Hello people!
Does anyone know why the callback script with
#viewportChange didn't run the callback when the distance < 1000? It's fine with rotating the viewport on any distance, but it's not the same case with zoom in/out.
Might be a little bit hard to explain with word, but here is the script that I got and you can see on the listener what I mean when you run the script;
callbacks.removeScripts #viewportChange id:#vpUpdate
global printDistance
fn getViewDirectionRay =
coordSysTM = Inverse(getViewTM()),
viewDir = -coordSysTM.row3,
viewPt = coordSysTM.row4
return ray viewPt viewDir
fn printDistance =
eyeRay = getViewDirectionRay()
vpPosX = eyeRay.pos[1]
vpPosY = eyeRay.pos[2]
vpPosZ = eyeRay.pos[3]
vpDistanceToZero = sqrt (((sqrt ((vpPosX ^2) + (vpPosY^2)))^2) + (vpPosZ^2))
print vpDistanceToZero
callbacks.addScript #viewportChange "printDistance()" id:#vpUpdate
.. if anyone have a better suggestion or thought, please do share

The worst method to try - reinstlal 3dsMax.
Hey miauu, what about (un)registerRedrawViewsCallback? do you have experience with it?
From a simple test that I did, it seems like slow down max quite noticable..
It call the script anytime the viewport redraw including editing the object, but #viewportChange only call the script when the viewport rotate/zoom (above 1000).
Edit: Watch this video to see that your script works.
Hey! thats the behavior that I wanted!hahaha..so weird that it's not working right here..
Thanks for the viedo miauu, atleast I know it's not a bug or something that can't be "fixed".
Just for information;
3ds Max 2014 x64
Nitrous driver (tried on Legacy Direct3D as well)
Centimeter unit setup/ system unit setup
Windows 7
Hmm..I wish there's someone with a fresh max install to try it out..
It's not just about activating the grid helper, even when the non-active grid helper is on the scene, it's still printed only above 1000...