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Current "normal" polycounts & texture sizes

polycounter lvl 11
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Dethling polycounter lvl 11
I working on my portfolio at the moment and I'm not really sure for what vert-count & texture size I should aim.

At the moment I working on a small weapon laboratory scene in UE4 (like the ones in Deus EX: HR).
The goal is to create a small FPS enviroment (one room so far, ~ 8x8 meter in real) with some interactive elements like light, lockers, robot arms and shooting range.
So far I mostly did low-poly work and don't really have a clue about the vert & texture limitations.

Because of this I want to ask if someone can give me some numbers I should aim for (I know it's difficult as of the difficult items), but maybe someone has some reference numbers (e.g. for a FPS rifle etc.) or some other tips how to determinate this numbers.

Every help is welcome :D


  • AdvisableRobin
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    AdvisableRobin polycounter lvl 10
    Really depends on what style you are going for. If you want to make something on the realistic side then don't worry too much about polycounts. I believe I read that for Second Son they would render something like 3 million polygons for the Environment chunks.

    For portfolio work you aren't so much as trying to show technical prowess as you are trying to amaze recruiters. My suggestion, use as much geometry as you want. Don't be wasteful with it, but really push the silhouette of each object and maximize the polycounts of objects.

    As for textures it really depends how closely you'll be viewing the object. Ultimately you need to choose the texture resolution that looks the best for each object. If you can visibly see aliasing then you need a larger texture.

    Remember, you are trying to wow people and people don't generally get wow'd by technical achievements as much as they will get amazed by something that is pretty.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Search, people ask this every few weeks, and their is no answer it is all based on how the game is built and what platform its for.
  • kurt_hectic
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    kurt_hectic polycounter lvl 13
    Chose a game and try to use http://www.deep-shadows.com/hax/3DRipperDX.htm to take out some meshes and textures from it. Good way to answer to your question which is a bit too broad\general.
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Use enough geometry to get a good result without wasting it.

    Being able to hit a particular polygon count doesn't help you, people post models here all the time that are within reasonable polygon budgets but when they reveal their wireframes their topology is horribly wasteful.

    What helps is showing you can model efficiently and with good judgement. Every vert and edge you put into your mesh should be serving a purpose and your distribution of details should be intelligently placed. As long as you can do that, you're good.
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