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[UE4] Environments WIP

Hi guys,

I've been working on my portfolio for the last 2 months or so.
It's two separate environments. One ancient/ruins style, and the other kinda industrial/sci-fi.
It's still a wip so there are more props to come.
I'd really appreciate any c&c and feedback you could give me.
Thanks and have a good one! :)



  • AlexJWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    Second time I've seen that engine/generator that's in your scene this month. Must be a popular concept.

    Graphically I feel like you could probably put some more geometry in there, it's a bit too low poly, especially second image from the bottom, I can see some sharp edges on the cylinder on the engine, and to the right of it the shape looks quite distorted where that blue ring meets the rest of the floor. The scratches in the blue panel second from bottom also feel very procedural.

    Another thing I feel I should ask is have you put a Sphere Reflection actor and a Lightmass Importance Volume in? They generate some really nice reflections, because at the moment your surfaces feel quite flat and bi UDK 3. The scifi environment reminds me a lot of Unreal Tournament actually.
  • Emanuel_palalic
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    Emanuel_palalic polycounter lvl 6
    I like the lighting in your ruins environment.

    I agree with Alex. I feel that using sphere reflection will help out your piece a lot. I would incorporate more geometry in some of your models, some of them still have some faceting, I would avoid having faceting in models such as the generator since that seems to be such a huge part of your room. Textures have a lot of contrast, and are a bit grainy. Also try telling a story with the scratches in your scene. They kind of feel like they're placed all over the place right now. I always like sneaking some scratches in the roughness map as well, I can't really tell from these screenshots but on top of the big scratches you have in your albedo I would add smaller scratches within the roughness as well. This is a really cool concept. I really like the direction it's heading in right now!

    Also are you baking AO in your albedo? It kind of looks like you are. I would avoid doing that when working with PBR.

    It's looking super cool! Looking forward to seeing more :) I hope this helps
  • nanasba13
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    Hey thanks a lot guys.
    Alex, I made the generator a week ago for the monthly polycount noob challenge with the intention of putting it in my scene.
    I have put in a few ref spheres but the funny thing is that I had my lights on static and just figured out that they don't get baked after building... so there were very few shadows.
    Emanuel, I'm actually not baking AO in my albedo maps.
    Thanks for the comments, the rest I totally agree with. Will try and fix them a bit.

    Already quite a bit better I think.
  • AlexJWhite
    Offline / Send Message
    Already looking much better. Didn't realise the engine/generator/thing was the noob challenge but explains a lot. Another thing I'd recommend is maybe multiplying your ambient occlusion with a constant 3 vector or with itself just to make it a bit more intense.
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