The problem is that i'm trying to get holes in a model with a pretty complex surface.
So, thit is what i want to do, but i don't know how.

And this is my model.

Can someone tell me please how do this kind of hole in blender (also in maya or 3ds max).
Sorry for the noob question.
Truth. So much truth.
there are a few strategies you could use here, booleans are an obvious one, or you could cut the stuff in yourself if the mesh is dense enough, or model the side profile of the blade with the grooves represented and extrude it all back at once. i'm sure there's other ways too
for the ones on the handle i would use booleans because the base object is all compound curves and you really want the grooves to be straight.
at the end i used the knife tool of blender to add the verticles that i need in to my model.