Last Update:
As I'll not have the time to create a more complex environment for the next 2 3 weeks at least, I'll be moving for another country and work from my awesome 13" inch laptop (Dream work station). I'll focus myself on small props and trying new softwares.
Comments, Feedback anything is very welcome so feel free to say what you think. It's an improvement thread after all.
Everything won't be game ready, I'll probably cheat a bit and focus to get something quick. Thought everything will be game oriented with optimization and such. I might sometimes only do one side if this particular asset is used with a symmetry.
Here's the first thing I'm working on it's a cleaver form
Geoffrey Ernault
Next to do :
- Small tooth blade
- Strap
- Polish the blade itself
I'm texturing it right now. After a few (lot) test on the baking.
The Zbrush render is missing the strap and I'll have to update later on to add the third strap.
The black one is the Lowpoly in black, the third one is the Lp with AO and nromal map and the final one is the progress on the texturing.
I do it in photoshop at first and then bring it to Ddo for a dirty pass. I'll do a before/after between the version old school and the version with ddo on top.
Feedback and advice more than welcome.
but anyway continue !!!!
The palette is obviously different compared to the concept but it doesn't bother me, it's just more serious.
One thing though, the color of the little pleather part, is a little more differentiated to the wood in the concept, I think it needs that to make for a clearer read.
Yep, you are right about the pleather, I need to darken them or light them up so they are more readable. I might also change a bit the color on them to go more redish.
Same for the teeth I need to either way change their value so it's more detach from the blade.
I'll work on this when I'm happy with the blade, for now I need to work more on it.
I like it more darker, all in all the final result will be more realistic than the concept so I guess going a bit more brutal is not a problem.
I'll probably bake a gradient map for the full weapon.
I might come back to it and tone down the roughness as it's really shiny. Tone down the noise in it. And remove a bit of the sharpen of the marmoset render. But leave me a couple of day for those adjustment so I forget about it and come back to it.
I have a shitloads of asset to be created for 5 different mini scene all in the same art direction and made in the idea of being used in a same game. The direction will go for the art style of Sunset Overdrive.
I have split my spreadsheet into 3 categories of asset, Usual fast, usual longer, Hero asset. I'm now working on the Usual fast. Some of them will be modified in Zbrush after a first baking test.
I'll post only Hp model for now. I'll post more lowpoly in engine when I have batch export all meshes, NM and AO for a first integration.