i'm having an issue with area lights. it seems to happen almost everytime when i turn a light into an area light. i get this weird checker pattern all over the mesh that flickers and swims all over the mesh. if i capture an image from the viewport it isn't actually there. i had to do a printscreen to get this to show up. check the image out. i seem to have tracked down a few culprits here. it appears to be related to the normal map. if i turn the normal map off, the issue goes away. also, if i uncheck "scale & bias" and then check it back on again, the issue goes away until i move my camera. anyone else experience this? I'm running a GeForce Titan card
added a video to youtube showing the issue
would you mind sending your scene file and the related normalmap over to support@marmoset.co so we can debug it?
Personally, i tried it with the scene as you sent it, as well as setting up new lights... and i've found no way of introducing the issue:
Do you happen to know which driver version you're running? I'm on 340.52.
update: nvidia 344.48 is where it breaks for me, any driver from there on forward seems to be busted. I tested 344.48, 344.60, 344.65 and 344.75 and they all have the same issue. I know there is also an issue with Knald and more recent nvidia drivers as well. with knald, anything before 344.11 seems to be fine, anything newer breaks that too
As a temporary workaround, you could try setting the resolution to half in the render settings. That seems to reduce the effect significantly for me.