Hello Internet,
i have a very basic question about the general workflow when it comes to low poly game modeling.
If I want a very low poly model ( lets say like the character model in the indie game "transistor") what is the best apporoach for something like this?
Because i see a lot of people only doing there stuff in Zbrush amd then a low poly version via 3Ds max , Maya ...
What would you recommend to me, modeling a low poly Model directly in 3dsMax or first ZBrush an then converting the hole thing? Or even doing the base mesh in Max and then the other stuff in ZBrush?
I guess that´s a very noobie question but i still for some help.
greetings ward_tanci
Roughly box model and extrude what you need. Think polygonal primitives.
Cut and add more edges and faces as necessary.
Focus on silhouette and good topology for deformation.
For the character from Tansistor (if I picked the right game in google) you don't need zBrush at all and most probably it wouldn't be helpful for such a project.
If you know you are not going to need the details from a high poly mesh gained by baking for the low poly, then stick to what Panda wrote and work just in 3d Max or Maya or whatever modelling program you feel most comfortable in or what you have at hands.
For low poly the mesh is a compromise between silhouette/form and performance and what demands you have for the quality (thinking here about deformations here). In other words - first make sure it looks like you want it to, then you remove any triangles that don't help neither form nor functionality - this part depends on what the mesh has to do in your project. If you will never show it up close in your game you might be able to reduce the tris pretty far, but maybe your model has to be shown in cut scenes or for marketing proposes and you want to use renderings for this? In such a case even simple forms should have enough loops to ensure clean deformations.
So the basics are quite simple, there is no magic to that. To make your mesh and workflow perfect for the project at hands is a completely different matter. That's why I am reluctant to give an advice to a proper workflow beyond the absolute basics without knowing what your goals are.
As far as i can say, there wont be a cutscene where a highly detailed model is needed, just like in "transistor" or "bastion" most of the game is 2D besides a few characters and enemys.
I started with box modeling the character in 3Ds Max, hopefully i´ll get this time past the Unwrapping part ;D
But I have to thank both of you, i thought my whole approach was completly wrong.
greetings ward_tanci