I'm having an issue: When I bake the AO and Normal textures in xNormal my image comes out all distorted. When I rendered out the Normal texture in max everything was rendered fine, with no red marks. I had no UV overlaps either. I've tried exploding, everything I can possible think of.
xNormal AO Bake:
xNormal Normal Bake:
Max Normal Bake:
Any suggestions on how to fix this? Not sure what I am doing wrong...
I've been doing some trial and error for the past hour and here is what I've come up with so far.
When I export the low poly model in xNormal's file type I set the High Poly model to be hidden (when I exported before I had both models in the scene centered at the origin). It seemed to solve the issue but another issue presented it's self.
It is finally rendering out the image:
xNormal AO: http://pbrd.co/1usWgCM
xNormal Normal: http://pbrd.co/1usWtWN
If you see the image it is not rendering correctly...
The normal bake map should look like this: http://pasteboard.co/2nboAM4Z.bmp (max normal bake)
I also get this error every now and then: "ios_base::failbit set"
ios::failbit is a flag that the program sets when something goes wrong with file input or output. You should probably back up all your important data because your hard drive is probably going to fail soon. Either that, or you're trying to write a file somewhere where you don't have permission (though that would be a lot more likely to give some kind of "Access denied" error.)
I really don't think my hard drive is failing as its only 3 months old, that would be very unlikely and my driver has not displayed any other signs of failure.