Greeting, I just wanted to let people know that I have
finally uploaded a new version of UVDeluxe to CreativeCrash!
You now have the option that is on by default to automatically detect the texture resolution of what you are working on, It's a huge time saver over having to set it manually. Setting it manually is still good if you don't have a texture assigned yet and want to save a snapshot.

The UV Ratio section contains a new option to sample the ratio of one object and apply it on another (e.g Copy, Paste!). Which when pasted to a whole object will loop through all of the UV shells and apply that ratio.

Finally I included a small tool to temporarily store a selection, and select border edges of shells, but this last feature is not 100% accurate.

Grab it here:
Anyone else have this problem?
That is odd, I have not made any changes to Smart Rotate. Does it happen on all meshes, all Maya scenes? I can't reproduce the error. At first I thought maybe you didn't have any texture assigned, but it acts as if you have a square 256 in that case with Detect Resolution on. I would also like to know if more people get this.
By create a cube with no texture assigned, i reproduce the error. After i uncheck the Detect Resolution, Smart Rotate works fine again. Hope this will help.