Long time lurker here, finally decided to try a challenge, but I don't think I got the time anymore to finish it! Ooof! I'll try my best to finish it before the month ends, but even if I don't I'll see it through to completion.
The edges on the clothes seem INCREDIBLY sharp for something that's made out of wool. I think you should soften those to make them make more sense with the softness of wool sweaters and stockings.
The face still feels off, Assani. I think it's just too long vertically in terms of proportions instead of the concepts more roundish face. Unless you're committing to this other aesthetic.
I'm entering this challenge a tad late, so I hope I could get it done on time since I have a bad habit of procrastinating, but anyways;
I'm aiming for maybe a low res or mid. I really want to try my hand at rigging so I don't want to go too high in polycount.
here's some blocking out progress :
I'm a lil bit unsure about some of the proportions, especially the legs. In the concept her shins look quite long, so here's my second take at that area:
Don't know if its a improvement or not. I think with clothes on it will be easier to judge.
I think you should work a bit with the proportions of the head, right now it looks quite alien, rather then anime/cartoon-esque. I think the height of the head is contributing to that. Also the flow proportions from her cheeks, mouth, and chin need to be refined.
Today's update finishing blocking out:
Made some changes to the length of her neck as well as increase her head size a lil bit. Also adjusted her knees accordingly.
closeup of her face:
I really hope I finish her by the end of this month, having a completed model will be a great start for this year.
@Colossal_Dragon Love her face !! Be careful with her neck. The size should pretty much stay the same throughout the length. Yours somehow gets thinner closer to the base.
Looking good there.
Here's last one tonight. Also went back to her head for the last time. Not gonna change it anymore now. Well, maybe her lips a bit...
Okey doke, here's my procedural body texturing thing mixed with a face photo:
Haven't figured out how to preview diffuse, normal *and* specular all at the same time in the 3ds max viewport hence the rubbery skin (looks better in UE4 though).
Looking good there.
Here's last one tonight. Also went back to her head for the last time. Not gonna change it anymore now. Well, maybe her lips a bit...
Nice man, she's looking pretty. Can't wait to see the final piece.
@Rasputin, Lovely model! But I think her sternocleidomastoid muscles are still a bit too pronounced :O.
Was too busy the whole month, decided to start this 2 days ago. Here's the final piece (I think!)
No sculpting done, just poly modeling and painted in Photoshop.
Next up is retopo and texturing for the clothes but I'm going to hold off posting until I get the hair up and going cos it's starting to feel awkward putting all these pics up along the way when no-one else is posting here anymore...
Next up is retopo and texturing for the clothes but I'm going to hold off posting until I get the hair up and going cos it's starting to feel awkward putting all these pics up along the way when no-one else is posting here anymore...
Lols, Im weeks late but here is my texture atm. Is anyone else still continuing with this character?
@Colossal_Dragon: I really like the face, tho id bring the nostrils closer together.
Heres mine atm, need to do the t-shirt design, a bit more work on the hair n then ill move onto posing
My current hair technique is to position the hair patches with FFD(box) modifiers (in 3ds Max) then collapse them to an editable poly and fine tune vertex by vertex (where needed). Once I've got the base done I'll throw around a bunch of the thinner hair strips around randomly for the bangs and lose hairs.
Okey doke, here's my final model for Cocoa with the finished hair:
I am going to put her in Unreal Engine 4, but it's going to have to wait for a while before I get around to it unfortunately. I got some big projects going down at work so I'm going to have to give them my full attention for a week or two.
Thanks guys @ultramedia: Lols its 3d :P I would paint some hair on the top of her head, it looks slightly like shes balding @darkmag07: Good spot you were right! I lengthened them a bit.
Here's the end result (i hope)
Also anyone have an answer to this? My dilemma with realtime stuff in max
Btw, I'm using Inkscape if you were wondering...
Yay! On to sculpting!
@Floreum Can't wait to see more update from you
Alright, guess that's it for my highres. Now, on to lowpoly....
The face still feels off, Assani. I think it's just too long vertically in terms of proportions instead of the concepts more roundish face. Unless you're committing to this other aesthetic.
I really like the way you've reproportioned her face, half way between realistic and anime but still looks like her, cool stuff!
Beat me why the clothing edge is so sharp <_<" I didn't use crease either. Will smooth it out a bit.
Here's my body base sculpt done today in 3D-Coat (took me about 5 hours):
I am happy with the way it's come out but still very aware of how basic my technique is.
Next up, the face...
Run a Tools>Deformation>Polish at a certain subdivision. Also probably how you constructed and subdividided the original mesh.
I been operating with the assumption she's around 15yrs old or something.
I *think* it's *mostly* ok, but I guess I'll be constantly tweaking it from different angles as I add in the details.
If I had more time I'd fiddle with it more, but this is probably as good as I can do at my current skill level anyway
Raw retopo is about 600 polys, subd L1 is about 1400.
I'm entering this challenge a tad late, so I hope I could get it done on time since I have a bad habit of procrastinating, but anyways;
I'm aiming for maybe a low res or mid. I really want to try my hand at rigging so I don't want to go too high in polycount.
here's some blocking out progress :
I'm a lil bit unsure about some of the proportions, especially the legs. In the concept her shins look quite long, so here's my second take at that area:
Don't know if its a improvement or not. I think with clothes on it will be easier to judge.
I think you should work a bit with the proportions of the head, right now it looks quite alien, rather then anime/cartoon-esque. I think the height of the head is contributing to that. Also the flow proportions from her cheeks, mouth, and chin need to be refined.
Here's some examples I found:
Notice the subtle flow from forehead to brow,eye, cheek, mouth, and chin.
I hope I was somewhat helpful.
Good refs, I think I will try and soften her face off a bit like that.
(fortunately 3D-Coat lets you change sculpt and the retopo updates automatically).
@Colossal_Dragon I think her neck is a tad too long there. Also move her knees lower, by shortening her shins.
Here are a couple of collation pics showing her in different modes from different angles:
5k Tris so far here.
Made some changes to the length of her neck as well as increase her head size a lil bit. Also adjusted her knees accordingly.
closeup of her face:
I really hope I finish her by the end of this month, having a completed model will be a great start for this year.
@Colossal_Dragon Love her face !! Be careful with her neck. The size should pretty much stay the same throughout the length. Yours somehow gets thinner closer to the base.
Hair soon... OMG T_T
Here's my procedural skin texturing thing I do in 3ds Max back in the paint room in 3D-Coat:
This is her generic all over skin texture, I'm doing a photo based face texture now...
Here's last one tonight. Also went back to her head for the last time. Not gonna change it anymore now. Well, maybe her lips a bit...
Haven't figured out how to preview diffuse, normal *and* specular all at the same time in the 3ds max viewport hence the rubbery skin (looks better in UE4 though).
Nice man, she's looking pretty. Can't wait to see the final piece.
@Rasputin, Lovely model! But I think her sternocleidomastoid muscles are still a bit too pronounced :O.
Was too busy the whole month, decided to start this 2 days ago. Here's the final piece (I think!)
No sculpting done, just poly modeling and painted in Photoshop.
As usual, it's not perfect, but it seems close enough to be not completely awful
Next up is retopo and texturing for the clothes but I'm going to hold off posting until I get the hair up and going cos it's starting to feel awkward putting all these pics up along the way when no-one else is posting here anymore...
Lols, Im weeks late but here is my texture atm. Is anyone else still continuing with this character?
@Colossal_Dragon: I really like the face, tho id bring the nostrils closer together.
Heres mine atm, need to do the t-shirt design, a bit more work on the hair n then ill move onto posing
(those eyelashes will eventually be alpha'd)
Well done.
Looks great! Is that 2D or 3D?
Had to muck around heaps to get the wool clothing looking right:
Also, I updated her eye texture:
(going to try and do a rush job and get her into UE4 by the end of the weekend, got other projects I want to get on with)
My current hair technique is to position the hair patches with FFD(box) modifiers (in 3ds Max) then collapse them to an editable poly and fine tune vertex by vertex (where needed). Once I've got the base done I'll throw around a bunch of the thinner hair strips around randomly for the bangs and lose hairs.
I am going to put her in Unreal Engine 4, but it's going to have to wait for a while before I get around to it unfortunately. I got some big projects going down at work so I'm going to have to give them my full attention for a week or two.
@ultramedia: Lols its 3d :P I would paint some hair on the top of her head, it looks slightly like shes balding
@darkmag07: Good spot you were right! I lengthened them a bit.
Here's the end result (i hope)
Also anyone have an answer to this? My dilemma with realtime stuff in max