother for understanding, his father for wisdom etc. He put all of them into the flasks, and placed them according to the scheme of sephirots. They weren't just random people, he loved them, and he believed that his act of sacrificing family as god impersonations will give enough energy to create the stone. But... after finishing his sacrament he became the stone himself. Literally. He turned himself into a philosopher's stone. You'll see his crystallized red bones on the throne.
And you'll see his family in those flasks with formaline too. I hope it will be creepy enough))
Working on tileable textures and shaders)
Grayscale maps like AO, Roughness etc., are separate for now, I'll put them into one texture piece per channel later)
Sculpt of an old alchemy symbol in zbrush, then base texture in ddo and finished in substance painter. I've also made some normal maps in substance designer using built in generators and some custom textures and stencils.
Kirill is working on a King's family corpses now.. Yeah, dead bodies)) Update soon.
Small up. New tiles and and a huge chandelier (without fire particles for now)
Hi guys) Really need your help here. I'm new to UE4 and I have some troubles with dynamic light and shadows. The problem is - shadow distance and quality. I need nice detailed shadows from my directional light on much bigger distance. I've tried playing with cascade shadows properties but no result - I still need to be clooose to the object to see nice shadows... Then I tried distant field shadows. It gave me good distance draw, but not detailed enough even on the highest resolution of DF. So maybe there is any cheat or smth to make my shadows nice and detailed as on the 1st screenshot? Any config editing or console commands? Btw I've also tried console command like r.shadowresolution\quality\fade etc., and it did nothing...( There is no such problem with pointlights - details and draw distance is fine)
And this is what can be done with baked shadows and tweaked .ini's. https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?28163-ArchViz-Lighting
1) Some deco elements using substance
2) Floor details
3) vertex paint shader (w\o mask for now, just testing)
Vertex paint and decals layers on\off)
and subscribe of course
Just a small teaser))
I'll reupload all the screenshots later, for safety)
Cool concept!
Nice design and colors looks pretty rich. It will be nice to see all scene to get an idea of overall space, proportions.
Yay, update here)
Some architecture sculpted and textured, the Throne and statues, and some shader and postprocessing setup))
I've uploaded all the previous progress on Flickr because of some hosting issues, so if you can't see some of the images in a thread you can find them here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130632707@N05/
If you allow a small feedback, I would say it feels weird that the middle woman statue is scaled up, next to the small woman statues, I would maybe try a composition that works with 3 woman statues having the same size, maybe an angel on the middle, or any idea to make her above the others for your triangle compo, but something that doesnt involve scaling her. The other option is to scale the side womans
Also are they going to have sculpted hair? No hair on them is weird imo. Other than that they look good!
Working on king's family corpses. No hair for now)
Maybe it wiil be better to see more contrast between walls and vitrage windows.
There will be more depth and contrast in the whole scene after post-processing tweaks)