Home Contests & Challenges Archives Allegorithmic's 'the THRONE ROOM'

THRONE ROOM - Throne of the False God - - Impala88 and Paulod

Working together with Paulod on this.

The general idea is to create a Throne room that pulls inspiration from the Emperor and the imperial setting in WH 40k, but with a mix of Sith styling too.

Basically a gothic feel but broken up with flat smooth surfaces and plenty of piping/wires/cables to draw your eyes up to the throne.

We're looking at a combination of pale blues and greys, yellows and golds and cream and red as well as some tinges of green/greeny yellow to add variation to the dark/blue background areas, but only in small amounts. The foreground will be composed mostly of the brighter gold and yellow hues with the background being more dark tones and blues. this'll help guide the eye to the necessary elements in the scene and make it easier to read.



3DS Max
Sbustance designer/painter
Unreal 4.

edit: images fixed.


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