Hello everybody
I'm trying to create a set of fps arms for my fps game project, I generated a male model in makehuman and chose a skeleton for it, exported the rigged model to fbx then imported it into maya 2014, removed all the geometry and the bones that I don't need, centered the pivot around my new model, moved it all to origin, created set driven keys for the fingers and now the only thing left for me to do is create ik handles for the arms,

I create an ik handle between these two joints...

But the problem is that every time I do this my arms snap to this position...

and they don't move realistically at all the just rotate around the parent joint stiffly, they don't even bend...
I tried messing around with "set preferred angle" but it gave me more or less the same result.
any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

But the second image, looks like you are doing the IKhandle between the clavicle and the wrist bone, should be from the shoulder bone to the wrist bone.
Be sure to have your shoulder bone, elbow bone and wrist bone to the same orientation(same axis rotation), so when you apply the IKhandle, your arm won't shift.
As I said it's Been a pain, but it's worth it, I guess the bright side is that now I know to always reset my transforms... lesson learned