Hey all, long time no see

So today when i started max (i have it spanned over 2 monitors, right one being main) and tried to pan in the viewport on the left monitor, which resulted in my cursor being teleported to the right edge of the right monitor, and the camera being thrown who knows where, so i have to "z" to get the model im working on back.
Similar also happens with scaling, and it scales into freaking everywhere.
this only exists if i do it on the left screen viewport, if i do it on the right screen, there are no problems...
Anyone know what this error is, and how to fix it? Thanks :P
In this case mouse coords while on the left monitor are reported as NEGATIVE coordinates, which Max is'nt able to deal with. AFAIK no cure available except changing your setup so that your left monitor ist the main monitor
Ahh - thanks for the info - did'nt test with a newer Max version ...