Hey guys!
Did a bit of a hunt for this in the forums already but can't seem to find the exact answer I am looking for.
As a Max user, if I wanted to go in and collapse some verts on a textured model I can usually get away with checking off "Preserve UV's" in the toolbox on the right as long as I am not destroying the silhouette.
At work I am stuck with Maya (I do enjoy its fluid UI so far), and am looking to optimize some pre-existing models. Can't seem to get the same effect by checking off "preserve UV's" in the move tool.
Is there a more universal option for Maya or do I have to re-unwrap?
Depending on what kinda optimization you need to do. If you just want to terminate some edges in triangles it might be easier to just add in triangles using connect component and then delete edges instead.
Also if you are using Normal maps then you'll have to rebake the mesh if you change it.
@genwu I'm rocking Maya LT via steam. I would be lying if I said I knew the difference between NEX and MTK haha. Fairly new Maya user.
But for the future it would be cool to know if there is a sort of universal uv preserver function.
also helps to have your uv editor while doing this so you can keep a eye on it after every operation