@malcolm thanks for the test. Now I got a clue what's going on.
Short update on directx11 render engine
Coming along with the new render view. It's written entirely in c++
Currently adding all those features I need. Have to triangulate polygons for the renderer as well.
First stress test with a already triangulated mesh got me around 180 fps (200k tri)
The new renderer won't go down in performance even with insane large uv layouts.
Direct2d was a first test and was not good enough.
uploaded new beta branch directx11 on steam.
there are still some bugs left with zoom to mouse and missing visualisations of certain elements.
those one will be adressed the next days. when im finished with this implementation i will fix the last serious bugs on the backlog (also the one rotation bug that is mentiond by malcolm).
After that i will leave early access and go release state.
That does not mean im done with the tool. will still add new features of course ^^
The new directx11 render viewport gives me also the option the visualize the mesh sooner or later *g*
Hope the new beta branch works as expected. If you find bugs or problems send me a message to support@ipackthat.com
sometimes they introduce new tags or missing tags inside obj format.
some month ago someone got a mesh where nearly all tags are missing inside obj file
i hope not ^^
already got a bunch of bug reports that are going to be fixed. had to finish my tax report this weekend as well. lotsa fun in germany *g*
will do an update the next days with hopefully all fixes for those bugs
Hi Gumroad now allows paypal payments.
and it also takes vat from me whenever I buy something.
Any chance or even an eta when to get the Ipackthat Indie verison outside form steam?
good that gumroad now treats vat correctly. i will add IPackThat to gumroad as soon as i leave early access. If i add it now, i get crazy keeping everything uptodate ^^
Scaling shells will be done later after i leave early access. Still fixing bugs and design flaws regarding the new directx11 viewport.
Additional i improving overlap detection to get better performance with loading.
Andreas stromberg is doing a good job in finding bugs and flaws for me
there are 2 branches that are public. directx11 and direct2d. those branches are not pass protected so yoju can leave the password empty. Just enable them and it will download those branches. the latest up2date one is the directx11 one.
Hey Snoelk, just tried the latest demo problem still persists. Can't disable rotation on selected shells. I'll record a video this weekend to show you the problem. It's been the same problem all along.
Start a pack, stop it, rotate a shell manually, then lock it's rotation, add it to a group and it rotates next time you start a pack.
@hayden No, of you buy it during early access you still own it after @malcolm that would be cool, I was able to reproduce it some way and found a design flaw. But it was the wrong one with such a video I can reproduce it step by step. This bug is one of those where you have to do a chain of actions exactly to produce an error
perfect, will create me some test mesh and reproduce it and debug whats going on.
still wondering why the properties are not disabled. your working on the packed solution and this should be blocked. *sigh*
Cool thanks, ideally I'd like to do iterative packs, where I group, ungroup, lock rotation and then repack and then repeat until everything's grouped together and packed nicely.
Also, side note but ... the checkboxes are acting weird. If I have one thing selected and click a checkbox, it shouldn't cycle through the indeterminate state. It should on or off. Indeterminate is only for when you have multiple things selected and they have different states.
I've been testing IPackThat quite a bit and so far I'm loving it. The DX11 viewport in the version I grabbed today is really slick compared to the old renderer. Do you have any plans in the future for something like bulk floating licenses that would work in a studio production environment?
Snapping contour vertexes of a UV island to lightmap grid. No idea how you'd made that work though. It'd also need to make the light map grid match the selected light map resolution because UE4 crops 1 pixel off each side of the lightmap (so 32x32 becomes 30x30)
@warren will fix that @harbunger mail to license@ipackthat.com for bulk licenses. Those ones can be bought directly from us. Without steam. @zacd on my backlog. Tricky thing that's why I did not started it yet. Want to finalize and fix the important parts first
i think i found the problem with the rotations. to fix this i changed the start packing method.
in a packed solution the properties are no longer blocked. you can alter any propertie or move around the shells.
The important change is when you are start the packing. before i always took the first original solution and using this always to initiate the packing. this is no longer the case.
if you are start the packing now, it will take the current selected solution.
so if you are on the packed solution, it will use this as initial layout to start the packing. that way no more hickups with changed properties or transformations in original and packed solution.
also was able to optimize some methods again. plenty of methods are nearly twice as fast now than before.
I have a crash when I try to close an application and after crash it does not start, only after system restart. When application is running UV window does not show anything.
OS: Windows 8.1 x64
Video: ATI Radeon HD4870 (does not support DX11)
next uand hopefully last update before i leave early access.
If within one week no more bad bugs are reported, the tool will go release
All open feature requests are not gone then. They will be implemented afterwards.
I have a crash when I try to close an application and after crash it does not start, only after system restart. When application is running UV window does not show anything.
OS: Windows 8.1 x64
Video: ATI Radeon HD4870 (does not support DX11)
oops ok will setup the directx cap to directx 10 or lower if possible. will upload a patch today
With the latest update IPackThat crashes every time loading acid_low.obj example file from xNormal 3.18.10. I'm not sure if this was the case before now or not. It also crashes when I click "start packing" after loading diablo_low.obj example file from xNormal, and when loading diablo3_pose.obj example file from xNormal. However, when I import acid_low.obj into Blender and re-export it as .obj IPackThat will happily pack away. I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, but these .obj files shouldn't crash your program.
With the last version the model are not saved properly
UVs are acting like the normal were flipped (bump map are opposite relief)
If i re open it and re-export , it's good ...
Same mesh , first picture directly after I pack that save (view in substance painter): Second picture after re-importing .fbx in 3d's max (face normal are good) and re-export in .fbx : As you can see the bug is only on the "nose" of the shoes , some times it's on all geometry (i think it as something to do with uv scale maybe) what do you think ?
My 3d model has a lot of uv shells (Num Clusters is about 2300).
When I try to pack UVs for it, IPackThat program is floating and there is no any result even in 6 hours "packing".
I do not understand if the process is doing or no. No any changes at viewports, no any result at any time. Besides, I can not stop packing process. all icons are disabled, when I push Start packing button.
and I can stop this process only if I close program.
Is some limitation of Number of clusters ( uv shells) for packing?
and what else can be reason that I can not get result?
next uand hopefully last update before i leave early access.
If within one week no more bad bugs are reported, the tool will go release
All open feature requests are not gone then. They will be implemented afterwards.
My 3d model has a lot of uv shells (Num Clusters is about 2300).
When I try to pack UVs for it, IPackThat program is floating and there is no any result even in 6 hours "packing".
I do not understand if the process is doing or no. No any changes at viewports, no any result at any time. Besides, I can not stop packing process. all icons are disabled, when I push Start packing button.
and I can stop this process only if I close program.
Is some limitation of Number of clusters ( uv shells) for packing?
and what else can be reason that I can not get result?
Tried the new demo today, it works! I can now iteratively pack to get the best clustered solution by adding shells to groups and turning off rotate, thanks.
For shells that I want to rotate, is there a way to only allow them to rotate in 90 degree increments?
Is there a way to import groups directly from the 3D app, it would be great to assign your clusters in Maya via material id. Also some hotkeys for rotate shell would be great like ctrl + arrow keys left/right.
So for this test object I can achieve an 80% used area and group similar shells together.
From my original Maya hand pack I can get 90% used area and group similar shells together.
So 10% loss is totally worth the time it saved me given how many hours I spent on the Maya pack vs the 10min I spent in Ipackthat, nice work. Do you have floating license support or would we need to purchase a license for each artist individually?
I downlaod program demo .when i run the program error apeares?
as warren already told, need some more informations. what you where doing, what is crashing, do you see any error reports? whats your os and system specs
yeahhhhhhhhh, finally ^^. this problem of yours bugged me for months
floating or bulk licenses can be order at license@ipackthat.com. steam free and directly from us. but minimum sold units is 3-5.
group settings can't be exported. those ones are meta data generated inside ipackthat. but i will add split by material or add group by material soon.
you can export group and shell properties with save mesh file comfig and reload them again. but this only works if the mesh has not changed
for 90° you dont have todo much. by default find smallest bounds is enabled. uncheck it and it will use the loaded layout to rotate the shapes with 90° steps.
A way to group clusters based on mat ID. I think it's quicker to assign materials to the low poly vs. selecting clusters.
@malcolm thanks for the test. Now I got a clue what's going on.
Short update on directx11 render engine
Coming along with the new render view. It's written entirely in c++
Currently adding all those features I need. Have to triangulate polygons for the renderer as well.
First stress test with a already triangulated mesh got me around 180 fps (200k tri)
The new renderer won't go down in performance even with insane large uv layouts.
Direct2d was a first test and was not good enough.
nearly done with most parts. i guess i can upload a new beta branch tomorrow.
packing preview and margin preview is missing yet. the rest works better as expected
also got a norwegian translation yesterday from andreas stromberg.
there are still some bugs left with zoom to mouse and missing visualisations of certain elements.
those one will be adressed the next days. when im finished with this implementation i will fix the last serious bugs on the backlog (also the one rotation bug that is mentiond by malcolm).
After that i will leave early access and go release state.
That does not mean im done with the tool. will still add new features of course ^^
The new directx11 render viewport gives me also the option the visualize the mesh sooner or later *g*
Hope the new beta branch works as expected. If you find bugs or problems send me a message to support@ipackthat.com
sometimes they introduce new tags or missing tags inside obj format.
some month ago someone got a mesh where nearly all tags are missing inside obj file
already got a bunch of bug reports that are going to be fixed. had to finish my tax report this weekend as well. lotsa fun in germany *g*
will do an update the next days with hopefully all fixes for those bugs
Hi Gumroad now allows paypal payments.
and it also takes vat from me whenever I buy something.
Any chance or even an eta when to get the Ipackthat Indie verison outside form steam?
Also, how do you access the Beta branch? It is asking for an access code
Scaling shells will be done later after i leave early access. Still fixing bugs and design flaws regarding the new directx11 viewport.
Additional i improving overlap detection to get better performance with loading.
Andreas stromberg is doing a good job in finding bugs and flaws for me
there are 2 branches that are public. directx11 and direct2d. those branches are not pass protected so yoju can leave the password empty. Just enable them and it will download those branches. the latest up2date one is the directx11 one.
the new DirectX11 beta branch is now official. Just uploaded the last internal version to public.
This update contains plenty of bugfixes and improvements
for a complete list of fixed and changes check the internal changelog
if nothig bad is showing up, i will leave early access next week on friday.
ps: uploaded a new demo as well.
@malcolm pls verify if your rotation problem still exist
good weekend to everyone ^^
Start a pack, stop it, rotate a shell manually, then lock it's rotation, add it to a group and it rotates next time you start a pack.
@malcolm that would be cool, I was able to reproduce it some way and found a design flaw. But it was the wrong one
still wondering why the properties are not disabled. your working on the packed solution and this should be blocked. *sigh*
It reads .FBX and supports multiple UV sets. You can also set margin and border margin sizes. What more would you want for a UE4 workflow?
@harbunger mail to license@ipackthat.com for bulk licenses. Those ones can be bought directly from us. Without steam.
@zacd on my backlog. Tricky thing that's why I did not started it yet. Want to finalize and fix the important parts first
i think i found the problem with the rotations. to fix this i changed the start packing method.
in a packed solution the properties are no longer blocked. you can alter any propertie or move around the shells.
The important change is when you are start the packing. before i always took the first original solution and using this always to initiate the packing. this is no longer the case.
if you are start the packing now, it will take the current selected solution.
so if you are on the packed solution, it will use this as initial layout to start the packing. that way no more hickups with changed properties or transformations in original and packed solution.
also was able to optimize some methods again. plenty of methods are nearly twice as fast now than before.
I have a crash when I try to close an application and after crash it does not start, only after system restart. When application is running UV window does not show anything.
OS: Windows 8.1 x64
Video: ATI Radeon HD4870 (does not support DX11)
next uand hopefully last update before i leave early access.
If within one week no more bad bugs are reported, the tool will go release
All open feature requests are not gone then. They will be implemented afterwards.
Bugs and feature requests can be reported to support@ipackthat.com
If you are interested in a bulk license mail, to license@ipackthat.com
here the update list
thanks for all the great feedback
So the minimum supported Hardware should be DirectX 10.0 compatible.
could you check if this version is working now with your hardware ?
UVs are acting like the normal were flipped (bump map are opposite relief)
If i re open it and re-export , it's good ...
- acid_low.obj and diablo3_pose.obj fixed, did not contain any header and the importer did not handle that case
- diablo_low.obj was able to load and pack without any problems. could you send me some details about your hardware and what os you are using?
@benlemThanks for fix. Now it works perfect without any crashes.
Same mesh , first picture directly after I pack that save (view in substance painter):
Second picture after re-importing .fbx in 3d's max (face normal are good) and re-export in .fbx :
As you can see the bug is only on the "nose" of the shoes , some times it's on all geometry (i think it as something to do with uv scale maybe) what do you think ?
My 3d model has a lot of uv shells (Num Clusters is about 2300).
When I try to pack UVs for it, IPackThat program is floating and there is no any result even in 6 hours "packing".
I do not understand if the process is doing or no. No any changes at viewports, no any result at any time. Besides, I can not stop packing process. all icons are disabled, when I push Start packing button.
and I can stop this process only if I close program.
Is some limitation of Number of clusters ( uv shells) for packing?
and what else can be reason that I can not get result?
Maximum Run Count is 3
My computer: Core i7
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770
mhhh will do some tests with fbx.
After it leaves early access will the IPackThat be available on Gumroad?
I`ve sent. Thanks
While I am a steam user it would be nice to not have to open steam every time I want to run this software, thanks!
For shells that I want to rotate, is there a way to only allow them to rotate in 90 degree increments?
Is there a way to import groups directly from the 3D app, it would be great to assign your clusters in Maya via material id. Also some hotkeys for rotate shell would be great like ctrl + arrow keys left/right.
So for this test object I can achieve an 80% used area and group similar shells together.
From my original Maya hand pack I can get 90% used area and group similar shells together.
So 10% loss is totally worth the time it saved me given how many hours I spent on the Maya pack vs the 10min I spent in Ipackthat, nice work. Do you have floating license support or would we need to purchase a license for each artist individually?
Nobody can help you with this sort of question. At the very least, tell us what the error is.
updated bulk license, demo and steam release version