Hey guys,
quick question: Is it intended the the folder structure for custom materials changed?
I made a couple of custom materials and they were stored under User\Public\Quixel\...
Then, I guess with 1.7 or 1.8, custom materials are suddenly stored under Users\MyName\AppData\Roaming\Quixel\...
This is causing a lot of confusion for us since I now have to manually copy the content around on my machine, as well as on the machine of my coworkers using the Suite.
Did this happen because of the new shared resource folder thingy? And most importantly...will it now stay like this?
Thanks a lot in advance and cheers!

Yes the structure did change, it was an attempt at better stability. We´ve been kicking around the idea of sharing materials/smart materials within projects (and In general) easier. Any feedback for this would be greatly appreciated! Sorry if the change caused problems, it should have been communicated better!