Hey, everyone! Feel free to comment, critique, etc.
Just making a sketchbook. Going to start out trying to copy the Asaro planar head figure. I'll definitely be working my way up into emulating it, so for now, I'll be showing my experimentation with it.
The base mesh is here:

And then some:

It's important to note at this point that there are no truly convex planes or pinched up areas on the planes ref. Just flat planes. make sure every thing is a flat transition and always have the planes reference visible. Copy those shapes exactly! It might even be worth drawing them out until you can remember what they are and where they go-- shouldn't take too much skill or time, if you're worried about either, you can just trace with a line tool in your program of choice, and try to understand what the shapes represent.
Use this one, so you can match on all angles
Also, watch some other people sculpt. Adam Fisher is a favorite of mine.
Keep it up!
Yeah, I've been using that reference before I even made my first few posts in this forum.
I'm not going to be surprised if this sketchbook will be nothing but Asaro faces for a good while.
Anyway, I guess this is WIP #2:
I ended up using the claypolish with dynamesh to get this. Even though I know from several threads I've lurked in, it's just a crutch to prevent myself from really developing the forms. And I only did the dynamesh because the lips were at the limit, including the eyelids when it came to sculpting more mass onto them.
Though I did some retopology on it, so it's not like I can't go into a lower sub.
You should be able to make a (really) basic planes representation with a default sphere dynameshed down immediately to 8 or 16, the move tool and low-strength smooth. Don't get too hung up on making it look like the sculpture, you just want to capture those forms that it portrays.
Also, possibly worth mentioning-- it's not worth iterating on the same piece forever when you're just learning something. Make sure you just start again from scratch every now and then. It's a bit painful but it's much easier to just re-apply what you've learned to make something better, faster, than chipping away at something that's got flawed fundamentals forever.
There was a tutorial from a guy named Matt Thorup who made a video called "Intro to Zbrush and Character Design" who emphasized on how the planes of the face are important before trying to detail everything. Since then, the same reference you linked was the one he suggested for others to use, and I feel I'm starting to get why he mentioned spending so much time with lower subdivision levels.
So like you and Panda have suggested to me before, I'm going to force myself to get used at building forms at lower levels, instead of having predispositions to cheat my way out (e.g. clay polish with dynamesh) to feel as if I accomplished something when all I have are bad fundamentals.
I'll continue to make a collective source of inspirations, and persevere through the valley of the suck.
Turntable link:
1 Subdivision Level Higher (Around 33k):
Turntable link:
Seeing major differences now. Tapping into some references I had from videos, and re-watching a few (mostly from Ryan the King dude) on the planes of the male face.
I think in my mind with the Asaro face, I felt like all those details intimidated me, and forced me to constrain myself instead of cutting much deeper than I did above. And it to be using hpolish, and even trim dynamic, I guess I was predisposed into thinking "clean up, clean up!" instead of getting my hands dirty while having the assurance that I can always build up later on.
Valley of the suck, valley of the suck; need to embrace the inferiority complex to make myself better.
Just 3/4th and front views of the 3 lips so far below. Will go through more of this once I make a document on the methodology I'm trying to learn from Ryan's video on the mouth.
Have you seen tutorials by Ryan Kingslien? He talks a hell of a lot, but the guy is great at providing anatomy knowledge. Also be sure to study the skull, facial muscle groups, and fat pads. These three things work together to create the face, and it's important you have at least a basic knowledge of them.
Another useful link:
Yeah, that's the same video link I'm going to try and absorb information from. And thanks for other link as well! I used it a couple of times for when I was studying the body, but it's no surprise that I'll keep referring to these links, and much more as well.
Means a lot!
So I gathered up several videos over the months, and was a bit on and off with practicing due to the quotidian lifestyle. But now, I'm going to try and get back into getting better at building the foundations. I feel this is a lot better than the previous attempts, and I feel I'm getting the grasp now from those other videos now that I have some kind of workflow to go with. Then in the future, I can try emulating the Asaro head.
Having that genuine interest in sculpting again is coming back gradually. I can't wait to give more attempts at this, and further any studies with the fat pads, and what have you.
Reference of the side view was tedious with a zoomed in version of it, and it still looked a bit off when translating that to 3D, and the three-fourths view was just imagined. I had some practice with one method of doing facial planes, but the only way to get better is to keep applying it to other things, I guess.
http://linkzelda41.deviantart.com/art/Zaheer-3D-Model-Turntable-535614381 <- Turntable There
Turntable Here
Reference: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/princeofpersia/images/6/6c/Elika.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080829180930&path-prefix=en
Doesn't really look anything like the reference, but I tried.
Turntable here:
Elika 3D Model Turntable by Linkzelda41 on DeviantArt
Turntable Here
Reference: http://tatianavetrova.com/wp-content/gallery/commercial-works/witch.jpg
Reference: http://40.media.tumblr.com/2e4ada7e8ca16839c0a2721e606c42de/tumblr_muqcr87DuV1sd2vo5o1_1280.jpg
I tried, but at least I tried.
Turntable here
Turntable Here
All the other turntables for this model can be found here:
Kitsune 3D Model by Linkzelda41 on DeviantArt
Going to try and model this concept that the artist was okay in me attempting:
Going to fix the ears a bit when I have time later on.
I can get lost in excitement with this program! I was going to use Substance painter, but somehow, I like 3D-Coat more for now.
Calling this attempt done; I'll just have to know my limits, and try out new things in future models. The hair ended up having a part cut off, and after all that labor of trying to get a low poly model from it, I decided to go with the style below. Guess I'll invest in time on how to do hair cards, or whatever in the future.
Turntable here:
I'll post a time-lapse of whatever I could salvage while modelling and texturing her.
Just getting the basic forms in, and will do refinement later on in the week.
Concept art reference: http://qrumzsjem.deviantart.com/art/Droplets-514294556
That dragon is going to be a hassle.
Turntable here
I seriously need to get into the habit of saving the undo history for any future time-lapses.
I've been longing to do some airbrushing, or just about anything that could be close to emulating traditional drawings I did in the past. Might have to put those sometime in the future. Anyway, after modifying the actual model a bit, and any future tweaks with the painting, I'll go for the body next.
Concept: http://destinyblue.deviantart.com/art/TOXIC-444895229
TOXIC 3D Turntable by Linkzelda41 on DeviantArt
I was motivated to try and sculpt her from random YouTubing, and recalling one of the songs being played from the anime, NANA.
I have more references, but there's no point in spamming in here. Getting some profile pictures of her in a neutral pose involved a lot of pausing and playing before I went to photobucket.
I ditched the AO completely, now.
For concept art that I ask artists if I could model, I would draw them out, and take the time to try create a simple front and side view. If its for actual people, I just find any references I can, and try to draw whatever planar features of the face that I can. I do intend to make my own concept art, as the concept of image streaming has helped with my visualization somewhat, but I figured that I might as well hammer down anything for the sake of practice.
I do intend to fix her nose, and double check on anything else that may be off, but I think after doing some basic painting via 3D-Coat and Manga Studio 5, Ill hopefully notice those errors. Thanks for the feedback! I definitely will need to do anything from figure drawings, and such to get better at anatomy.
I have a painted version of the previous female I sculpted, but it might be an abandoned project.
Going to try the hair some other time. I have other models, but those can wait, I guess.
Concept art: Alex Negrea
I didn't want to show the side view because I realized it looks weird with a small nose that isn't pulled back properly. Not sure how I'll fix it either.
Concept: http://alexnegrea.deviantart.com/art/Kaa-252569643