Crows Cool Cuttin-thingys and stuff
I'm a 2D animator who dabbles in 3D from time to time, but remain forever a n00b (even though I'm bloody studying it in college).
Really got into Dota 2 a while back, and I finally decided to gut up and course my creative endeavours a bit towards making items (not gonna lie, I'm gonna make whatever I wanna use in-game).
Hope you enjoy my stuff yoWorking on right now:
Latest version
Earlier version
Blazing Coal of Xin (Ember Spirit off-hand)
He's a fire samurai. He needs a proper fire katana (Actually Wakizashi, since it's the smaller, secondary one). With coal. And lava.
Since I'm good at painting, the idea for this was simple geometry, kickass textures. Still working on the kickass tho.
I'm don't know what Imma do for the Primary, but it's gonna be sth among these lines.
It obviously isn't finished, but I reckon a couple more hours of work oughta do it.
This is my first attempt at a Dota 2 Item. If there's anything I should be aware of (aside from stuff like hero requirements, got those down), please let me know.
Suggestions? Corrections? Opinions? Hate? PleasetellmeImsolonely
Needs work mainly on the rock textures, But I'm loving this model waaaaaaaaaay more. Especially since I did a high poly sculpt and baked them maps (I spent like 8 hours trying to figure those out).